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Über das Spiel

With World War III nearing its demise, Earth only just begins to catch its breath when it is threatened by yet another menace. Unlike the preposterous mullets of its inhabitants however, this one’s invisible – a parasitic organism capable of making hosts of unsuspecting human beings, consuming what’s left of their souls and wreaking unfathomable havoc.
And it’s spreading. With a vengeance.
Martial laws have been declared to make way for a global hunt, battle-hardened law enforcers have made allies of the most degenerate of criminals, while the rest of the world is paralysed with paranoia; yet who can be trusted? Who can see it, let alone destroy it? That’s for them to worry about. For you are the enemy.
You are the organism with a mission. You are… HyperParasite.
Relentless top-down, shoot ‘em up action!
Being able to snatch the bodies of nearly every weapon-wielding homosapien you encounter ensures bullet hell almost never ceases.
Intelligent zapping!
A happy trigger-finger alone won’t suffice; multiple character classes, host-specific abilities and a skill-based progression system means you’ll be working to one-up the human race even without bullets.
Extreme level re-playability
Procedurally generated levels, multiple game-play objectives, grueling waves of enemies and deranged bosses, all while the possibility of perma-death looms; prepare to die. A lot.
…perpetuated by a unique 3D-pixelated art style, absurdly bright neons, obnoxious styling and robotic synthesizer sounds. It’s the roaring 80’s alright, with a dash of dystopia.
- CPU: Intel Core i5-760 (4 * 2800) or equivalent / AMD Athlon II X4 645 AM3 (4 * 3100) or equivalent
- GFX: GeForce GTX 460 (1024 MB) / Radeon HD 6850 (1024 MB)
- Software: Windows 7/8.1/10 x64
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K (4 * 3400) or equivalent / AMD FX-6350 (6 * 3900) or equivalent
- GFX: GeForce GTX 660 (2048 MB) / Radeon HD 7970 (3072 MB)
- Software: Windows 7/8.1/10 x64
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 21:23
Ich habe es heute gekauft und ich merke schon, dass es wird mein Zeit echt fressen XD. Das Spiel ist nicht einfach und man muss wirklich ein Hardcore Gamer sein, um das geniessen zu koennen. Plus, je mehr man spielt desto besser fuer Gameplay: mehr Upgrades, mehr Figuren, mehr Skills.
Meine Bewertung: 10/10
854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.19 15:55
Konnte es auf der Gamescom 2019 spielen, und es hat mir immensen Spass gemacht. Bin über 3 Tage immer wieder beim Stand der Entwickler hängen geblieben :)
Super Fun, Action sowie schönes Design und tolles Gameplay.
Für Pixelart- und Twin-stick-shooter-Fans ein absolutes Muss.
Ganz klare Kaufempfehlung > Genre: 10/10
Bitte mehr solcher Spiele!!!
Nicht Empfohlen
808 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 20:14
???? Overview ????
An isometric Roguelite that masters the mechanics of a twin stick shooter and its interesting premise, but uses them in frustrating ways. There is also not enough content to make it enjoyable and replayable, there aren’t any interesting combos that can cause the game to go crazy and change, and there isn’t any real customization to speak of in terms of skills or upgrades.
???? Overall ????
???? Pros ????
Unique premise
???? Cons ????
Repetitive gameplay
Disappointing upgrades
Frustrating difficulty curve
Score is at the bottom of the review, while you are down there, leave a like if you enjoyed the read!
Game Breakdown
???? Gameplay ????
To be an alien parasite
Being an alien parasite that can take over human minds to enslave them to its will isn’t easy. For one, an alien parasite’s body is made of gelatinous goo that explodes with the slightest poke, let alone a baseball bat strike or a bullet, but that is why the fleshy meat sacks are so important. Hyper Parasite puts the player in such a situation where they must pilot this odd creature in an isometric twin-stick shooter which has strong and interesting mechanics but fails at my three Cs of a good Roguelite. I include in this review what must be included for it to be set alongside the hall of fame greats.
Bodies & Difficulty Spike
As previously mentioned, the parasite itself is very weak, which is why the main mechanic focuses on taking over bodies which each have their own individual health-pools, normal attack, and special ability. Starting out, the player is only able to possess a few enemies but when killing the ones yet unlocked, there is a chance their brain can be obtained and stored in a lab adjacent to the shop. Money can then be invested in unlocking their DNA so that they can be possessed, opening up new possibilities in terms of abilities. This implementation does cause some issues when moving on to the next level, of which there are five, when it turns out that all of the bodies for the next level are locked behind the brains that have only a chance of dropping. This causes an intense difficulty spike which ends up being extremely frustrating. The reason for this is that by the time the player is able to reliably get to the next level, they will have unlocked almost all of the characters from the previous level, making the latter extremely easy because every time the player’s host body dies, the game spawns another one which ends up making it nearly impossible to fail. To then be hit by everything to be locked again feels like an unwelcome surprise.
Another disappointment arrives in the form of upgrades. They can be bought at the shop or rarely dropped by killed enemies. These upgrades come in three different categories such as single use items like a sentry turret, damage over time, or a stat up. The single use items are rather costly and not especially helpful as they take away from the main currency of unlocking bodies which makes them feel useless and ultimately, in most cases where the player buys them, detrimental. Damage over time upgrades can be helpful, especially when there aren’t a lot of stat ups in a run, but as, upgrades they ultimately leave a lot to be desired since they are only useful in the early game. Finally, the most important upgrade to talk about would be the stat ups. They come in three flavors: extra life, more damage, and more defense. The only one I found to be useful would be the damage up as by the time the player has started to master a level, the game is throwing so many enemies – also known as free lives – at the player that they don’t have to care about anything defensive at all. It certainly won’t help a player going to a new level, as it will only end up prolonging the inevitable death. Damage is also the most important stat to have, as if the player doesn’t take attack constantly, most bodies that aren’t heavy hitters start to deal menial amounts of damage that will end up requiring the player to sit around circling a normal enemy for a whole minute, which is neither satisfying nor rewarding.
What are my roguelite three Cs
I now get to the three Cs of a good Roguelite, and as someone who has found that rougelites are their favorite genre of game I can say that I think these three things are what establish a masterful and top tier roguelite game, whether that be through a mix or mastery of a single C.
The first C is content, the it is the backbone of most roguelites as they are procedurally generated. Hyper Parasite is quite lacking in this department and I did get tired of constantly seeing the same bodies and the same rooms which made it feel repetitive. I got tired of playing the same level to unlock things to get to the next, as every run felt almost entirely the same. This is contrasted by a rougelite master of content “Enter the Gungeon” which has so many guns that there is always something new to look forward to in the next run.
Combos are important and can often change the game around in new and exciting ways. Currently there aren’t any real combos in the game so everything feels very static. The bodies inhabited never change, and neither do their stats or abilities. One way I would have loved to see the game enhance to main mechanic of taking over bodies would have been if they could be fused in the lab to get a new body. One such example could be the gang guy who throws a chain and the hobo who performs a light melee attack. Fuse them together and you have the gang hobo who pushes their cart forward with chains attached to it and then it comes back to them and the distance is based upon how long the player charged the attack. Sadly, once the player sees a particular body, they know exactly what to expect which adds to the repetitive nature of the game. A rougelite great for this would be the Binding of Isaac, also a personal favorite of mine.
This focuses on skill trees and making a run unique. It would have been fun to potentially unlock characters to take over every time but make them much cheaper and have skill trees that allowed some enemy bodies to do better than others. This might alleviate the issue of any body being good every run. The king of this style would be Tales of Maj’Eyal or ADOM.
???? Story ????
The story is simple and only really explains why the events of the game is occurring, which is normal for a rougelite.
???? Sound ????
The sound design is all right but once again repetitive. The one aspect of the sound design I did enjoy however is the announcer. His boisterous and excited pronouncements at the amount of slaughter and carnage on the screen help to make it feel more interesting and provides a sense of power in the player’s actions.
???? Graphics ????
The graphics are good, as every unique body is pretty easily distinguishable which helps to know what their power is from the start.
⌨ Controls ⌨
The game controls best on a controller.
⚙ Performance & Bugs ⚙
Specs | |
Cpu: | AMD FX-8350 | [/tr]
GPU: | GTX 1080 | [/tr]
RAM: | 16 GB | [/tr]
HDD: | 7200RPM 2 TB | [/tr]
Easy to Alt-Tab: Yes
No real bugs to speak of.
???? Final Rating: 4.5 ????
Nicht Empfohlen
948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 19:26
First Impressions
I was completely unaware of HyperParasite's (HP) existence, until the developer contacted Save or Quit about reviewing the game, with a statement that it'd be well-suited for, “Someone who eats Enter the Gungeon and Binding of Isaac for breakfast.” Intrigued, I checked out the store page, saw that it had a respectable number of reviews and overall rating, and decided I'd throw down on that sort of challenge. Especially since I've not actually played those two games that had been referenced. I'm skipping breakfast and taking this game to lunch.
HP is a twin stick shooter, rogue lite, with you controlling a fairly weak parasite. It can kill enemies, but being hit takes away one of your lives, and you start each run with only 1. At the earliest possibility, you'll want to inhabit a suitable host, since if the host dies, it doesn't impact the parasite. Plus, their attack power is significantly stronger. In spite of being able to find upgrades and skills during runs, there are no permanent stat increases, as each run has you start in a random body. In this review, I'll only address how HP plays in 80's Mode, as that's the default mode to play in.
So, how do you get stronger? By being a good parasite, of course. At first, you're surrounded by enemies that are useless to you, because they have a padlock icon over them indicating you can't possess them. What you'll want to find are red ringed enemies, that you can never possess. However, if it's not a host you've already unlocked, killing it produces a brain, which you take to the shop and unlock with money. From then on, you can possess that enemy as often as you want. Unlocked bodies only pertain to each individual zone, of which there are 5, with each new location forcing you to start from scratch.
It's possible to play this game with the keyboard, but I found it worked quite well with a controller. Movement is controlled with the 'L joystick' while aiming is done with the 'R joystick.' Interacting with objects is done by tapping or holding down the 'A button,' while 'B' backs out of menus. Holding down 'X' self-destructs your current host, and 'Y' activates green items. The 'R trigger' is your attack button, and 'R bumper' reloads firearms. 'L trigger' activates your special attack, while 'L bumper' is your dodge roll. 'Select' brings up your map, from which you can teleport to rooms, and 'Start' brings up the menu.
At the start of HP, an opening cutscene plays out, with the POTUS warning people about an alien parasite stealing bodies. Your goal is to take possession of the POTUS and launch the nuclear arsenal to wipe out all human life. With intelligence agencies determining your goal but not your location, everyone has been ordered to eliminate you, though I don't know how they recognize you while inside a host. Plus, whenever someone would determine where you are, why not call in a nuclear strike on that area? Because there wouldn't be a game, of course!
The game's graphics don't scream 80's to me the way others say. The various host bodies are certainly references to media from that time, but the visuals otherwise make me think of games made within the last few years. HP isn't a pixelated game, and there are details present in each environment, such as the litter, trash fires, and neon signs in the Downtown area. However, I don't care much for the graphics, as it has a washed out look because the edges don't look crisp but somewhat blurred, and the backgrounds are quite random with their colors.
Sound Design
I find the title theme unpleasant, as it has a strange pitch to it. Otherwise, I think the music is reasonably good in HP. When you're exploring stages without enemies around, the game plays a calmer track. However, when you're locked in combat, it speeds up and plays a more aggressive song. The music does change for each zone, but I don't recall there being a variety of songs in each area. HP would benefit from more versatility in the music selection, especially with how much you replay the same spots.
???? I like the variety of enemies in the game, including some of the creative weaponry. For instance, the basketball player who throws basketballs, or the ex-FBI agent who shoots a paperclip gun.
???? There are currently 2 game modes available, with plans to release other modes in future updates. Plus, the game has local coop.
❌ Some details aren't explained very well in HP. For instance, what luck has an effect on, which order you need to navigate alternative routes in, how you're supposed to get past barriers like the garbage dumpster or the void, etc.
❌ Since all money is lost when you fail a run, and buying host bodies is the only way to cause a permanent effect, it's very easy to make a decent run, but make no progress whatsoever from it.
❌ RNG plays a big role in your runs: whether you'll have access to the shop at a convenient time, the quality of skills available, and how much money you get since its luck-dependent.
???? Though you will be outgunned and in tough situations, enemies are easy to manipulate. If you get out of their line of sight by taking cover, they'll pause before rushing toward you, which is a great opportunity to turn the corner and blast them.
???? Putting bodies into storage allows you to access them from any other Wito shop within the same run. So, if you've not unlocked a host body in the 3rd area, you can have spare bodies waiting for you once you get there.
???? There are consistent items in each main area: Wito's shop, at least 3 upgrades, 1 secret item, 1 mini-boss, and 1 elite enemy.
Final Thoughts
At first, when I saw less hosts in upcoming zones, I was somewhat disappointed. However, as I put more than a dozen hours into HP, I was exasperated by how many remained. The unique gameplay of HP in turn creates a unique downside. Since the trade-off you make for not having permanent stat upgrades is access to an endless pool of spare bodies to inhabit, the start of each run starts playing the same way each time, as a boring routine. Although the overwhelming advantage shifting to your favor is fun at first, when you have to kill every enemy to clear rooms and get to the next zone, it gets old quick. Especially since you have to make each run count by finding all the upgrades and skills that you can, because you need them to make progress in the later areas where you don't have several hosts already unlocked.
This is what made me give up on going further with HP. Not because it was too hard, but because investing so much time just to put a few drops in the bucket in later areas was so unrewarding and frustrating. By the time I quit, I was able to consistently clear the first 3 bosses, and had taken down the 4th boss on my first attempt fighting it. Without a way to shave off some of this needless repetition, I've no interest in playing this further, and don't recommend it in its current state.
6890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 10:14
Quite possibly the best modern rogue-lite on steam
Hyperparasite's formula for designing a richly crafted love letter to the 80s certainly doesn't go unnoticed. The entire game itself is filled with cheeky references to 80s pop culture. From the outset, the combat & gameplay loop is what you should expect from a well designed twin stick rogue-lite; tight, fluid controls, procedurally generated level pathways & randomized upgrades that are never the same during your next play thorough. Permadeath is a factor that shouldn't put you off as the gameplay loop is designed to keep you replaying the core concept until you completely finish it. From start to finish the complete experience should take you around 2-3 hours, providing you have all the sub-levels unlocked. Which i might add are fully accessible in the wrong millennium update.
Compared to RAD's (another modern roguelite) clunky combat & bland procedural generation, hyperparasite is head & shoulders above it's competition. If you are a fan of well designed rogue titles, then this one is an absolute gem.
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 17:01
HyperParasite is a really good indie rogue-lite, IMO it's very, very underated and needs more attention !
Nice retro graphics, good gameplay loop and sexy synthwave soundtrack.
The game deliver great procedurally generated levels, tons of upgrades and many different characters to unlock.
Exterminate humanity become the HyperParasite !
My only complaint is that the game is locked at 60fps while the devs stated they will provide an update to unlock the framerate.
Still waiting for that update before i play more.
Rating 7/10
262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 07:48
Plus, it will provide you with the familiar feel of the atmosphere from the 80s with many correlational characters and scenes from this specific time, but you may expect high difficulty and some randomness material from the game that makes me personally feel a bit uncomfortable when playing.
Nicht Empfohlen
1904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 19:49
Fix your shit. I regret purchasing this, what's the point of playing if the game crashes and then you reboot it and lost all your gold/possessed dude and start at the beginning again? No checkpoints or nothing.
2178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 18:53
The gunplay is varied since you are constantly switching bodies, from melee characters that jump around to a shotgun to some massive boomerang, it's always about making the best of what you get.
815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 08:06
Read my full review (spanish) on: @DeVuego
512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 12:05
32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 20:14
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 14:41
Take control of random people and then kill everything.
Bright and colorful, straight out of the 80s, Hyper Parasite is a blessing.
Buy it!
634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 12:41
I noted music (track of the first location actually) and good visual style.
The game revealed itself after i beat first boss (which is actually not so spectacular from point of experience and gameplay) but then you got access to new areas with a new style and challenges.
Suddenly the game gains its true colors and shine - fun, variable and challenging, as a good roguelike should be.
I find that on these levels game prepared brand new host bodies (playable characters) as well as enemies.
And even on first locations it can surprise you with new interesting events, just give it a shot.
As for core mechanics - all good, moving, shooting and using skills feels just right and well designed.
Ye, there are weaknesses, as confusing tutorial, very small icons and fonts, unclear power-ups. But all these trivia.
Technical part is good, i didnt faced any bug or glitch.
All in all it is a good game and most importantly it is fun and aesthetically attractive
Nicht Empfohlen
3657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.20 13:03
Game crashes like nobodys business, i'm done with this game until it gets some content and fixes the ridiculous crashes
1117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 13:44
You are an alien parasite chased by the humans and you have only 1 HP!
One hit, you die and repeat: it doesn't get more rogue than this.
So you can absorb your enemies, use their abilities and weapons to unlock all of them run after run.
There are many references to the 80s: characters, neons, appearance and soundtrack.
Strongly recommended, also in co-op.
1764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.19 17:53
The enemies are awesome as well and as you encounter new ones often time you think wow I really want to be able to control that guy, especially with the bosses so you better goal oriented grinding.
Since it is early access there still are some bugs that can be annoying but never really seem to take away my enjoyment of the game at least. I got the game pretty early on and as each subsequent update is released the game just gets better and better.
9475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.19 17:52
It can be HARD at the beginning, but believe me, give it some time and you will unlock new stuff, characters, weapons, etc., and it will be amazing. Every run feels different, it's incredible how much stuff there's to it. You won't regret it.
Boss battles are really crazy, I've rarely seen something like this in similar games. Also, local co-op is just plain fun (I hope more games implement local co-op, it's something devs should always consider!).
I will surely buy a console version too when it comes out (I can see it particularly suitable to the Nintendo Switch platform).
Overall this game has a great potential to become a cult/classic, can't wait for it to be completed and out of EA!
1451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.19 10:41
Just cleared all content and can't wait for act 4. What an amazing game!
Some suggestions:
- please fix the mouse cursor for the urban warrior, it's my favorite character :'C
- killing a boss in 3 hits with almost no points in damage on an expensive host feels a bit broken
- parasite lives feel kinda useless, since you do no damage anyway (maybe include parasite damage / needles)
- you feel punished for getting an even amount of needles, since it's way harder to aim (at least with a mouse)
- some enemies (and bosses) are very easy to kite even without rolling, which trivializes the content too much
- off-screen enemies cancel their abilities, which is highly abusable
PS: thanks for the 21:9 support (o・_・)ノ”(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.19 15:42
The thing is with HyperParasite is that it's incredibly deceptive. On the surface, the fiendishly simple visuals are something akin to games of the PS1 or Dreamcast (Yes, I know - it's intentional). But then the tentacles grab you by the short and curlies and you're hooked.
The incredible retro OST, the incredibly sharp controls and the excellent cast of characters that you can take control of and battle enemies is mindblowing and as it progresses through development, the roster is only going to increase and the game get better and better.
Boss encounters are varied and a lot of fun and the difficulty is something that makes you feel that you're actually achieving something when you clear a room. I can't wait to see what the Troglogbytes team comes up with as the game progresses through development.
I absolutely recommend this game. It's slick, fun and addictive to the core. Prepare to die... a lot... but you'll have a lot of fun along the way.
137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.19 20:12
For improvements I would love to see more money drop so you have a chance to try the shop items, an increase in drop rate for the enemy brain drops so you can unlock them more often, 2-3 music tracks for each zone so that the music never gets repetitive, and at least 1 character type unlocked when you enter a new zone so you have a chance to survive when you lose your prior zone host.
I think all of these improvements would help make the game flow better and allow players to progress at a reasonable pace while still getting to experience all of the fun and unique content.
251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.19 09:55
First of all, the game is thousand times more polished that what i do usually expect from EA games. I died like 20 times before the tutorial was over, but that is only pushing me to play more.
The devs at the booth were awesome and friendly, it's refreshing to meet people that funnel such a passion in their work. I am gonna play a lot more before adding more technicalities to this review, but already know, in less than 2 hours, the amount of 80s refs to stuff I grew up with gave me glorious goosebumps. At some point I will also stop dying this much, i guess.
Really cool game, very glad i bought it, and freaking glad I am playing it.
[Edit - 1st of September] Since the review I doubled my playing time, the game grew with weekly updates that kept it alive and show the devs real dedication, i died countless times, and i finally managed to beat the hell out of Rocco Marcellino. Ah, and I met the devs again in Gamescom and they are still cool. Bigger thumps up than before. This is what an early access should be.
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