Another HyperParasite update has arrived, and we have plenty more juicy fixes for you all to sink your tentacles into. Not only that, but there’s a whole new room to explore!
So, let’s get down to it and show you what’s been happening with the latest update.

NEW IN 0.1907.1
- Added a brand new Deserts room: the Quicksands Room
FIXED IN 0.1907.1
- Fixed a crash involving the Pyromaniac’s death
- Fixed a bug involving Tutorial’s last step
- Fixed a crash involving Geisha’s special attack
- Fixed a crash involving the Ninja
- Fixed a crash involving Miniboss classes’ deaths and possessions
- Fixed a crash involving the Mad Scientist
- Fixed a crash involving Streetwalker’s special attack
- Fixed a crash involving the Off-Duty Detective’s special attack
- Fixed the Adventureer’s primary attack
Complete Desert level with new themed rooms, traps, secrets…

We’ll be streaming here on Steam tomorrow night (Saturday the 20th of July) at 8pm BST, so stick around for that. Also make sure to head on over to Mixer, where we’ll also be broadcasting content in the future through the Hound Picked channel there.
If you’re a streamer yourself please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us here hyperparasite@houndpicked.com

As always, we want you to keep ahead of the news here at HyperParasite, so be sure to follow us across all our social-media platforms:
There’s also another delve into the special moves that make-up the first act over on IMGUR so be sure to head on over and check that out.
Also come and hang with us on Discord as we'll be there chatting about all things eighties and HyperParasite, with news to keep you ahead of the curve.
Thanks guys!