We've been working hard over the last couple of months to squash bugs and fine-tune some values here and here, we really do hope you'll find the HyperParasite experience even smoother than before!

Steam Winter Sale

Starting from yesterday (19th), HyperParasite will be 15% off for the Steam Winter Sales, through to Jan. 2nd
Remember that we're aiming for an Early 2020 final release, so now it's the perfect time to get HyperParasite at this lower price.

Domo arigatou, Parasite-sama
Along with all other languages that we've added in the past updates, now HyperParasite speaks Japanese and Chinese. We're pretty sure that players from these two countries will enjoy the game in their native language. Please let us know if you spot any typos or inconsistencies!

- Fixed the exploding behavior of Death From Above’s bombs
- Fixed particles of Sewers’ poison traps
- Fixed killed enemies counting mechanic
- Fixed DoT items and skills’ combination
- Fixed minions’ spawning in Truck Driver’s and Clerk Guy’s rooms
- Fixed key bindings’ mechanic
- Fixed secret rooms’ behavior
- Fixed a crash involving ranged attacks
- Fixed a crash involving flux attacks (i.e. Ghost Hunter’s primary attack)
- Fixed a crash involving the Mad Scientist’s room
- Fixed Level Gates’ behavior
- Fixed GUI’s behavior in Co-Op mode

We had a blast showcasing HyperParasite at NiceOne Barcelona, a big gaming event that took place in our hometown.

We were thrilled when players of all ages took a shot at our relentless twin-stick shooter/brawler and had lots of fun.

This was the last event for 2019, we hope to be able to bring HyperParasite to other big events in 2020, so stay tuned to see if the Parasite will infect a city near you!

Are you following us on social media? If not, don’t forget you can find the HyperParasite invading host bodies on…
Make sure you get this looked at over on Discord, and become a part of the outbreak on the ground floor.