Patch is available, bringing several quality-of-life improvements and fixes for issues we missed in the previous update.
We are continually working to enhance the game and implement feedback, your support is extremely important as we have limited resources and just a pair of hands.
We’ve introduced a new Beta branch where upcoming patches are available before being released to the Default branch.
We aim to release new Hotfixes every ~ 5-7 days and a little longer for additional maps and content.
While there are still many issues and player requests to address (nearly 200), we’re committed to resolving them, and delivering a game everyone will enjoy.
Quality of Life:
- [QOL] Destroyed palisade segments can be repaired
- [QOL] Disable Buildings Auto Attack on neutral stance
- [Bug] Change attack priority when attacking units/buildings
- [Bug] Fix for intractable capturing interruption by other teams
- [Bug] Fix for season display in custom games with custom initial value
- [Bug] Fix for units getting stuck after Takedown
- [Bug] Fix for merchant German localization
- [Bug] Fix for Custom Game panel text overlap
- [Bug] Fix for loading issues on Procedural MP maps
- [Bug] Fix for player avatar loading in MP games
- [Bug] Fix for Enemy AI Scouts duplication on load MP game
- [Bug] Fix for season duration scale in MP games
- [Bug] Fix for marketplace Send Resources panel
- [Bug] Fix for Elite Axeman perk not working properly
- [Bug] Fix for palisades construction health visible after load
- [Bug] Fix for TAB button bind not working properly
- [Bug] Fix for AI on campaign “Rebellion” being too aggressive
- [Bug] Minor fixes for campaign “Song Of the Black Swans”
Known issues:
- Fog in MP Load is not saved on client
- Random Crash in the final cinematic in the "Of the reckonings" mission
- Palisade sometimes can’t be placed on procedural maps (still looking for the issue)
Paranoid Interactive