The game is now out of Early Access and we're very happy to see so many of you enjoying our vision. Our small, indie team has strived to deliver the best experience in the timeframe we declared to keep. We are very sorry to see that the full launch of Frozenheim brought about more issues than we could have expected

We are taking notes, looking at your feedback, and tracking bugs to eliminate. Today marks the release of the first post-launch update aiming to bring further polish to the game and bring it to the state you expected and we strive for.
Changelog v.
New feature:
- Add indicator for hunting areas
Bug fixes:
- Fix for multiple crashes in multiplayer
- Fix for waves not spawning in some cases on island maps
- Improvements for sound ranges
- Fix for odin's blessing not working properly in some cases
- Fix tech tree costs after use of Odin’s Blessing
- Fix for runestone count display issues
- Fix for combat abilities on leaving boat
- Fixes for deer outline on clients in MP
- Fixes for loading multiplayer games
- Fix for hero shortcut not working properly in MP
- Fix for loading trees in multiplayer game save
- Life bars status visible on unit no longer shows different value than one on the unit portrait
- Fixed word wrap and letters occasionally being cut in the multiplayer chat
- Fixed an optional neutral quest where bandits would not try to destroy a target village
- Various fixes for text in different languages
- Minor tweaks to new and older maps which should help with units pathfinding
- Players no longer are able to be placed on the water in Procedural Maps
- Fixed issue with Victory Hall during Multiplayer games
- Voice overs will no longer play after leaving campaign mission
- The cursor is now correctly updated upon game launch
- Fixed Valhalla achievement
- AI now add random upgrades for AI Heroes when they gain level
- Smoke from Bloomery & Hunters Hut is no longer visible via fog of war
- Large and Very Large Procedural Maps will now spawn players in their target spots in Multiplayer
- Minor fixes for Wolf (Sigrid) campaign
- Minor fixes for Bear (Thorstein) campaign
- Minor fixes for few cinematics
- Fix for some deposits being underground or impossible to gather on some maps
- Fixed levitating buildings in mission 'Revival'
- Fixed rocks placement on the cliff in mission 'The Main Land'
Balance changes:
- hanged balance of campaign “Rebelion”
Known issue
- Players loading in different order to MP hosted from save can cause misplaced Jarl's Homestead for some players

We're continue our work on fixing the issues and improving your experience with Frozenheim. We are very grateful for your support and feedback, and we ale deeply sorry for the trouble many of you experienced in the transition between Early Access and full release.
Our saga continues!
Yours truly,