Hear the howling of the wolves, the Saga of Sigrid, hero of the Wolf Clan is now playable in Frozenheim. This is yet another content update in our steady march towards the game's full release in June. Take a look what we've got for you!
Following your feedback to the previous Kairve Saga, we've put our focus into gameplay improvements, bug fixes, and fine polish that have arrived in the form of three hotfixes. Today's update, however, focuses mainly on delivering you yet another piece of the northland story. But before we go into specifics, we have a...
Special offer
If you like strategy, chances are you also like tactics. If you enjoy modern RTS games, you may get a kick out of discovering traditional roguelikes. If you love ordering around broad-shouldered Vikings, you may also like to control every careful step of a bad-ass space-marine. Yeah... I've got nothing. It's a low-fantasy RTS bundled with a horror/Sci-Fi roguelike. Because after all, why wouldn't you want to try something different?
Jupiter Hell is a turn-based shooter from the depths of cosmic hell, built on a classic roguelike framework updated with modern 3d graphics. Rip and tear zombies, demons, and heavy metal monstrosities with chainguns and chainsaws. Like chess... with shotguns!
If you already own one, you can get the other at an extra 10% discount (on top of any other discounts that might be active at the time). Enjoy!
...and now, back to our regular programming.
Full 0.8.0. Changelog:
New features:
- Added the four-episode single-player Sigrid Campaign

Enhancements and bugfixes:
- Fixed issues with fisherman quest text
- Fixed minimap player view display
- Fixes for acquired units in campaign “One eyed old man”
- Retain rotation of last placed building
- Fixed shared visibility of watchtowers
- Fixed issues with intractable widgets
- Fixed issues with training hall units in MP
- Fixed popping in cinematics
Balance changes:
- Improved general balance of the “Revival” campaign
The Road Map
Today's update is another step on the Early Access road map detailing the upcoming development milestones in the final months before the full release. Please stay in touch by clicking that 'follow' button on the game's page, to stay in the loop for future updates.

That is it for this today's update. See you soon, and may Odin bless you!
Yours truly,