The primary changes in this patch include the addition of lore books for things like crafting recipes and journal entries, constructible palisades, part of an ongoing overhaul of crafting and loot, and a new dungeon (kobold mines) linked into the sandbox Haven map.
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Experimental Build:
What's new?
Player: UI: Added Lore books (e.g. journals, crafting recipes)
Player: Heroes: Added mass heal ability to Willow
Player: Heroes: Updated Olga’s mesh to address her pea head
Player: Heroes: Updated Olga’s ability effects
Player: Heroes: Updated Fenrin’s AI
Player: Bosses: Chow: Updated AI, abilities and animations
Player: Bosses: Rekkar: Some basic configuration
Player: Buildings: Added placeable palisade under military construction options
Player: Buildings: Blacksmith: Research has been consolidated into fewer options
Player: Buildings: Blacksmith: Conversion recipe added for producing steel ingots
Player: Buildings: Woodcutter’s Hut: Conversion recipe added for producing charcoal
Player: Buildings: All: Crafting: The recipe and queue items now show full tooltip info
Player: Crafting: Recipe costs have been overhauled
Bug Fixes
Fix: Well handle was showing above the ground when first placing the building
Fix: Potential fix for jittery debris
Fix: Locked crafting recipes that appeared in red never turned white when related research was completed
Fix: Fixed alignment issue with gold in marketplace dialog
Fix: Editor: Inspector: Character spawn point inspector minimum height wasn’t being set correctly making it hard to access at the bottom of the scroll list
Fix: Black fade between cutscenes had a glitch in the bottom right corner
Map Changes
Maps: Campaign: Added Kenny’s Journal and Crafting Recipe
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added book
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added Gideon’s Grandmother’s Ring Side Quest
Maps: Campaign: Desecrated Cathedral: Added Mordrich’s Journal
Maps: Sandbox: Haven: Added Kobold Mine dungeon
Maps: Sandbox: Cold Peak: Fixed some overlapping terrain geometry causing problems with new palisade system
All spider dens in sandbox and campaign village maps have been level capped at 5. No more OP spiders!
Campaign: Shirebrook: Rabbits are now capped at level 1
Important/Breaking Changes
If level designers have used any of the individual Blacksmith research items, you should update maps to use Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Shield Making and Prospecting only. In time we will be removing the deprecated research options such as Axes, Crossbows etc.
For Level Designers
Editor: Wave Spawners, Spider Dens, Spawn Points: Added max level cap field
Editor: The old lights have been deprecated and replaced with a single configurable light
Editor: The old light planes have been deprecated and replaced with a single configurable plane
Editor: Workbench: Added optional automatic sparkles to WorkPointTriggerCustom
Editor: Workbench: Made WorkPointTriggerCustom work with more objects including skeletons
Editor: Workbench: Added LootCreateRecipe node
Editor: Workbench: Added Lore node
Editor: Workbench: Added PartyExperienceAdd node
Editor: Workbench: Added WireConnector node
Editor: Workbench: Added validated single line input for LootCreateItem node customName field
Editor: Workbench: CharacterExperienceAdd now adds a +10 XP notification above characters
Editor: Workbench: Added stun and knockdown item suffix abilities
Editor: Workbench: Added activationAnimation field to InstantiateCharacterAt node
Loot: Added Armor_Helmet_Plate
Loot: Added Crafting_Recipe_Hunting and Crafting_Recipe_Stonecutter, updated bow recipe icons
Loot: Added Dead Rabbit
Loot: Added Eviction Notice
Loot: Added Flask Of Swamp Water
Loot: Added Gift Wrapped Bomb
Loot: Added Heart
Loot: Added Toadkin Back Juice
Loot: Updated Armor_Plate_Common_Helmet icon to match City Watch helmet
Loot: Updated all icons for Armor_Cloth_Gladefolk_? set (Willow’s default gear)
Loot: Updated Stone Block inventory icon to match topbar icon
Kits: Characters: Werewolf: Added Fu Dog
Kits: Characters: Kobolds: Added Kobold Campaign
Kits: Buildings: Goblin: Added Grublin Weapon Rack
Kits: Dungeons: Classic: Added Withering Dead Weapon Rack
Kits: Dungeons: Dwarf City: Added House Hraun Weapon Rack
Kits: Dungeons: Glade: Added Gladefolk Weapon Rack
Kits: Dungeons: Ice Palace: Added Glacian Weapon Rack
Kits: Dungeons: Terrains: Ruins: Added Toadkin Weapon Rack
Kits: Systems: Added new fog systems
Kits: Terrains: Cemetery: Added haunted ghost fx
Kits: Terrains: Cemetery: Added new wall window pieces
Known Issues
- The telescope on the Workshop building is pink
- Cannot place turrets - working on a fix as a priority!
- Willow’s mass heal visual effect isn’t clearing up if it is cast right before using a portal to another map. If this happens, please save your game, exit to the main menu, and load.
- Load times will have increased due to some additional code we’ve added to experimental to help track down a serialization bug
- Kenny can get stuck again during his attack if you complete his dialogue while he’s stunned
Developer Comments invalidates older save games. Level designers should open their maps, save and then republish to steam with this version for them to show up in the load custom game dialog. Subsequent patch versions of 0.5.2.x will not require this step. Only when the version increases to will it be required again.
The addition of conversion recipes to the Blacksmith and Woodcutter’s Hut are exploratory at this stage and will feed into the crafting recipe overhaul.
For level designers, when using LootCreateRecipe, the base recipe must use items named ‘Base Recipe X’ where X is the item type such as sword, axe, cloth armor, plate. If you wish the recipe to be unlocked once a piece of research is completed, add ‘Research Weaponsmithing’ or similar to the cost field. For examples, please see the lore books in Lilith’s office in the Desecrated Cathedral. is also now available and adds the palisade gatehouse:
http://steamcommunity.com/games/224440/announcements/detail/254854514729682534 is also now available and adds the watchtower: