The primary changes in this patch include an engine upgrade that may deliver performance improvements, improvements to mechanics, and making monsters respawn in several maps to increase game longevity.
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Experimental Build:
Please note that 6GB+ of system memory is recommended for the experimental build.
What's new?
Mechanics: Clicking ground near an enemy automatically issues attack move for a better feel
Mechanics: Improved building fire code to reduce instances of villagers running needlessly far
Mechanics: Removed military from contributing towards monster challenge level
Mechanics: Camera pitch no longer changes as camera zooms in/out
Mechanics: Rabbits are now treated the same as deer and can be hunted
Mechanics: Added combat stance toggle to character portrait wheel
> defensive stance will only enter combat if they are attacked (new default for villagers)
> aggressive stance will enter combat when any monster is nearby (default for military & heroes)
> shortcut key is G
> players might like to set Willow to defensive stance to stop her initiating combat
Improvement: Clicking the supply wagon will now provide an option for opening the village inventory
Performance: We’ve updated the engine and gained a performance boost to particles
Map Changes
Sandbox: Added Haunted Graveyard (large adventure map accessible via portal in large undead area)
Sandbox: Added Defiled Cathedral map (boss battle small dungeon, accessible via Haunted Graveyard)
Sandbox: Haven: All dead mobs now re-spawn after 10 minutes
Sandbox: Haven: Added more deer and new rabbit warren respawners
Campaign: Shirebrook: Removed a lot of immovable rocks to make room for further construction
Campaign: Shirebrook: Added rabbit spawners
Campaign: Shirebrook: Most dead mobs now re-spawn after 10 minutes
Tutorial: After defeating Nugzerg, player can now exit to main menu or continue playing
Bug Fixes
Fix: Starting a map and then exiting to the main menu could leave progress stuck at 40%
Fix: Prevented a work scheduler from assigning construction point work when there were building fires
Fix: Font unreadable in workbench search boxes
Fix: Quixl’s Eviscerate ability was doing normal weapon damage instead of X% of weapon damage (e.g. 200%)
Balancing: Added mind stat bonus to Willow’s Mass Heal ability
Balancing: Bears health doubled
Balancing: Rate of loot drops from mobs has been significantly reduced - less is more
Level Designers
Kits: Systems: Traps: Added spikes_02_prefab which doesn’t require any workbench scripting. The damage amount can be set via the editor inspector.
Kits: Systems: Portals: Added configurable portal_01 and portal_glow_01
Kits: Systems: Core Tiles: Fixed TopFill tiles being transparent, should have been opaque
Kits: Systems: Spawners: Added spawner_rabbit_01 and _02 as non-destructible burrows
Kits: Characters: Glacian: Updated Knight and Frost Elemental textures to better fit natural environment
Workbench: Added Trap node for controlling spikes_02_prefab
Workbench: Added Light node for toggling System Kit lights on/off
Workbench: Added BuildingInProximity node for checking if mobs should respawn when buildings are close
Workbench: Added Travel node for automating the use of a portal (e.g. a signpost)
Known Issues
Crime needs more visual indications of what has been stolen.
Tooltip text can run vertically
Memory footprint gets too big - we’re working on it this week
Loot drops are now too rare, and most party loot seems to be for Ser Gregory
Some of the floor texture scales may look wrong
Developer Comments
Only save games and workshop items saved with 0.5.3.x versions are now valid. Level designers should open their maps, save, and then republish to Steam Workshop for them to appear in the load dialog.
In this patch, monsters now respawn in the campaign Shirebrook map, and the sandbox Haven map. We'll be adding respawn to the other maps in subsequent patches.
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