News Liste Factorio

Version 2.0.20 released as stable
19.11.24 13:47 Community Announcements

Minor Features

  • Search is now case and accent insensitive for all official languages.
  • Added debug option 'always-show-lightning-protection'.
  • Added gamepad stick sensitivity setting for map movement.
  • Selecting a spidertron remote selection in the quickbar which is for a different planet than the current one will center on the planet.


  • [space-age] Changed tree seed default import location to Nauvis. more
  • Fluid mixing will prefer the fluid with more volume and discard the other.
  • Updated SDL to version 2.30.9.
  • [space-age] Gleba evolution is smoother and more gradual.
  • [space-age] Small stomper pentapod moves more slowly (also decreases stomp DPS).
  • [space-age] Stomper pentapod vision range is reduced from 40 to 30.
  • [space-age] Medium and big wriggler pentapod health is increased.
  • [space-age] Streamlined quality selector to use separate buttons for each quality instead of a drop-down.
  • [space-age] Changed crafting machines to reset quality of the in-progress result when module effects change. more
  • Added inserter stack size override to be parametrised by blueprint. more
  • Added Vulcanus 8 music track.
  • Allowed negative multiplier of logistic (and constant combinator) groups. more
  • Updated shortcut icons and increased their size to 56px.
  • [space-age] Container sizes increase with quality.
  • Reviving container ghosts no longer puts colliding items on the ground into the resulting container.
  • Loading game for hosting now automatically offers the dialog whether the mods should be synced before continuing (as with normal game load).
  • [space-age] Bulk inserter doesn't default upgrade to Stack inserter as they are not functionally interchangeable. more
  • [space-age] Demolisher health bars will always be visible for at least 1 tick after they take any damage, even if they fully regenerate the damage in the same tick.
  • [space-age] Default quality cycling shortcut simplified to alt+scroll.
  • [space-age] Changed captive biter spawner to inherit quality from the wild spawner instead of the capture robot. more
  • Spidertron selections saved into the quickbar will be darkened with a planet icon in the top when the selection leads to a different planet than the current one.


  • Fixed a freeze when setting logistic/construction robots to active=false through script. more
  • Fixed that LuaEntity::vehicle did not work correctly for characters controlled by a player. more
  • Fixed rendering of glowing items on belts would not be batched properly. more
  • Fixed a crash when reading LuaEntity::robot_order_queue. more
  • Fixed that the permissions GUI could not be opened in multiplayer as not-the-host. more
  • Fixed some decorative entities like craters or chimneys not having a tall enough drawing box. more
  • Fixed that factoriopedia_description would not be used if the prototype didn't also have a regular description. more
  • Fixed a crash when space platforms are destroyed while specific entity GUIs are open. more
  • Fixed undoing a copy-settings could void assembler contents. more
  • Fixed tips not appearing in tutorials. more
  • Fixed wrong times symbol in a logistic request tooltip. more
  • Fixed that using pipette on GUI items did not consistently copy the quality. more
  • Fixed that using pipette on tile items in GUI always selected normal quality. more
  • Fixed that using pipette on entity items in GUI could select the wrong item if multiple items can build the same entity.
  • Fixed visualisation issue around cursor attractor range enveloping an existing attractor more
  • Fixed tile replacement logic ignoring tile ghosts covered by tile ghosts
  • Fixed stations getting skipped when using the 'Destination full' condition for interrupts. more
  • Fixed UI jank that widgets would snap to be centered on the cursor when dragged.
  • Fixed selections using deconstruction planners etc. not getting cancelled when leaving remote view. more
  • Fixed that changing viewed surface would not abort wire drag. more
  • Fixed non-chart sprites sometimes being drawn into chart. more
  • Fixed upgrading cargo bays with incoming pods would leave them permanently reserved. more
  • Fixed a crash when changing tiles causes entities to die. more
  • Fixed that a music track could play on a wrong surface. more
  • Fixed bloom lightmap for fog was being rendered also when fog effect was not used.
  • Fixed super force overbuilding entity with settings sometimes behaving incorrectly if overbuilt entity was marked for upgrade.
  • Fixed fluid overextent warning would sometimes show on entities that would not help overcome the overextent. more
  • Fixed cars not having lightning endangerement alerts despite being vulnerable to lightnings more
  • Fixed a performance issue in the manage-mods GUI. more
  • Fixed a memory corruption issue when changing a character's force from one that did not have logistics to one that did. more
  • Fixed the Trash unrequested checkbox in the character logistic GUI expanding the GUI size. more
  • Fixed that LuaEntity::mirroring write did not work for ghosts. more
  • Fixed sounds of items inserted by robots being too loud. more
  • Fixed the Trash unrequested checkbox showing in chests which have no trash slots. more
  • Fixed a crash when switching audio devices when there were none initially.
  • Fixed pin text rich text icon quality punching through GUIs. more
  • Fixed that LuaSurface::find_tiles_filtered() did not work with rotated bounding boxes. more
  • Fixed interrupt GUI targets list being squashed too much with lots of interrupt conditions. more
  • Fixed that heating towers couldn't consume items fast enough if the fuel value was low. more
  • Fixed a consistency issue when deconstructing the last roboport in a logistic network. more
  • Fixed fog was clipping through agricultural tower. more
  • Fixed that killed and rebuilt power switches would get stuck in the inoperable state. more
  • Fixed a performance issue with large inventory GUIs. more
  • Fixed that infinity chests didn't show hidden items. more
  • Fixed that programmable speaker alert text wasn't included in the blueprint parametrisation logic. more
  • Fixed that science pack descriptions in Factoriopedia didn't make any sense. more
  • Fixed muzzle flash of artillery wagon was offset when the wagon was on elevated rails. more
  • Fixed artillery wagon gun barrel was rendered under elevated rail fence.
  • Fixed drawing linked fluidbox connections when they should be hidden.
  • Fixed that manually-built trains were switched to automatic mode when a ghost attached to them was revived. more
  • Fixed that blueprints could be grabbed while having a ghost item in the cursor. more
  • Fixed an assembling machine could be set a fluid-only recipe with quality when set by circuit network. more
  • Fixed maximum request limit (autotrash threshold) not accepting math expressions. more
  • Fixed equipment requests not being cleared when the grid didn't have enough space. more
  • Fixed that asteroid collector control behavior "set filter" would affect status light while wire was disconnected. more
  • Fixed turbo splitter was missing description. more
  • Fixed that the game would get into an invalid state if the backers.json file was manually edited in some ways. more
  • Fixed a crash with lightning when setting time to damage to 0 through mods. more
  • Fixed fast replacing a radar could cause radar network to break.
  • Fixed that blueprint export/import to string did not work correctly for turret priorities with gaps. more
  • Fixed that some asteroids could appear stationary if their velocity was lower than minimum position increment. more
  • Fixed space platform autosaves being overwritten mid-journey when the platform changed its state. more
  • Fixed market offer not working with nothing modifier. more
  • Fixed rocket silo would start closing doors when next rocket was finished while lights blinking animation was already started. more
  • Fixed LuaTechnologyPrototype::essential returning incorrect value. more
  • Fixed that strafer pentapods couldn't attack a retreating target it was behind even when faster than the target. Attack range is increased but strafe distance is unchanged.
  • Fixed more issues with blueprint reassigning changing the position of the entities or snapping values of the blueprint. more
  • Fixed wrap-around of asteroid rotation animation was not seamless. more
  • Fixed that Galaxy of Fame upload didn't clean its files. more
  • Fixed more crashes related to using formatting strings with floating-point numbers on Intel Macs running Sonoma.
  • Fixed cancelling deconstruction via deconstruction player was not showing counts for canceled deconstructions. more
  • Fixed that galaxy of fame upload din't clean its files. more
  • Fixed that setting negative value in constant combinator create 2 entries for the number in the blueprint parametrisation, one with underflown value.
  • Fixed that it wasn't possible to input negative numbers in blueprint parametrisation. more
  • Fixed offshore pump would present itself as water well pump even when it was not pumping water. more
  • Fixed crash when trying to search invalid UTF-8 string more
  • Fixed that hidden space locations would will show in descriptions. more
  • Fixed that fast-transferring modules would put them into the rocket silo rocket inventory. more
  • Fixed that switching surfaces while a platform hub GUI was open would leave the GUI open in some cases where it wasn't supposed to. more
  • Fixed that you could remove your armor and spill items through the quickbar. more
  • Fixed that modded attack_reaction could crash the game. more
  • Fixed a crash when using surface.clear() on vulcanus. more
  • Fixed that orbital request select window wasn't showing proper import from after chaning the group unless the whole window was closed and opened again. more
  • Fixed double set of parameters in factoriopedia. more
  • Fixed stack inserter would not wait for more items if spoil priority was set. more
  • Fixed loaders would freeze or unfreeze partially. more
  • Fixed arithmetic combinator gui would allow changing not relevant checkboxes in some cases. more
  • Fixed surface editor would not set surface properties when creating surfaces planet-alike. more
  • Fixed rail planner would remain active when changing surfaces. more
  • Fixed a crash when reviving power switch with multiple ghost copper cables connected to the same side. more
  • Fixed space platform hub gui would reset position when changing auto requests checkbox. more
  • Fixed that assembler with set recipe enabled would not keep direction if current recipe did not require direction. more
  • Fixed robot repair job assignmend ignoring repair packs stored in roboports when finding the closest source. more
  • Allowed increasing of request count by blueprint parameters to push the max request count. more
  • Fixed that corpses would block tiles from being deconstructed. more
  • Fixed that restarting to reload mods on macOS would leave behind unresponsive zombie windows. more
  • Fixed confusing blueprint parameter context tooltip for filter of storage chest. more
  • Fixed music not switching correctly when restarting level. more
  • Fixed that the production GUIs showed the graphs in 'All' when opened with saved precision. more
  • Fixed that the "load save after sync" checkbox did not work in the sync mods with save GUI. more
  • Fixed removing heatpipes from a blueprint could leave them visually connected to their neighbours. more
  • Fixed 'Dropping to planet' button being too wide and pushing the 'Cancel' button off the screen. more
  • Fixed 'Always show' label not being accurate to the behavior of only showing in "Alt-mode". more
  • Fixed 'Parameterised build' GUI clipping off screen when too long. more
  • Fixed robots failing to upgrade a container if it was the only source of the requested item. more
  • Fixed that reusing the same sprite for multiple effects crashed instead of showing the error message and an option to disable problematic mods. more
  • Fixed 'Galaxy of Fame' upload GUI clipping off screen on smaller resolutions. more
  • Fixed vertical alignment of Current Research icon. more
  • Fixed asteroid spawning being significantly reduced when a platform moved with paused thrust. more
  • Fixed that fluids could get erased during migrations. more
  • Fixed a crash when removing a roboport while robots in that network are deactivated by script. more
  • Fixed that choose-elem-button wouldn't show the select list GUI if clicked with an item that didn't pass the filters. more
  • Fixed that syncing mod while trying to host game didn't allow to continue the process after reloading the game. more
  • Fixed chunks not being covered by fog of war when remote-viewing an unvisited surface. more
  • Fixed all/any/individual request satisfied wait conditions ignoring maximum count of space platform requests. more
  • Fixed offshorepump tooltip flickering too much when pumping at full capacity. more
  • Disabled "Drive Remotely" button on driveable vehicles ghosts' GUIs. more
  • Fixed Cargo Landing Pad and Space Platform Hub GUI being clipped off screen on smaller resolutions. more
  • Fixed platform deletion and undelete platform buttons being clipped off the surface list. more
  • Fixed that tanks didn't preserve all of their settings when mined and rebuilt. more
  • Fixed that rebuilt tanks didn't have their inventory size bonus from equipment. more
  • Fixed script error in PvP when setting starting item count to 0. more
  • Fixed spectator players of dead teams showing on the map in PvP. more
  • Fixed that inserters could get stuck with specific combinations of spoilage and disabled by control behavior. more
  • Fixed that some pop-up GUIs would get closed when robots built the entity while the ghost GUI was open. more
  • Fixed that robots performing module upgrades left some modules on ground when upgrading mixed modules to one type. more
  • Fixed that space platforms could unload cargo while waiting for departure. more
  • Fixed clouds and smoke were moving in exactly opposite direction. more
  • Fixed that spidertrons would severely confuse demolishers. Demolishers will now retaliate against spidertrons. more
  • Fixed the confirmation button behaving inconsistently in the remote view ghost picker menu. more
  • Fixed Agricultural tower sometimes showing wrong status if its growing plants were destroyed externally.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting a blueprint with asteroid collectors which had gaps in the filters list. more
  • Fixed Being able to super-force entity through technology gui. more
  • Fixed spoilage was not considered as more spoiled than any spoilable items. more
  • Fixed that highlighted robots in the logistic networks chart view didn't smoothly follow robots. more
  • Fixed mining fulgoran lightning rods would not show yield. more
  • Fixed blueprint external wires were not added when pasting blueprint over existing entities. more
  • Electric weapons damage infinite tiers start more expensive to naturally progress from the non-infinite tiers correctly. more
  • Fixed wrong locomotive could turn lights on when train has locomotives both ways and goes back. more
  • Fixed a crash when trying to cycle qualities in 2.0 base game. more
  • Fixed foundry was not able to reach declared speed of crafting holmium plates due to input fluid shortage. more
  • Fixed buildings constructed on space platform by space platform were not tracked by build statistics, research triggers nor achievements.
  • Fixed pasting blueprint with constant combinator over constant combinator could create unnecesary copy settings undo actions. more
  • Fixed upgrading storage chests would not preserve storage filter. more
  • Fixed a crash when generating multiplayer maps while background simulations were enabled. more
  • Fixed selection tools and some spawnable items did not work correctly when chosen via remote ghost cursor gui. more
  • Fixed a crash when an item request proxy wanted to dispatch robots to insert items into invalid slots. more
  • Fixed tip of the rocket poking through air objects. more
  • Fixed rail planner in ghost mode would ignore existing ghost ramps and ghost supports proposing new supports that were not needed. more
  • Fixed that selecting a quality comparison option when "any" quality was set did not work. more
  • Fixed it was possible to set inconsistent signals on a control behavior by using parametrized blueprint with a shared parameter. more
  • Fixed a crash when rotating entity that is destroyed inside of event handler.
  • Fixed blueprint description label not showing in list view. more
  • Fixed fulgoran attractor marking for deconstruction. more
  • Fixed beacons deactivated by script loaded from a 1.1.x save file were not migrated properly. more
  • Fixed a crash when using modded equipment without items to build it in ghost form. more
  • Fixed inserter would not keep stack size signal through a blueprint string. more
  • Fixed that you could pick up items off the ground while flying in a rocket. more
  • Fixed inserter would not reevaluate enable condition when it was changed by blueprint parameters. more
  • Fixed orbital logistics tips&tricks script crash due to space platform hub gui having different layout. more
  • Fixed that recipe fuel tooltips did not respect the show-all-unlocked-items interface setting. more
  • Fixed asteroid collector set filters from circuit network would set wrong filters for one tick after items were removed and read content is active. more
  • Fixed a crash when lua orders entity deconstruction specifying undo item but not specifying a player. more
  • Fixed that two damaged construction robots trying to repair each other could get stuck in an infinite loop of trying to hug each other and overshooting. more
  • Fixed a crash when running under the Steam Runtime Environment on Linux in certain situations. more
  • Fixed quality increase of self-recycling recipes being reported incorrectly in production statistics. more
  • Improved super force building logic of belt related blueprints over existing belts. more


  • Input loader supports filters.
  • Changed base/space-age tile collision mask definitions so that they don't share references to the same tables.
  • Added ItemPrototype::spoil_level.


  • Added hide_clouds and hide_fog parameters to LuaGameScript::take_screenshot. more
  • Added LuaEntity::get_logistic_sections(). Added LuaLogisticSections.
  • Added LuaControl::set_driving() more
  • Fixed/reworked how setting tiles behaves vis-à-vis (double)hidden tiles (concerns LuaSurface::set_tiles, editor and placing of non-mineable tiles in-game) more
  • Added LuaEquipment::inventory_bonus read.
  • Added LuaEquipmentGrid::inventory_bonus and LuaEquipmentGrid::movement_bonus read.
  • Added LuaEquipmentPrototype::get_inventory_bonus().
  • Fixed that LuaEntity::get_priority_target() would give invalid results for empty filters.
  • Extended LuaEntity::splitter_filter, splitter_input_priority and splitter_output_priority to also work with lane splitters.
Logo for Factorio
Release:14.08.2020 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Wube Software LTD Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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