This update was originally announced at the very end of 2020 (my apologies), as an update bringing the British as a new faction for the game. Since then it grew to what is essentially a revamp of the whole game. The menus are new, the gun mechanics function differently, and speaking of guns there's a lot more variety there now too. Also, every weapon except the pistols has received a new set of animations entirely (Link to a quick run through of those below). There's 3 new maps for a total of 12, and the existing ones have been revised too, there's ~35 unique character models in the game when it originally launched with just 3. Also there's going to be graphical, networking, and AI related improvements.
I wanted to be able to show everything that's been worked on over the last couple of years, but most of its back end stuff that isn't really anything to show off. However the time has finally come where its coming together and progress becomes more VISIBLE in the literal sense. I'd like to finally present some screenshots of the new maps and a reel of the new animations!
There's still polishing to do, and you can see that below where the textures for example on some of the foliage in Reichswald haven't loaded properly, but we're really in the home stretch here. For all those still hanging on, thank you so much and I hope the update brings you some enjoyment, and this news holds you over for now. More updates to follow in the coming weeks leading up to the release, stay tuned!



New Weapon Animations Reel
Some of the sound effects on a couple of the guns weren't set up to play as well, so apologies for that.
0:00 MP 40
0:28 KP 31
0:49 MAB 38
1:11 MP 3008
1:30 STEN
1:59 TZ 45
2:20 M1A1 Thompson
2:37 M1 Garand
2:57 Gewehr 43
3:14 STG 44
3:32 Breda PG (Export)
After this I meant to show the M1 Carbine, however there's still a bug with that one so you'll have to wait to see it. Sorry about that.
3:50 Kar98K
4:22 Carcano
4:50 Lee-Enfield
5:20 VG 1
5:50 Double Barrel (Lupara)
6:07 Trench Gun
6:37 BAR
6:59 FG 42
7:27 BREN