Our biggest post Early Access release update, the main attraction being our new map Tappelwerch! This snow themed map takes place during a German offensive to clear a path of retreat for their forces in the Balkans. This village was burned, and later bombed, before falling into use by the Yugoslav Partisans in 1944-1945. It's a large map with chaotic house to house fighting, available to play on all 5 game modes.
Some screenshots of our 9th map

More changes and features
Jumping has been tweaked to have more weight, giving a more realistic and less floaty feel.
Colorblind settings have also been added that improve the contrast for those that suffer from colorblindness. There are 3 presets for those with deuteranopia, protanopia, or tritanopia.
Normal color balance

Deuteranopia corrected colors

Additionally, the game is now finally available for purchase in Germany.

Patch Notes
- Added new map Tappelwerch to all game modes
- German compatible version of the game released
- Tweaks to jumping gravity/weight
- Colorblind accessibility settings added
- Reduced issues relating to audio buzzing when two guns of the same type fire at the same moment
- Various crash/bug fixes
- Various performance improvements