Hey epic gamers there's a new update for End of War 1945, and its got a ton of improvements that will make way for the bigger changes coming soon!
New Features:
-More detailed loading screen text
-Preloading of more assets before level starts, this should greatly reduce hitches. Especially so when loading something like a sound or muzzle flash for the first time
-3rd person mode added in experimental state, feedback appreciated but expect bugs and possible issues, you can set this as a permanent preference in the game settings or switch temporarily by pressing 'P'

-Hitmarker sound and Kill sound added
-Improved visuals on Vallo Alpino

Map Changes:
-Changed initial spawn positions on Poljana
-Adjusted the size of Retreat, and adjusted the height of the road
-Added additional snow mounds on Tappelwerch

Graphical Improvements:
-Improved visuals on Vallo Alpino
-rebuilt lighting on Retreat
Other Graphical Changes:
-Improved sharpen filter
-Added sharpness slider
-Added option to turn on legacy sharpen filter, not adjustable via the slider but its there if you want it
-Improved overall reload animation blend out, this should smooth out the interpolation between the end of the reload and whatever animation needs to play next for the weapon like walking or sprinting
-changed reload animations for the STG44, M1 Carbine, and KP31
-Improved the loop of the 3rd person sprint animation
-improved weapon holding from the 3rd person view of players
-Added inertial blending for 3rd person animations, this makes the flow more natural and improves performance as animations change
-Added hitmarker sound and kill sound
-Improved reverb effect in Vallo Alpino
Performance improvements:
-Reduced redundant shader overhead, especially on Poljana and Vallo Alpino
-Improved caching of fonts
-Added previously mentioned expanded preloading to reduce hitches when assets are called
-Disabled unused engine plugins
-Made crosshair invisible while reloading
Bug Fixes:
-ensured correct animations play based on AI player walk/run speed
-fixed a glitch where the current weapon would duplicate when you tried to pick up one off the ground while aiming
-fixed a bug where leaves on trees would block collisions completely
-fixed incorrect bullet impact effect playing on some wood in the houses on Poljana
Known issues:
-3rd person animations for the American soldiers aren't working correctly, this will be fixed shortly.