New update for Imperium is out! It includes the new 'terraforming' feature we talked about in this post and many other fixes.

Update notes 2.73.1:
- We added divine rituals able to transform deserts and deadlands into proper provinces:
"Foul Waters" (Temple of Morgaine, 2nd degree) — turns desert into swamp.
"Power of Life" (Temple of Sylvana, 3rd degree) — turns deadlands into forest.
"Bones of the Earth" (Temple of Gorbardin, 3rd degree) — turns deadlands into hills.
"Sea of Grass" (Temple of Kartach, 4th degree) — turns desert or deadlands into plains.
- The amount of experience earned by heroes for completing quests has been boosted and scales depending on their level, on rarity and value of an item or scroll sought, or the number and XP value of the monsters hunted.
- Fixed an error preventing a hero from taking another Crystal quest after completing one.
- Fixed an error caused by the Succubus' "Enslave Mind" spellcasting ability being used twice per battle.
- Fixed an error with an enemy unit enslaved with "Word of Power" spell remaining in the hero's army permanently.
- Fixed an error with the heroes' "Item Maintenance" ability failing to work.
- Fixed an error with the Hunters guard ability to lower garrison upkeep not being properly reflected in statistics.
- Fixed an error with the heroes' ability to lower troop upkeep not being properly reflected in their units' description screen.
- Fixed a variable in text of the "Magic fabric" random event.
- Added hard limit to the amount of gold, gems and favor the player can possess. Gold and gems are capped at 1 million, favor at 100 thousands.