Hope you rested well! We did and we're ready to deploy a new update for Imperium.

Update notes 2.72.1:
- Improved AI army recruitment logic.
- Added ability to quickly change items on the occupied inventory slots by ctrl-clicking.
- Recruitment mode selection tools now cycle in both directions.
- Added new hero classes to the Arena.
- Added the tool to enable recruitment of local troops in the provinces to the map editor.
- Fixed behavior of the Crystal quests concerning new units.
- Fixed an error with refreshing the value of the hero's current HP when equipping items changing his total HP value.
- Fixed an error with using the "repair all" function while damaged items are present in the treasury.
- Fixed an error with the hero's custom name being reset upon importing him to the next map in the sandbox mode.
Hotfix 2.72.2:
- Fixed an error with missing effect from medals in battles.
- Fixed an error with units unable to level up.
Hotfix 2.72.3:
- Actually, you can now learn spells from scrolls again.