It seems we managed to bring the universe of Eador to the next level — more than million of players own Masters of the Broken World now. Although most of this is "shipped copies", as publishers say (which isn't the same thing as "sold copies"), we're still happy about this fact. We even made a screenshot of this historical event: Eador's player count comes after such underrated gems like PUBG, Dota 2 and CS:GO. By the way, there's nothing wrong with Steam Trading Cards!

But we wanted to talk about something different. We often see people leaving negative reviews about the game with over 500 hours played. It feels like we're talking quiet openly about the game's good and bad sides. We even directly address the player with a warning inside the game itself. What motivates the players to spend hundreds of hours on a game, only to advice against getting it later? Players might not realize this, but negative reviews can be damaging for a game in some cases. Badly reviewed games don't attract new people, which gets in the way of supporting a project in the long-term. So such person deliberately doesn't want to help the game get better (which is possible through communication with the developer), but there is a desire to cause some damage instead.

Of course, it's understandable when a game doesn't start at all, and the money is spent on nothing — other players should be warned. Or if you spent like 3 hours in the game and it's clearly not good — other players should be warned. But after 500 hours or more?
We're not complaining, but we are wondering what you make of this. What do you think about reviews on Steam in general? Are they important for you? Let us know.