• Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
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  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.
  • Eador. Imperium: Screen zum Spiel Eador. Imperium.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.01.2017
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Preis Update 02.07.24

Über das Spiel

Hire heroes, build an army, prevail in battles and try to keep your empire intact in the face of grave danger.

Eador. Imperium is a new chapter in Eador series, known for its unique blend of grand strategy, turn-based tactics and RPG elements.

A young wizard pursuing his revenge against the fanatics who have ruined his life. A barbarian priestess searching for a higher purpose for her people. A mercenary facing the abyss about to consume his home. A governor appointed to rule over a defiant province in times of great crisis.

Threads of their lives will weave a strange pattern, for the destiny of the Imperium is at stake.

  • All new and handcrafted story campaign, bringing a fresh approach to the Eador formula.
  • New heroes, new units and unique Shard worlds offer even more strategic possibilities and unexpected challenges.
  • The ultimate Eador game: Imperium includes all original content from Masters of the Broken World (not counting the campaign).


  • CPU: Intel Pentium 2,0 GHz/AMD 2000+
  • GFX: GeForce 7300/Radeon 9200
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7 / 10
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch, Deutsch
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.6/AMD 3000+
  • GFX: GeForce 8800/Radeon X1900
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7 / 10
  • HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch, Deutsch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

193 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 20:34
Ruckelt Brutal.
Züge dauern ewig, weil jeder KI Zug einzeln langsam durchgegangen wird (und dass mit mehr Gegnern als im Vorgänger).
Grafik runterschrauben bringt nichts.
Sieht optisch nicht merklich anders aus als Broken World.
Und dass mit einem PC weit über den empfohlenen Systemanforderungen.
Die neuen Mechaniken wären super, wären die oben genannten Punkte nicht.
Vor allem die lange Warterei ist eine einzige Qual.
35 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
59041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 09:33
Hart, sehr hart...aber geil!
62 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.20 11:03
Das Spiel nutzt meine Nvidea-Grafikkarte nicht. Die Framrate ist dadurch sehr schlecht.
30 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.19 22:47
eigentlich ganz gut aber zu viele Bugs machen es unspielbar man ärgert sich nur klares Fazit keine Kaufempfehlung !!!!!
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
62884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.17 00:26
Neben der ursprünglichen UFO-Reihe eines der wenigen Spiele, die eine gelungene Mischung verschiedener Spielelemente (Strategie, RPG, Aufbau) hinbekommen. Ein Spiel, das sehr viele Stunden fesselt und immer noch neue Strategien und Mischungen anbietet, wenn bei anderen Spielen längst die Luft raus ist. Moderne Grafik und Effekte wären zwar schön, werden aber kaum benötigt um den eigentlichen Spielgedanken nahezubringen. Wenn man solche Spiele nach den schnellebigen Marktgesetzen beurteilt und nicht den Wert solcher Werke sieht, macht man einen Fehler, denn nach solchen Marktgesetzen würde es Klassiker wie Schach, Mühle, Domino oder Monopoly gar nicht geben. Das ist ein Spiel, das seine Anhänger in jeder Generation von Spielern finden wird und das jeder Interessierte mal gespielt haben sollte. Ein modernes Gewand und man kann es auf ewig ernten. Es ist in Neusprech ein Longrunner, kein One-Hit-Wonder wie die meisten Titel, die auch dieses Weihnachten wieder hochgehypet werden, aber von denen in zwei Jahren keiner mehr spricht.
627 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.17 06:01
Nettes Rundbasiertes Aufbauspiel. Habe den Vorgänger schon gemocht und bin hier auch gleich ohne Probleme reingekommen. Wer Aufbautaktikspiele mag ist hier richtig :)
128 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
22819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.17 16:12
Rundenbasierte Strategie mit RPG-Elementen, eigentlich genau das was ich mag.
Kleinere Bugs nerven zwar etwas, aber in Summe macht das Spiel genauso viel Spass wie der Vorgänger.
Nachtrag Nov 2017:
Keine Änderung der Empfehlung, aber Abzüge in der B-Note für teilweise extrem unfair bevorteilte Computergegner - manchmal echt nicht lustig.
128 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
25228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.17 02:21
Eador Imperium spielt sich wie der Vorgänger und bietet zusätzliche Optionen bei Gebäuden, Einheiten etc.. Das Schlachtfeld ist nun endlich größer und erlaubt daher mehr taktisches Vorgehen, um auch schwierigere Kämpfe zu meistern.
Auch wenn das Spiel etwas altbacken daherkommt, bleibt die Faszination ungebrochen, diese Fantasywelten zu erkunden. Ich werde sicher noch viele viele Stunden mit diesem Spiel zubringen, da ich das Hauptspiel des Vorgängers auch nach 410 Stunden Spielzeit noch nicht durchgespielt habe.
Wer mit Heroes of Might and Magic groß geworden ist, Spiele wie Age of Wonders 3, Legends of Eisenwald, Warlock 2, Fallen Enchantress, Thea the Awakening oder Endless Legend schätzt, wird auch hier seinen oder ihren Spaß finden, mühevoll die Hauptburg ausbauen und Helden mit ihren Einheiten hochziehen.
Zum weiteren Spielverlauf kann ich noch nicht viel sagen - das kommt dann später.
513 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
13292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.17 19:48
Für mich ist das Spiel eine Art Addon zum vorherigen Spiel, welches ich mehrere hundert Stunden gespielt habe.

Bisher gefällt es mir. Das Grundprinzip ist gleich geblieben.

Doppeltes Daumenhoch von mir - es wird gepflegt!

Grad die Halloween-Kampagne durchgespielt. Die ist echt witzig gemacht *G*
95 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
11004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.16 09:39
Also ich mag das Spiel sehr und hab auch den Vorgänger sehr intensiv gespielt. Ich finds auch nicht schlimm wenn ein Spiel im Early Acess Modus ab und zu abstürzt oder ein paar Bugs hat. Aber wenn entscheidende Dinge überhaupt nicht funktionieren find ich das schon bisschen bedenklich (Bei mir stürzt das Spiel jedes Mal ab wenn ich Einheiten meiner Verbündeten rekrutieren will). Zumal man auch nicht wirklich das Gefühl hat, dass sich etwas daran ändert. Von daher gibts von mir leider keinen Daumen hoch zumindest nicht in diesem Zustand, auch wenn mir eigentlich das Spiel gut gefällt.

Nachdem neuen Patch läuft das Spiel jetzt wesentlich stabiler und ich konnte auch keine Abstürze mehr feststellen von daher gibts dann jetzt von mir doch den Daumen hoch da mir das Spiel wie gesagt gut gefällt.
108 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5062 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 08:02
This game is broken - dont buy. It will never get fixed.

The game is incredibly buggy. It crashes every hour or so and the dev know it. There is even a in-game event where the devs admit it and say they have no money to fix it. But of course they take your money.

Also buildings dont work. After you build the money buidlings you will swim in money like getting 80000 or 90000 gold per turn. Besides that other buildings dont work properly like the road networks.

In addition it has graphical glitches like invisible heroes between turns.

Furthermore sometimes enemies dont die in combat after their hitpoints are zero or the game just ignores and dont substract the damage at all.

Its really sad because the game has a nice amount of monster and item variety and it could be a good game.

But since they cannot fix the game it is trash.
22 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 00:36
Nice addictive game.
1656 Produkte im Account
272 Reviews
591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 23:29
Builds upon Eador: MotBW but the core gameplay is the same. It's more like an expansion pack along with GUI improvements/bugfixes. It adds new heroes and units. Graphics are similar but a bit better. It keeps a lot of the 2D graphics art/icons from the previous games. There are 6 mini-campaigns (made of a few chapters) and 3 individual scenarios (to time-trial).

There are still the occasional stability problems like in Eador: MotBW. As stated in the tutorial itself, there are Access Violation errors that occasionally occur that will randomly crash the game (so you have to load the autosave).

Still the same game flow:
  • Start with a capital city surrounded by lots of neutral tiles (with stronger enemies the further out you go) in between you and the enemy.
  • Send your hero to try to capture provinces with good income, resources, or strategic location. You have to learn when you're strong enough to attack various provinces because otherwise you waste a turn by retreating or many turns by being defeated and forced to rebuild your army.
  • Construct buildings in your capital to unlock stronger units/equipment/spells/better tile guards/better income/other bonuses. Try to figure out a good build order (building all the income buildings first may be less valuable on small maps where you come into contact earlier and need power sooner).
  • Improve province quality/income by exploring provinces or by constructing a much smaller selection of buildings (usually to boost income or allow access to recruiting/a fort/the market).
  • Expand and get stronger (economically and militarily) at a faster pace than your enemies.
  • Win by taking the enemy capital.

As for the new heroes/units:
  • The pilot hero is a new base hero (alongside the old warrior/scout/commander/wizard) that moves differently and works well with siege units (because it boosts their attack if adjacent and has the repair ability). They move slowly by air (one turn to go airborne, second turn to move several tiles, but then a third turn to land, making it pretty slow). They can't move by ground until level 10 (meaning you take 3 turns to move to an adjacent province by land) and after level 10 they move 1 tile even with the +mobility skill. On the bright side the pilot travels over water without needing a port.
  • Sentinel (Warrior-variant), Sorcereress & Lich (Wizard-variants), Legate (Commander-variant).
  • There are a new line of units that buff adjacent units.

Worth a look if you like the Eador series or strategy games with HoMM-style combat. It's alright but I still prefer the campaign from Eador.Genesis/Genesis New Horizons/MotBW because it has a deeper story (where you interact with characters and explore the Eador universe story) and progression between levels. You should probably enjoy being meticulous (like constructing buildings in every province to max out income/boost province happiness/be able to repair/be able to recruit) and be able to withstand a certain level of BS (unfortunate events/losing).

Know that there's a New Horizons standalone mod for Eador. Genesis that adds more content (no new heroes but more units. Unsure about buildings.) to the game than Imperium does. It uses a simpler engine with worse graphics (low-resolution 2D sprites) but better stability. Also, while sometimes things aren't as convenient (like you can't mouse over a hero to give orders but you can use hotkeys) the UI generally gives more information. Plus, it has the original campaign progression (where you unlock new buildings and units, meet and ally/fight with masters, and actually carry over progression between levels) that I prefer over the standalone campaign levels in this game.

Other thoughts:
  • You should know that maps can take a long time to finish. It takes a few play sessions for me to complete a campaign map.
  • There are a few campaigns but they are disappointingly just a series of maps with zero gameplay connection between maps (the previous game had story & gameplay/technology progression and you could transfer a hero/items/resources). Here, it doesn't tell you but it carries over the hero/party/XP/equipment (though getting too strong means you will probably disband/sell things because of upkeep). I really preferred the previous campaign system.
  • The campaign story that I played here focuses on individual shard-heroes (which is alright but a disappointing miniaturization in scope) and maps sometimes have a triggered event (usually just based on turns passed but also clearing a specified location).
  • I play on beginner difficulty to make the experience smoother (games are still pretty long, though). However, you can't change difficulty for the campaign. I had to cheat to beat the second level of the first campaign. Pausing the turn timer made them only send a very weak hero that I could easily handle. But playing normally made them send a hero with a tier 4 Paladin that I couldn't handle at turn 32.
  • What happens sometimes (like in earlier games) is the enemy randomly gets a very strong guard (like Order of Great Darkness) for their capital which makes it take much longer to actually finish them off (I end up capturing all of their other territories and just using outposts/guards to surround them and sending my hero back when needed). It makes my games go from requiring tier 2 units to win to requiring tier 4 units which takes so much longer (Maybe there's a mechanic I'm missing? Or maybe I have to repeatedly sacrifice a bunch of lower-tier units through repeated assaults or do a specific ritual? That doesn't seem like it would be much faster).
  • You should be able to see the teams before betting on arena battles.
  • I'm not 100% sure this is new but you can recruit a limited variety of local mercenary units in some provinces to replenish your losses (which lets you stay on the offensive longer). I remember always needing to clear and visit locations to recruit stuff (or building an outpost). Also, there is backstab damage and you can re-orient your units to face towards hexes. It also keeps track of the defending units at locations.
  • Imperium uses the MotBW manual? Is that where the woman on the store banner is from? I haven't seen her in the actual game (or in MotBW as far as I remember).
  • There are some music tracks I don't like (Imperium_17-19, I thought it was a sound error at first). It goes from random relaxing strings to something that sounds to me like a constantly blowing steam whistle. It's actually supposed to be an eerie vibe kind of sound but when my volume isn't loud enough I don't really hear the shifting sounds as much as the one constant tone. Even when I listen to it properly it's not really my type of music.

Other bugs:
  • It was uncommon for me to get access violations when playing normally but I feel like it happened more frequently when doing the arena and loading saves but maybe that's just a byproduct of longer games/larger saves.
  • It seems like Imperium_20.ogg is missing? I put in my own ogg file in and it worked in-game. Also, it feels like track 21 never plays?
  • The arena seems buggy.
  • The game doesn't run in the background for me (which is a shame for alt-tabbing between turns)
  • It seems like the AI can build shipyards in tiles you can't (for example in a campaign level I couldn't build Shipyards because it claimed the lakeside tile wasn't coastal yet the AI could build it). Also, there was one tile in the second campaign that was Hills but when I captured it from the AI it had both a Mill and Mine constructed in it.
  • I visited the 'Winter Forest' location and couldn't leave so I had to quit the game (there was no exit button). After reloading the game I didn't have the same problem.
  • For some reason the stat descriptions always say '(whole party)' when I'm pretty sure it only affects the one unit.
181 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 12:43
It's a good tatics RPG game, BUT has a big problem with breaking games bugs.

The game has more options then his predecessor broken world, deep tatics combat, and great soundtrack (i really enjoyed the background musics of the game)

As mentioned above, the game has some problems when u try to pass a battle turn (big delay, sometimes stop), when u try to play a battle in auto mode, the game breaks, and the worst bug is the error when trying to load some games.
In the lich campaign (the beginner one) you face a hard foe in the beginning of the play, and is hard to win (bad design choice)

Overall, if you really like the series and has tons of patience, it's worth, otherwise, sadly, you will find yourself really irritated with the gamebraking bugs.
71 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 13:42
Game is so slow, you can fall asleep between turns (6-10 seconds loading time each turn on very good pc). Many freezes inside and outside combat. A shame, because it looks fun.
242 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 02:58
Hi everyone. No I don't work for the developers. I LOVED Master of The Broken World and so I bought this game hoping for more. It is just that.

If you are running on Windows 10, try this for stability: Go to the steam folder for this game and right click on the Imperium.exe file and then go to the compatibility tab. Run the compatibility troubleshooter. After running that I had no more issues.

Also for some reason the game was being run on my Intel graphic card, so in windows setting for Graphics, I hard coded the imperium.exe file to be run with my 1060 Geforce card. Now it is smoooooth, even with everything turned to very high.

I love almost all aspects of this game. I recently tried to play Heroes of Might and Magic VI as it was on sale and it was SO boring compared to this game.

Wish list:
-Exploring territories was faster. It can drag a bit to be exploring every node to 100%.
-Wish you could build some form of guard towers in selective nodes to help defend. When there are multiple enemies they are constantly attacking and I am always running back to defend. Maybe I am missing something?
-Enemies turns were faster. Bit of a wait, especially once enemies get multiple heroes.

Overall 9/10
238 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 09:08
I got tired after 20 hours of playing, because:
- Crashes are still happening, access violations, blah blah blah
- Although the Construction looks very cool and I was excited to build more and see what's next, at some point you do grow tired with the dependencies which you cannot fulfill
- Battles are bad implemented. The animations are out of sync, Hero spells are a JOKE, some heroes are massively Overpowered and some don't stand a chance.
- Strategically, the AI seems to have an unlimited ammount of funds. I beat the same Hero over and over and he comes back over and over full of Tier 3 Units... sorry, where does this all come from? AI Cheating is one thing, AI abusing cheating is another.

Nah, gotta say: no!
14 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 20:36
One of the best Strategy games I have ever played. Added a fixed storyline to the previous game Eador-Masters of the broken World, which I loved. Loved new hero types which were added in this version, however, Scout turned Archer is my favourite.

Why one must play this game?

It is a wholesome game with decent variation in units and a variety of hero developments. But my best is the exploration of Eador series. It is one of the best type of explorations that I have ever played.
609 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 21:15
CONCLUSION: If you absolutely must buy an Eador, buy this one. Better yet, don't

This is a second attempt at reskining Genesis with addition of flavour content but without mp. Eador is a bit like 6+ Heroes, is not it?
In this part you can actually chest ritual/mage plunder provinces, while your pilot annexes allied races' land. So instead of a province cover siege and multiple heroes fronts, you just play a sole hero cosy sweet text rpg.
This in fact makes Imperium superior to Genesis.
Still repetitive as hell. WOW WQ honestly seem more fascinating.
Devs should REALLY think about that auto
100+ hours on one map is some serious CKII sht.
As a 700+ GTA hours guy, I still say TL DP
75 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 11:11
Using the old buggy engine is a total joke. Don't buy!
109 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
17297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 17:37
I have way too many hours on this game. I looove it. Definitely the memory access errors can be annoying, but you can see it was because they were trying to do something so complex.
Just learn not be careful about loading a game during a battle, and you should be ok :) This scratches my itch more than heroes of might and magic. What I love is that your units get to grow with you as well if you put in the love to keep them alive battle after battle, which can really pay off towards the end.
I am also soooo impressed with the game design of the new heroes. Their game mechanics are so radically different, and yet it feels so balanced with the heroes already in the game. Very impressive.
199 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 04:44
I want to like this game, I really do. I've bought the other games in this series (masters of the broken world and Genesis) and I liked what I saw and hoped that this would continue to build on what the other games had done. Unfortunately the game is not currently at a point where it is stable enough to be what I would consider playable.
280 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
13624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 07:48
Well, I purchased this strategy/RPG jewel 3 years ago and soon cursed and abandoned it due to unacceptably bugged game play. Just for a curiosity I recently re-installed it I was and still am pleasantly surprised by great improvement - no unexpected error, implemented autosave and a smooth running on my Legion notebook. Thus, this is a must for any HMM fan (:.
1235 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 22:36
Not a significant improvement to earlier titles.

Got an access violation error in the 3rd part of the tutorial.

Seems to suffer from the same old problems with properly rating/naming challenge difficulty, going by how poorly battle AI handles.

Not sure if pictured screenshots could be said to accurately reflect the game, actual gameplay had characters with very ragged (white?) edges in-game with highest settings enabled.
183 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 00:25
When the game have popups from the devs apologizing for their bad engine you know it's a bad game. However, I have had no issues with the engine, so I wonder what they mean. No crashes, lockups or major bugs. The problem with the game is that it's slightly more amusing than watching paint dry. The dev popups in the game also explained their vision with a little bit of Heroes of Might & Magic, a little bit of Civlization, two games IP's I have played from the very beginning. I can see a little bit of both games in here, but everything takes ages to do and the game is really really slow.

Exploration, moving around the map to see what's out there, is replaced by standing on a hex and use the explore option. Once you do that you will get even popups every turn with a little text-story and most ends with a fight. After doing that for a hour or so (many many many rounds) you've explored the area fully and can move on. You've barely sen a sliver of the map after hours of play. Sure, you can skip this exploration but then there's not much else to do in the game.

Building your capital takes hours since there's so many buildings and requirements for them. Combat is slow since the maps are big and the troops move slow. I have played for hours and the map I've explored can still be fitted on my screen. I still have fog of war in the edges. I couldn't bare myself to actually finish a game where I've chosen all the options to make it quick, like a tiny map, one foe etc.
162 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 16:51
Compared to its predecessor , master of the broken world, that ive played a lot and i was very happy with, this one is, for me at least, full of bugs, that make it quite unplayable. Just reinstalled it now, but i was error critted out of the game in the 1st tour on the 1st campaign. Uninstalled it again.
1041 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 07:39
Even at a steep discount, I cannot recommend the game, because it crashes every few minutes. If you care about the developer, try to convince him that debugging his own software is his own responsibility, and nobody else's, and that all the backlash he is getting from his customers and investors is justified.
27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 00:29
So far it plays very well and reminds me a lot of Heroes of Might and Magic and Ogre Battle. For the sale price on the bundle (75%) off, it so far looks like the steal of the month.
1947 Produkte im Account
1021 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 06:59
ui is a mess
507 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
11484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 00:27
It did bring more contents to the universe. And the game seemed much smoother than MoTBW to me.

Recommended if you are a fan of Eador and don't mind playing with some (minor) bugs.
376 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 03:17
UI and controls are so clunky. The color contrasts of creatures versus the background are not good. You won't be able to easily identity creatures.

Building tree is horribly drawn out. It could have been fixed if they added tabs on it. Nope, they just added everything on one page. At least the search is working.
87 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 01:43
Crashes frequently with various memory errors setting back your game play to the most recent auto save (0-15 minutes at a time). Recently I saw an out of memory error and the program was using 3.6 GB -- but my system has 32GB RAM so it wasn't really out of memory just the software was poorly coded. It seems the developers don't care....

I bought it on sale but regret doing so. I want to like the game but so far it seems to be a endless grind interspersed with the occasional game crash. Enjoy!
302 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 23:28
Their first (Master of a Brooken Game.,... I mean World) game was kinda a buggy Mess, but a playable Buggy mess. They also tried really hard to get it functional with quite a few patches.... This one first of all is entirely not compatible, its not an add on, and it seems to have not fewer bugs but more. Not sure what their development strategy is but this is not it.
267 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 15:39
Constantly crashes, can't even get past the first turn. Was looking forward to playing this.
511 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 20:26
Runs absolutley horribly. I have more than enough system to run it and couldn't get it to stop chugging. Turning it up to max wasn't maxing out usage on my system but the performance was unusable so I turned it down to lowest setting where it was hardly even registering as much of a drain at all but still couldn't force it to run well enough not to drive me up a wall.
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 11:43
Was looking for something to play similar to Heroes of Might and Magic. Eador in general good idea, but following things kills player experience IMHO:
- technical glitches
- gameplay is very slow
-- Most of the time you not really going anywhere. HoMM is much more dynamic
-- It takes you forever to get enough money for Level3-4-5 buildings (means = you have almost no chances to get L5 creatures)
-- Heroes moving only 1 tile per turn. Like... seriously?
- buildings system is overcomplicated without any value for the gameplay

There are many things I do like in this game in comparison to HoMM, but too slow gameplay is main stopped for me. Not going to play it anymore
194 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
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15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.17 00:00
I'm, disappointed. Really quite disappointed. Check my hours played on EadorMOTBW (700) and you'll see that I have some experience with the Eador series so far.
And why am I disappointed?
There does not appear to be any grand campaign. There is no day after day long campaign where you build up your buildings and troops from scratch that I can see. First campaign that I chose and I already had access to allies and tier IV buildings and had several tiles already occupied around my capital city. I mean, seriously, wtf?
Instead I find myself locked into a scenario, chosen randomly by me, that has a TURN LIMIT.
I HATE those type of games.
So far it is the antithesis of the sandbox experience which Eador lends itself to. I like spending all day conquering a shard, chasing down pieces of armour sets, levelling up my heroes to try all the builds, choosing the different troop barracks to field a designer army, different on each shard.
This is...refund material.
But it can be salvageable Snowbird!
For god's sake give us unlimited turns. Give us the campaign format of the Eador we played before! I want to choose shards to fight for. I want to start with nothing but that which i fought for from the previous shard. I want to choose. Do not take choices away from us, ever.....

AND, second fight that I had after buying the game and I had 2 movement bugs; my hero and a tier 2 mob.
That means I could not use that troop or my hero in the battle after they bugged out.
Only the second fight....
Logo for Eador. Imperium
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
73.61% 424 152
Release:27.01.2017 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Snowbird Game Vertrieb: Snowbird Game Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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