We're thrilled to share the latest news about Dyson Sphere Program at this year's TGS.
Like you, we can’t wait to introduce the Vehicle System into the game, bringing new ways to combat the Dark Fog, enhance automation efficiency, and of course, extend your bedtime. But hold tight — the lightweight industrial mecha still needs a little more time before we can get this massive unit running smoothly.
Be sure to tune in to the Gamirror Games Now TGS2024 Special on September 26, 2024, at 11 AM (UTC+8).

Also, Dyson Sphere Program will be offering a 20% discount from September 21 to October 5 ! We welcome more engineers to join our great project, brick by brick, in expanding the vast universe. But remember to take care of yourselves, rest up, and keep your Fuel Power as full as Icarus.