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Patch Note V0.10.31.24632
Dyson Sphere Program
30.11.24 12:34 Community Announcements
Is it winter now? (Because suddenly it's very cold here)

So, it's been a while since the Update Preview, and it's about the time to give this update and thank all our engineers for your continuous support.

This update includes the newly added [Game Goals] system, along with the optimizations in [Blueprint], [Statistics Panel] and [Voice Broadcast]. Probably you'd like to read this log while waiting for the game to be loaded?

And here is the full list:


  • Added [Game Goals]. The new Game Goals UI will give hints on controls, constructions and technology unlocks to help players start and know their feasible next-steps.
  • Added [Item Searching] function in Statistics Panel.
  • [Statistics Panel] Production: Added look-up function for item's upper and lower stream production (An item's materials and it as a material).
  • [Statistics Panel] Production: Added "Reference Rate"attributes. (The ideal production and consumption rate are calculated assuming every running facility is at maximum efficiency).
  • [Statistics Panel] Production: Added Import/Export Rates for items in a star system or on a planet.
  • [Statistics Panel] Production: Added tooltip for the histograms. It displays the item production and consumption for the interval.
  • [Statistics Panel] Power: Added a radial chart for power statistics to more intuitively display the ratio of power supply and consumption.
  • [Statistics Panel] Dyson Sphere: Added statistics for Solar Sails, Structure Points, Cell Points for every Dyson Shell.
  • Added Upgrades [Solar Sail Attaching Speed]. This upgrade increases Solar Sail attaching speed.
  • When failing to paste a Blueprint, hold Ctrl will hide buildable facilities, and hold Shift will only display buildable facilities.
  • Added [Voice Timbre Style] options in [Audio] settings. Voices can be changed by preference. Every broadcast can be changed or silenced.
  • Added Sound Effects for the following facilities: Quantum Chemical Plant, Negentropy Smelter, Advanced Mining Machine, Statellite Substation, Geothermal Power Station, Signal Tower.
  • Added warning toggling options for specific Dark Fog swarm assault. (Applies to HUD message, sound warning and voice warning).


  • Changed the visual style in [Blueprint Mode]. Planet surface, water, foundations, and models of Conveyor Belts, Sorters will have different colors and visuals.
  • Added border effect for the rectangle selection area in [Blueprint Mode].
  • Now in [Blueprint Mode], click on the facility icon will change its hologram color.
  • Now when failing to paste a Blueprint, the paste area will turn dark instead of red. The pasting area will have a better visual for finding out the erroring facility.
  • Now when failing to paste a Blueprint, an error message will show up by the erroring facility.
  • Changed the layout of information in [Statistics Panel].
  • In [Technology] panel, if a description for a prerequisite tech is too long, it will be displayed by scrolling.
  • Power supply range model is changed from sphere to cylinder to supply high facilities better. (Old saves need to reconstruct facilities to apply the new range model).
  • Now when building [Conveyor Belts] in air, holding Ctrl will force snapping the construction position to the relative ground grid position instead of the mouse point position.
  • Now in Replicator (Icarus), if an item is not satiable for every material requiring it, the materials will be displayed in orange background.
  • Reduced the frequency of item transition across levels in stacked Labs. Increased the max transition number and item cache.
  • Added "Defense Coverage", it can be viewed in [Planetary Shield] UI and [Shield Contour]. It refers to the ratio of the area on the planet that with a shield altitude higher than 5m.
  • Changed the Planetary Shield hit effect.
  • Adjusted the barrage attack logic and projectile visual effect of [Lancer].
  • Added afterburner visual effect for [Construction Drones].
  • Now more localized text strings take effect after changing language (full localization requires restart).


  • Adjusted [Solar Sail Attaching Speed] to 10/min, speed is upgradable. In saves prior to this update, if [Dyson Sphere Stress System] is researched, the speed is unlocked to 30/min.


  • Fixed an error in [Blueprint Mode] causing “Icon Layout” drop down menu falsely overlapped.
  • Fixed a bug where Dyson Sphere and celestial bodies can be blocked by shadows when in [Blueprint Mode].
  • Fixed a bug where [Cell Point] number is wrongly displayed in [Dyson Sphere Panel] if the number is too big.
  • Fixed a bug where "Add Essential Items" falsely consumes [Logistics Drones] when it should add [Logistics Bot] in [Control Panel].
  • Fixed a bug where after setting up factories on over 64 planets, Dyson Sphere statistics are wrongly calculated.
  • Fixed a bug when constructing too many [Battlefield Analysis Base]s in one tick may result in the Bases not working properly.
  • Fixed a bug where in very rare cases, after the [Dark Fog Planetary Base] is destroyed, the [Core Driller] can't be removed and hint says units remaining.
  • Fixed a bug where in Sandbox Mode, "Generate/Consume Cargo" is still in effect after untick in [Traffic Monitor].
  • Fixed a bug where loading a sandbox save multiple times may result in [EM Ejector]’s 10x Speed not working.
  • Fixed a bug where opening item selection panel in "New Planet Route", information of planets beyond the [Universe Exploration] level can be viewed.
  • Fixed a bug where tick “Show Shield Contour” while on a different planet would cause an error.
  • Fixed a bug where defense facilities and Blueprint can't rotate counterclockwise by ← (left) key.
  • Fixed a bug where default [Build Menu key (B)] is changed, but can't be opened by the new key bind.
  • Fixed a bug where after pressing F11, the arrow line to Dark Fog is not hidden.
  • Fixed a bug where under certain circumstance, cargos can't join an empty enclosed circuit belt.
  • Fixed a bug where in Blueprint Mode, [Geothermal Power Station] can't be built on a removable [Core Drill] and error says "require lava" or "collide with other object".
  • Fixed a bug where switching views between planets or stars in Starmap, "Route" information is not updating.
  • Fixed a bug when pasting a Blueprint for Logistics Station, if a belt is reversed before the Station is built, the belt will output item from the other end.

Logo for Dyson Sphere Program
Release:20.01.2021 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Youthcat Studio Vertrieb: Gamera Game Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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