News Liste Dungeon Defenders

Dungeon Defenders Version 9.2.0
Dungeon Defenders
29.06.23 16:58 Community Announcements

New Hero - The Hermit

Spear user that can have a shield on his back.
He can’t use the ranged attack on spears, instead he spins in place for up to 10 seconds, with damage scaling off the melee damage on the spear
He has a passive damage bonus when attacking with the left mouse button

- Nature’s Gift: Increases speed, restores health and adds poison damage to the Hermit’s attacks
- Thorn Shot: Shoots 5 poisonous thorns in a spread pattern that pass through enemies Foes hit by this ability get poisoned

- Seed Bomb Tower (4 DU): Blasts enemies in a wide radius and poisons them. Poisoned enemies explode on death
- Web Wall (2 to 4 DU): Damages and webs enemies that pass through it, reducing their speed and resistances
- Nature Pylon (5 DU): Greatly increases range and resistances of all nearby Defenses, and increases speed and casting rate of nearby Heroes. The tower buffs doesn’t stack with buff beams or guardians
- Mushroom Spore Tower (7 DU): Launches poisonous spores at enemies, infecting them. Infected enemies take extra damage from other Defenses and spread the infection to other foes nearby
- Forest Golem (8 DU): Stationary Golem that boosts nearby Heroes and Defenses by healing and giving damage resistance. Enemies also target them with priority

New Maps

Lifestream Hollow
- Rewards:
The Forest's Experience and Mushroom Launcher: Staff and Gun that have the Nature’s ability, which causes foes hit with the weapons to explode on death dealing damage to other enemies
Woodland Sword and Hermit’s Swallow: Sword and Spear that have the Nature’s Wrath ability. They have a chance to activate the ability on hit, which boosts your hero damage.
- Survival Pets:
Wave 25: Unicorn - Dps pet that can only roll up to Supreme quality. It attacks with all damage types currently in the game
Wave 30: Navi Fairy - Stat pet that revives you to full health once every 40 seconds
Wave 35: Forest Griffon - Dps pet that does Lightning Damage
Challenge: Forest Ogre Crush
- Rewards:
Madness Stone Thrower: Monk spear that throws rocks for gathering mana
New Goblin Accessory Set
Emerald City
- Complete rework to the map
New Items
- Added a monk and apprentice weapon to Tinkerer’s Lab
- Tinkerer’s Lab now drops class specific rewards on top of a random extra weapon
Quality of Life
- Made Embermount survival’s max starting wave 38
- Added accessories to Rumble in the Jungle Reward
- Changed Shield on Rumble in the Jungle, Greater Turkey Hunt and Karathiti Jungle from random accessories roll to a squire accessory slot to be in line with other maps
- Changed harbingers to work off the new buff system (Backend, let us know if there’s bugs)
- Made the Max Characters for the Hero Renaming UI Box 32 characters to be in line with the character limit
- Made Summoner’s Flash Heal be activatable while jumping
- Changed Ranked Logo
- Changed Ranked Welcome Screen images and links
- Added a FPS slider to the options menu. The game now supports up to a 120 fps cap instead of 60 without engine errors
- Increased default connection limits to make the game better when on other people’s lobbies
- Moved the second floor tables toggle from the basement to the second floor
- Added extra information text box to item displays
- Added the option on CDT Settings to turn on Weapon Size and Swing Speed on the information text box
- Made melee pets not stop attacking when jumping or taking damage to do the respective animations
- Made the max charge animation uninterruptible with other actions
- Off inventory sorting is now back to the behavior before update 9
- Added Type and Size inventory sorting options
- Changed the Fenix pet Ultimate rate
- Made it so Turkey Bracers properly save
- Made the platforms on Old One in Tavern Incursion go up faster
- Added extra platform to failsafe if upper platform doesn't move properly all the way on Tavern Incursion
- Moved down the death volumes to prevent the issue where the platform would be just under the kill zone on Tavern Incursion
- Fixed collision from circular tables and chairs not disappearing on the second floor of the tavern when they’re not there
- Fixed gap on the bottom of Heart Forge on the Tavern
- Fixed Ultimate Defender Exp Orb being awarded to spits
- Fixed floating table on third floor of the Tavern
- Fixed the volume under the forge on Lover’s Paradise to only kill enemies and not towers
- Added MU counter to the HUD for Greater Turkey Hunt and Monster Fest maps
- Added Forced Controller Weighting to Sky City forge to enable controller use on TBR CP3
- Made the quality sorting take into account the reversing of quality values on sub myth gear
- Serpent staff poison cloud now triggers mana collection from genie
- Fixed an issue where enemies could over roll health to the negatives making them invincible (Fixes pirate invasions falsely set ending)
- Fixed an issue where Jester couldn’t use it’s Move Tower ability on Minions

Balance Changes

  • Accs- Made Santa Glasses random level roll be 14 to be in line with other accessories - Made Santa Hat, Eye Patch, Top Hat and Bow level rolls consistent with the other end-game accessories - Removed Top Hat, Bow, Mask and Love Links from Lover's Paradise rewards
  • Weapons
  • - Made swords of master projectile not be dependant on having full health - Nerfed the damage of Moon Staff by ~15% - Made charge rate for Moon Staff not roll negative - Buffed Staff of Love Hero stats a bit. Tower stats remain the same
  • Pets
  • - Made Fenix and Ember Pony around 10% better so they're an alternative to Crystalline Dragon. This should make all of them have around the same DPS with the same level - Buffed Little Wizard by x1.3 and Mummy by x1.17 absolute damage multiplier so they're an alternative for Snowman and Free-range Chicken (Needs testing) - Changed spread on Mummy's projectiles to be a diamond instead of a line - Increased the ult rate for Djinlett, Donkey and Shroomite - Made the spread on Shroomite a bit better - Added projectile speed and made the extra projectile guaranteed on Shroomite and Donkey pets - Increased animation speed of Elephant attack to 1.2 and divided damage multiplier by 1.25 (should be around the same dps as before but more usable) - Increased Mr. Owl’s size to 1.4 from 1.3 - Made event Unicorns a little better - Made supreme seahorses get 72 damage per upgrade
  • Maps
  • - Changed Wandering Heart weapon rewards to award both per split - Made Pirate Invasion increase the number of rewards for every wave after wave 17 - Pirate invasion now gives 1.35B mana tokens per reward on nightmare mode - Added weapon reward switch trigger to Crystalline Resurgence 1 to 3 and changed survival weapon reward to be class based to be in line with new default - Increased the activation range on switches on the Crystalline Resurgence maps - Increased mana drops from Turkey on Tavern Incursion - Changed generic resist on Tavern Incursion’s Old One's feet from 50% to 35% - Added crates on the outside of windows on Tavern Incursion to make going through them easier off-host - Made the window collision on Tavern Incursion a bit more lenient - Moved teleport note for hands on old one closer to the center of the arena to prevent a kill on teleport with a platform bug on Tavern Incursion - Multiplied health of all walls on the assault wave of Tavern Incursion by x0.8 - Changed damage reduction on 5 and 6 players for Old One on Tavern Incursion - Wasp Boss and Barb Health Multiplier 5p decreased from 5 to 4.5 on Tavern Incursion - Wasp Boss and Barb Health Multiplier 6p decreased from 6 to 5 on Tavern Incursion - Wasp baby Health Multiplier 6p decreased from 3.5 to 3.25 on Tavern Incursion - All Old One green lasers will no longer spawn instantly (same spawn delay as blue/red lasers). - On Tavern Incursion, falling off of the Old One platform will result in taking a large % of your maximum health in damage, losing all Mana, and being teleported back to the Tavern instead of instantly dying. The damage taken increases each time this is triggered, ramping up faster with the bargain active. - On Tavern Incursion, killing the waves of bosses in the Tavern area on Wave 18 will now reset ability cooldowns. -Increased health of Old One's head crystal by 20% on Tavern Incursion - Boss spawns on Wave 18 health reduced by 20% on Tavern Incursion on solo mode - Damage dealt to Old One increased by 20% on Tavern Incursion on solo mode - Tavernkeep Impostor on Tavern Incursion no longer uses Hawk Stance, but basic attack is now unaffected by Strength Drain Aura - Added 4 more chests to Omenak to make the survival numbers more on pair with the other armor farm maps - Moved the chest from the bridge up top on Lover’s Paradise to near one of the cores - Moved spawn points to around the core near the forge on Lover’s Paradise - Chests are no longer random on Lover’s Paradise on Survival Mode - Multiplied Dark Elf Warrior and Dark Elf Mage numbers by 2.5 on Winter Mire to get the survival more in line with other maps of the same quality - Rebalanced Embermount Volcano Survival difficulty - Coastal Bazaar’s campaign rewards are now rewarded to the hero type you’re using - Moved Striking Tree’s spawn point so alts don't spawn inside towers - Lowered the overlord minimum height boundaries for Lover's Paradise - Swapped the first wave of Halloween Invasion to be 2 Poly Spider Queens - Made the first wave of Halloween Invasion upgrade all towers 3 times like Tavern Incursion - Made Dread Dungeon chests give 70 mana - Added a guaranteed armor drop to lab assault - Removed 2 chests from Spooky Pirate Base and increased the mana to 130 per chest
  • Barbarian
  • - Turtle Stance now reduces your movement speed by 34% - Turtle Stance now boosts all sword damage besides Hawk Stance by 20% - Turtle Stance makes you swing 10% slower - Made it possible to use Tornado Stance on build phase - Made Tornado Stance speed multiplier weaker to compensate for the base speed buffs - Tornado Stance now reduces your damage by 38% instead of 45% - Tornado and Turtle Stances now turn each other off on activation - Increased the damage on Battle Leap and Battle Pound - Made Hawk Stance, Battle Leap and Battle Pound animations Faster - Combined both instances of the Hawk Stance damage into one damage that hits based on the main hand sword’s hitbox - Lightning Stance no longer damages you or stuns enemies - Lightning Stance now converts all your damage into lightning damage and reduces your damage by 10% - Changed the base movement speed values for the following skins: Tavernkeep and Pirate Imposter from 320 to 440 Santa from 408 to 500 Regular from 450 to 550 Amazoness from 550 to 650
  • App
  • - Changes to Apprentice Overcharge. Increases weapon damage based on the Ability Stat Value and the equipped Staff’s Charge Rate stat - Changed Overcharge mana cost to match hero boost - Mana Bomb damage now scales with Damage Multiplier boosts - Mana Bomb cooldown is now 15 seconds - Mana bomb can now be cast while moving
  • Adept
  • - Changed the Instant Upgrade ability to Upgrade Aura. It will upgrade your defences on a radius around you as long as you have mana available. The mana cost per upgrade decreases with you Ability 1 Stat - Made the hero damage scaling 10% better than a Jester with the same stats - Purity Bomb now increases your mana attraction, making gathering mana easier
  • Countess
  • - Buffed damage output by around 15% - Joust cooldown is now 10 seconds
  • Squire
  • - Circular slice now makes you invulnerable while casting

Logo for Dungeon Defenders
Release:19.10.2011 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Trendy Entertainment Vertrieb: Reverb Publishing Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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