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DD1 Redux 12.0.1 Update
Dungeon Defenders
31.12.20 00:27 Community Announcements
Greetings Defenders!

The launch of the Redux version of DD1 by the community run Redux Development Team has been quite the success! We've received positive feedback from all areas of the community including new and returning players. Outside of the package mismatch error the overall launch has been going quite smoothly from what we've seen and has been reported to us at Chromatic Games.

With all that in mind, all launches of something new or major updates cause bugs to come along that need to be squashed that affect the player experience and of course unforeseen balance issues. Instead of waiting for the next bigger update of Redux a bunch of changes are coming in today to make Redux even better experience especially during the holiday break. Since a lot of maps are affected by this update this patch is going to be quite large.

If you want to know more about this update, Redux in general, or find new friends to join on your DD1 Redux adventure we highly recommend you join both discords: Dungeon Defenders RnG and Dungeon Defenders Official Discord

Patch Notes:

General Changes:

  • Package mismatches are fixed. You should no longer run in to this error when joining another defender's game.
  • There is a new icon for Ranked.

New Features:

  • Special one-time reward Divine and Void quality bracers have been added. The Divine Misplaced Old One Bracer can be acquired by completing the four Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards maps as well as their respective challenges on Ascension Hardcore or Ruthless. (Mistymire to Sky City, Portal Defense to Boss Rush). The Void Misplaced Old One Bracer can be acquired by completing Crystalline Dimension on Ascension (Neither Hardcore nor Ruthless required), Crystal Cave as well as No Towers Allowed: Crystal Cave on Hardcore or Ruthless.
  • True Boss Rush now rewards Divine and Void Misplaced Old One bracers with random stats as well as the otherwise Tavernkeeper shop exclusive weapons on map completion on Ascension difficulty.
  • A portal has been added to all taverns that teleports players to the Forge Room. This will allow people to access the Coal Forge, Divine Forge and Void Forge without having to change their tavern.
  • Added a button to the hero info screen to move all items on a character to your item box.
  • The Jester's presents can now spawn all of the new towers.
  • Akatiti Jungle on Ascension difficulty will now reward the Sea Turtle on a Treadmill from Temple of Water if the secret code is performed.
  • The Apprentice's Snowball tower now freezes wyverns and makes them fall to the ground after two hits. Their targeting has also been adjusted to prefer wyverns and targets that are not currently frozen.

Balance Changes:

  • Fixed an issue causing weapons and pets to roll Divine half as often as intended.
  • Ruthless mode will now correctly increase the wave stat multiplier for items that drop on the ground. In addition, the item quality (bias of how high a stat rolls on average) buff that Ruthless applies to ground drops has been increased by 10%.
  • Ruthless mode's maximum simultaneous override enemy limit has been changed from 60 to 80. This should result in maps being faster to complete on Ruthless than before.
  • Disabled the Ruthless mob count scalar on challenges. This should make challenges more consistently difficult on Ruthless mode.
  • Cyclops' aggro patterns will now behave the same as Ogres.
  • Guaranteed Divine Crystal rewards have all been removed. The random chance for getting one on level victory has been adjusted for all maps individually to accommodate for this. The odds for each map will be publicly available in Discord servers related to Dungeon Defenders.
  • The poisonous gas thrown by cyclops has had its damage dealt to all targets reduced slightly and damage dealt to Summoner's minions reduced massively.
  • The Devil's Pitchfork has had its ranged and elemental damage decreased.
  • Summoner's pet boost ability has been adjusted to perform more consistently across all pets.
  • The Huntress' Oil trap fire damage increase now scales in effectiveness with tower damage. (5% with 0 tower damage, capped at 50% when around 6300 tower damage)
  • The Huntress' Dark Shot ability had its projectile speed increased by 25%.
  • The Series EV's Tesla Bomb ability is no longer disabled on Temple of Polybius.
  • The Series EV's S.A.M unit now has a wider effective range. Its damage output has been reduced by 25% to compensate. Enemies will also be more likely to target the S.A.M unit when hit by it.
  • The Squire's Slice n' Dice tower should now suck enemies towards it more consistently. This should stop small mobs from getting tossed around the map.
  • The Squire's Mortar Tower has had its projectile range buffed by 20%. It also had a targeting offset added that should make it easier for the tower to hit enemies when close to it.
  • The Ancient Dragon on The Summit on Ascension difficulty will now deal 25% less damage with its fireballs.
  • The Goblin Mech on The Throne Room on Ascension difficulty had the range of its rockets reduced by 25%.
  • The go-negative function for the Kraken Kannon and Mischief Maker from Temple of Polybius has been reduced for Harcore (to 7%) and Ruthless (to 0%).
  • The Demon Lord and Goblin Mech pets have had their system for rolling upgrades reworked. This should result in higher average upgrades on these items.
  • Nerfed Sea Turtle on a Treadmill pet to cap at 800 instead of 900.
  • Nerfed Spinal Column right-click damage.
  • The Imp pet will now heal towers and minions in an area around it. The healing has been reduced to account for this.
  • The Monkey pet has had its healing reduced to more acceptable levels.
  • Many fights in the secret challenge map True Boss Rush have been adjusted on Ascension difficulty.
  • Crystalline Resurgence: Part 4's Ancient Dragon had its health increased.
  • Reduced Mischief's multiplayer health scaling on Temple of Polybius to compensate for his immunity to Series EV's Proton Charge Blast ability.
  • Assault missions Return to Mistymire, Moraggo, Aquanos, Sky City and Crystalline Dimension as well as the Halloween Assault Mission Pack will now reduce player damage taken when multiple players are present in the game. This should make encourage playing these maps with a group of players. (100/90/80/75 for 1/2/3/4-6 players)
  • Assault missions Return to Mistymire, Moraggo, Aquanos, Sky City and Crystalline Dimension as well as the Halloween Assault Mission Pack will now set the remaining lives to 0 after a few seconds when on Hardcore or Ruthless.
  • Return to Crystalline Dimension's life amount on Hardcore or Ruthless now scales with amount of players.
  • Nerfed Moonbase XP income on Ascension difficulty.
  • Glitterhelm Caverns has been made less difficult on Ascension difficulty.
  • Crystal Cave defense and minion units decreased from 90 to 80. Goblin Copters were also added to this map.
  • Crystal Cave enemy count per wave on survival has been reduced.
  • Rumble in the Jungle's forced cyclops spawner has been removed, resulting in significantly less Cyclops spawning.
  • Town in the Cliffs' djinn boss has been replaced with a Desert Cupid.
  • Town in the Cliffs on survival mode now goes to a max of Wave 35 instead of 30. The Donkey pet is now rewarded for survival completion.
  • Buffed the aggro of the top crystal on Town in the Cliffs.
  • Fixed an issue with the donkey pet's rolls on Crystalline Resurgence 2 survival on Ascension Difficulty.
  • Lab Assault on Ascension difficulty will now only drop high quality accessories. The amount of accessories per player has been reduced to 1.
  • The challenges; Assault, Assault Mission Pack 1-3 and Halloween Assault Pack 1-3 have been adjusted to make their rewards per account. This should encourage playing in groups more as well as bringing their rewards more in line for their speed and difficulty.
  • Halloween Assault Pack: Part 2 now only rewards 1 accessory.
  • Tinkerer's Lab has been made significantly easier on Ruthless. Some bugs were causing the health of certain enemies to be too high.
  • Added a speed multiplier of 1.1 to the Void Bow.
  • Removed the speed multiplier from the Giraffe on a Treadmill's Ascension version.
  • The Ancient Dragon on The Summit can now be hit by towers on Ascension difficulty.

Bug fixes and Quality of Life:

  • Custom taverns will no longer spawn a diamond automatically when returning to them with 88 coal in your inventory. The coal forge in the forge room accessed through a portal in all taverns can be used for this purpose. (Default/Outside taverns still have all their previously existing features)
  • Custom taverns will now act appropriately with items rewarded when returning to it such as Rainbow Unicorns earned by completing the Assault Mission Pack and Free-Range Chickens earned by holding 10 eggs in your inventory.
  • Custom taverns will no longer show the incorrect Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards related progression visuals such as the Shards on the wall and the Dragon/Old One head.
  • Custom taverns will no longer display the mission details at the top of the screen incorrectly.
  • Custom taverns should now be less likely to destroy items when they fall out of the map.
  • Return to Crystalline Dimension assault will now correctly give rewards to off-host clients.
  • Frostdale Capture the Flag and Hold the Flag now properly show up in the challenges section.
  • Palantir's second boss on Ascension, the Knight of the North will now properly have its white aura disappear on death for off-host clients.
  • True Boss Rush will now correctly reward items for off-host clients.
  • Lives on Crystalline Resurgence: Part 4 and Crystalline Dimension are now properly reduced on Ruthless.
  • Fixed the spawners on the Goblin Battlecruiser during True Boss Rush on Ascension difficulty.
  • Town in the Cliffs' pathing for enemies has been adjusted to stop enemies from getting stuck.
  • Fixed an issue with the collision of the Series EV's S.A.M Unit.
  • Fixed an issue causing Mortar Towers to be able to damage allied Reflect Beams situationally.
  • Fixed the spawn point for player 2 on Halloween Assault Pack: Part 3.
  • Fixed an issue with the split-screen emulator that could kick you from the game by using it when the match is full.
  • Fixed an issue with the split-screen emulator that resulted in locking up the victory/defeat screen when opening it as a split character.
  • Implemented a fix to stop the internal Nightmare multiplier from affecting items on Ascension difficulty to fix some broken interactions.
  • Implemented a potential fix for abnormally high game crash rates on Infested Ruins and Omenak when on survival mode.
  • Removed ground drop loot on Crystal Escort: Spring Valley to improve performance.
  • Changed scaling in the crystal stats UI to look more in line.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Wyverns on Wandering Heart on Ascension difficulty to stop moving.
  • Fixed an issue causing spawners on Crystal Cave to keep spawning after map completion.
  • Fixed an issue causing pylons to not be targetable by some pets.
  • The Spear of Atlantis will now properly be rewarded on Easy-Nightmare difficulty on Temple of Water.
  • The Spider Queen minion's behavior state icon has been adjusted to not appear too high above her.
  • Fixed the size of the Fedora accessory from Arcane Library when dropped.
  • Fixed the Demon Lord pet's visuals when dropped.
  • Fixed the fire size of the Demon Lord pet's ranged attack from appearing to be massive.
  • Staves will no longer consume upgrades for no benefit when they hit 128 charge rate.
  • Omenak's Siege Mech enemies will now properly get the 1.85x health multiplier instead of 9x.
  • Siege Mechs will now correctly be affected by the oil trap.
  • Fixed a typo in the effect description for the Genie's Scimitar from Town in the Cliffs.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Genie's Scimitar from hitting opposing towers on assault missions.
  • Removed the minion state icon for the Kobold ability on Summoner.

Closing Note:

We've heard several requests for having Redux not be on a branch but access through various different methods that other games have used for a community made update like Redux, mods, or a new version of the same game that can be toggled. Unfortunately we're in a bit of a unique situation regarding that and isn't something that can just be done right now with a flip of a switch. However we are looking into the possibilities that something can be done to help players access Redux easier but there is no time frame of when or any guarantee that another method of access can happen. We'll definitely let the community know if a method is found that does work for Redux and all the details regarding that when it comes time.

Social Defenders

To get reliable updates on the Dungeon Defenders Universe make sure to follow us on all our social media platforms:

For Etheria!
Chromatic Games
Logo for Dungeon Defenders
Release:19.10.2011 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Trendy Entertainment Vertrieb: Reverb Publishing Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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