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DD1 Redux 12.0.2 Update
Dungeon Defenders
29.01.21 22:17 Community Announcements
Greetings Defenders!

Another Redux update for you to enjoy this weekend! A bit of balance, a bit of quality of life, and of course lots of fun!

If you want to know more about this update, Redux in general, or find new friends to join on your DD1 Redux adventure we highly recommend you join both discords: Dungeon Defenders RnG and Dungeon Defenders Official Discord

Patch Notes

New Content

  • Sky O’ Love now has a secret which rewards a special accessory at the end of the map (repeatable).
  • Summit now has a secret which rewards a special item upon successfully completing the map, (once per account) and doubles the accessories rewarded (repeatable).
  • A new pet, the Fluffy Dragon, has been added to the game, and is rewarded from Crystal Escort: Wandering Heart.

Quality of Life

  • “Slowgres” should release faster at the end of waves on Ascension.
  • The displayed base damage on weapons has been changed to allow for more consistent comparison across the board. This is just a visual change, and will not affect the DPS the weapon deals. Some weapons affected by this include Obsidian Sparus, Gladius, and Void Staff.
  • “Unequip all” button hides when leveling up to make room for the “Reset Level-up” button.
  • Quick-adding alts with F6 adds all alts with a single keystroke.
  • Mission setup remembers if you were on Ruthless in your previous session, rather than switching your preference back to Hardcore.
  • Game browser can filter lobbies by Ascension difficulty.
  • Fixed the loud sounds on the Summit Dragon pet.
  • Made Devil’s Pitchfork VFX less annoying.
  • Dummies in the Tavern can be affected by the Oil Trap debuff (no visual).
  • Added more cheater prevention.

General Balance

*Some of these changes in the balance sections are technically bug fixes, but they are listed here due to their impact on game balance.

  • Ruthless now only multiplies boss HP by 1.5x instead of 3x below Nightmare.
  • Fixed some challenges getting affected by Ruthless mob count scaling. (For the moment, it is intentional that challenge map mob counts are unaffected by Ruthless due to the logistic challenges of rebalancing every single map on a case-by-case basis.)
  • Cyclops gas damage-over-time no longer deals bonus damage to minions.
  • Nerfed loot goblin special weapon rewards max stats by 40% and base damage spawn by 50%.
  • Melee pet healing is now properly reduced on maps where pet healing is reduced.
  • Increased projectile speed of Apprentice/Adept Fire Ball ability by 50%.

Map Balance

  • Temple of Polybius[list]
  • No longer has double rewards on Ascension Ruthless.

  • Return to Crystalline Dimension
    • Off-host players can earn rewards again.
    • Buffed Divine Crystal reward chance from 5% to 10%.

  • Crystal Cave
    • Harbingers have been added. Launch event is over, pack your bags.
    • Survival wave pet rewards have been rebalanced; 25 - Crystal Core; 30 - Spider Queen. 35 - Crystalline Griffon. (previously 25 - Spider Queen; 30 - Crystalline Griffon; 35 - Crystal Core)

  • True Boss Rush
    • Each checkpoint now has a 10% chance to reward a Divine Crystal.
    • Divine armor now gives bonus HP (2.5% per piece) on TBR specifically. Previously, it provided no bonus at all, since divine healing was disabled (except for off-host players, which has also been removed).
    • Lifesteal is now disabled.

  • Temple of Water
    • Reduced the health of the top spawn wyverns on Temple of Water and disabled their spawn invincibility.

  • The Great Turkey Defense
    • Now rewards Rumble in the Jungle weapons (Apocalypse, Slash and Burn, Maquahuitl, Karathikan Stone Thrower).
    • Reduced HP on Warriors, Spiders, and Copters on Ruthless.
    • Increased base health of small Turkeys, but disabled Ruthless modifiers.
    • A message now plays at the start to indicate that the small turkeys increase enemy difficulty when killed.

  • Greater Turkey Hunt
    • Rewards generate negative stats far less often.
    • Ascension bosses now have their correct, increased HP values.

  • Uber: Death from Above
    • Reduced difficulty.
    • Fixed a spot where wyverns could get stuck.

  • Sky O’ Love
    • Reduced HP of Ogres on Ruthless.

  • Halloween Spooktacular 3!
    • Pumpkin boss is no longer able to hit the core.
    • Pumpkin boss now has a boss icon.

  • Tavern Defense
    • Genie rewards from survival have been adjusted to match Coastal Bazaar’s.

  • Town in the Cliffs
    • Slightly reduced the number of mobs that spawn in higher waves of Survival.
    • Genie is now rewarded from Survival on Wave 30.

  • Akatiti Jungle
    • Monkey rewards from survival have been adjusted to match Karathiki Jungle’s.

  • Sky City
    • Weapon rewards generate negative stats far less often now.

  • Crystalline Resurgence
    • Slightly reduced the difficulty of CR 1, 2, and 3 survivals.

  • Palantir
    • Made Knight boss easier on lower difficulties.
    • Survival max wave increased to 35.

  • Lab Assault
    • Now rewards two accessories instead of one on Ascension.


    Tower Balance

    • S.A.M. Unit now correctly has a 120 degree targeting cone.
    • Physical beams now get divine healing. Divine waller, anyone?
    • All other EV beams get the health bonus instead.
    • Oil Trap and Snowball Tower have been added to Jester Presents.

    Item Balance

    • Lifesteal from the Halloween Spooktacular 3! weapons (Vampiric Bone Spiker, Vampiric Grim Reaper, Vampiric Bone Sword) reduced by 50%.
    • Reduced stat rolls on Genie Scimitar + Spartan sword by 10% (base damage and upgrades unchanged).
    • Reduced Demonic Training Blade’s base damage.
    • Added elemental hero damage scaling to Archmage Blade Staff; damage per upgrade has been balanced accordingly.
    • Buffed turkey accessories to end game standards.
    • Changed the multiplier of the turkey pet on ascension and raised the quality instead.
    • Added ability for the Elephant pet to heal on melee hits.
    • Supreme Propeller Cats are now possible.
    • Increased Owl size by 15% to make them more competitive with Mr. Crackers.
    • Imps now prioritize the lowest-HP tower first, and will not repair until a tower reaches 75% HP or below (in order to preserve mana).

    Bug Fixes

    • Challenge: Assault will no longer immediately end and display a Game Over screen, and is therefore possible to complete again.
    • Resolved an issue causing Etherian Holiday Extravaganza to be impossible to complete on Ascension.
    • Fixed off-host players not earning rewards on the Assault Pack and Halloween Assault Pack.
    • Fixed Copter Ogres on Crystal Cave receiving the full 9x Ruthless HP multiplier instead of the correct 1.85x.
    • Fixed the Game Over screen sometimes locking players out of controls if they were not selected on their player 1 character.
    • Fixed Imp pet being unable to heal its primary target.
    • Fixed off-host players getting kicked from lobbies if they try to add a split in a full game.
    • Fixed certain messages persisting when moving between areas of Return to CD.
    • Palantir Knight boss can no longer hit cores.
    • Fixed void bracers requirement on winter holiday tavern.
    • Harbingers on NM TBR now get their correct Ruthless HP scaling of 1.85x.
    • Fixed Minion repair cost.
    • Fixed ghost items on Winter Mire and Winter Wonderland 2, and fixed their random rewards.
    • Mistymire Ascension weapons can no longer be equipped on characters who were too low level to equip them normally.
    • Glaive of Unicorn drop template no longer incorrectly displays as a Unicorn Staff.
    • Spider Queen pet now benefits correctly from Summoner’s Pet Boost.

    Social Defenders

    To get reliable updates on the Dungeon Defenders Universe make sure to follow us on all our social media platforms:

    For Etheria!
    Chromatic Games
    Logo for Dungeon Defenders
    Release:19.10.2011 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Trendy Entertainment Vertrieb: Reverb Publishing Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
    Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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