If you haven’t heard, Dungeon Defenders: Awakened, the latest in the Dungeon Defenders series, is now in Closed Beta! Continue reading for more info, or click the small picture below to check it out! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1101190/
What Have We Been Up to?
Recently the latest and last update was sent out for the original Dungeon Defenders from our Community Development Team (who are incredibly awesome, and you should check out their work). This was done in anticipation of Dungeon Defenders: Awakened entering Closed Beta, with the game releasing in February 2020. DD:A is a return to the soul of Dungeon Defenders, bringing back heroes, towers, enemies, and levels you’ve cherished into a new engine with all new assets.

We’ve received a ton of praise for DD:A with phrases like “the magic is back” and “this IS Dungeon Defenders”. Our continued work is to iterate on the feedback that many Defenders have provided so far while we finish polishing prior to our February release. We’re calling all Defenders to join us in helping make Dungeon Defenders: Awakened the best game it can be. The reception so far has been stellar, and it’s only fueled us even more to make sure we pour our hearts and souls into making DDA something players feel pure joy playing!
What is Dungeon Defenders: Awakened?
The past has been changed! Choose your hero and construct an epic defense to fend off hordes of enemies while you jump into the fray to protect Etheria. Fight alongside friends in four player combat to claim legendary loot, level up, and take on the legions of enemies that await you! Revisit familiar places, but also unseen destinations throughout Etheria, new in Dungeon Defenders: Awakened.

Master the Squire, Huntress, Apprentice, and Monk to fight off any enemy that approaches. Build and utilize each character’s unique arsenal of blockades, towers, traps, and auras to keep the Eternia Crystals safe. The only requirement is to win, but it’s up to you to choose how!
Defending Etheria is better with friends! Bring three of your friends to jump into the fray with you. You can play online, local LAN, or offline 4-player splitscreen. The choice is yours! With Cross Save functionality, you’re able to take your save here on Steam over to your Nintendo Switch on release, if you own DD:A on the Nintendo Switch. The same functionality can be done later when we release on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One!

Collect mountains of loot while battling waves of attackers! Swords, crossbows, staves, polearms, axes, grenade launchers, beam sabers, and so much more are yours for the taking. There’s even more epic loot coming to Dungeon Defenders: Awakened, with brand new rewards from monsters, bosses, and challenges — weapons, pets, armor, and more!

In Dungeon Defenders: Awakened, customization is king! Choose what gear you bring into battle, your hero’s appearance, the defenses you build, and where you build them. In Etheria, you’re the master of your own destiny!
Preorder To Get Beta Access!
By preordering Dungeon Defenders: Awakened, you gain access to our limited Closed Beta, letting you give us feedback and helping make it the best game it can be! To keep things simple, when you activate your Beta key, it automatically converts to your release copy when we release the game in February. Make sure to not give away your key or cheat!
Social Defenders
To get reliable updates on what’s to come, be sure to check out our social platforms for the latest juiciest beans to be spilled:
The entire team cannot wait to see you tear apart the Beta or play our latest creation on release. We’re excited for release in February, we’re grateful for all the tremendous feedback we’ve received so far (and the more to come), and want to thank you for joining us on this journey!
For Etheria!
Chromatic Games