- Decreased Bouncing Heart Staff base damage by 4%.
- Decreased minigun projectile damage by 10%.
- Removed Siege Mechs on The Love Machine.
- Added end of map completion if you reach wave 40 on The Love Machine.
- Added new map trophies to the Tavern.
- Fixed a lot of character skins’ visual effect positions.
- Fixed forge material on True Boss Rush checkpoint three.
- Fixed incorrect difficulty scaling on Alchemical Laboratory.
- Fixed Krakens getting stuck on The Love Machine.
- Fixed mob number issues due to Cupids on The Love Machine.
- Increased candle size on The Love Machine.
- Minigun fire rate is no longer tied to player frame rate.
- Removed debug messages accidentally left in on Eternia Gauntlet.
- Removed invincibility from north-spawn enemies on The Love Machine.
For Etheria!