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DD1 Redux 12.0.3 Update
Dungeon Defenders
21.07.21 15:05 Community Announcements
Greetings Defenders!

Another Redux update for you to enjoy! The Redux update is available now under the Betas tab on Dungeon Defenders.

If you want to know more about this update, Redux in general, or find new friends to join on your DD1 Redux adventure we highly recommend you join both discords: Dungeon Defenders RnG and Dungeon Defenders Official Discord

Patch Notes

New Content

  • The Old One on a Treadmill will no longer be obtainable. In its place, the Baby Old One will be craftable with 40 Void Crystals. Compared to the Old One on a Treadmill, it has the same stat rolls but gives 1.25x ground speed instead of 1.45x. It collects mana for players, similar to the dice
  • Radioactive Coal has been added to the game. Players will receive one Radioactive Coal per account (i.e. no bonus rewards for splits), from any coal map on Ascension.
  • A new tier of diamond has been added to the Coal Forge! The Radioactive Diamond is a builder pet which is spawned with 22 Radioactive Coal. It has approximately the same rolls as the Old One on a Treadmill.
  • Boomerang weapon has been added. It is included in the same drop table as the Redux special weapons (Plane Gun, Devil’s Pitchfork, Heartbringer, etc.).

Quality of Life

  • The Coal Forge, Void Forge, and Divine Forge have all received UI overhauls to make them more intuitive to use.
  • Build phase now resets cooldowns! Your tower boosters will be grateful.
  • Build timers are no longer present when hardcore/ruthless are not enabled.
  • The extra effects tab when clicking on a pet now displays its size as a percent of the maximum possible size for that type of pet.
  • Reduced the size of the Mini Goblin Mech pet projectiles to improve visual clarity.
  • Added hotkey to toggle the Censor Items option; default bind is Alt + P.
  • Added hotkey to forcibly close the map setup UI; default bind is semicolon ( ; ).
  • Added screen notification text when a hotkey is pressed which displays what was changed.
  • Reduced Unicorn Staff size by 40% to make it less clunky to use.
  • Several maps have had their descriptions modified or entirely rewritten to improve readability.
  • Changed Ruthless game mode description.
  • Various network fixes and improvements have been implemented.
  • Added additional cheater prevention.

General Balance

  • Mobs on Ascension now spawn faster innately, and have more consistent mob schedules.
  • Mob counts will once again be reduced for challenges when Ruthless is enabled, though the reduction amount varies from map to map.
  • Divine Crystals are no longer purchasable from the Tavern shop; however, their drop rates from Ascension end-of-map rewards have been buffed by 50%.
  • The Ascension-only special weapons are no longer purchasable from the Tavern shop. Instead, they now drop as end-of-map rewards using the same rates as Divine Crystals.
  • All tiers of coal now sell for more mana.
  • Initiate’s Remote Defense Boost now reduces the damage nearby defenses take, but no longer increases their damage. Rate and range are still increased as before.
  • Apprentice’s Overcharge mana cost has been decreased by 20% to put it on par with hero boost.
  • Pet targeting of Kraken and Spider Queen has been fixed. This makes melee pets usable versus them.
  • Homing projectiles, such as those from the Series EV’s S.A.M. Unit, have had several problems with collision, target acquisition, and “spinnies” resolved. This should greatly increase their consistency.

Map Balance

  • Crystalline Resurgence: Part 1[list]
  • Crystal Blade and Eternian Sword are now awarded upon map completion.

  • Crystalline Resurgence: Part 2
    • Crystal Gun and Eternian Cannon are now awarded upon map completion.

  • Crystalline Resurgence: Part 3
    • Crystal Staff and Eternian Staff are now awarded upon map completion.

  • Crystalline Resurgence: Part 4
    • Jade Spear and Eternian Spear are now awarded upon map completion.

  • Halloween Spooktacular 3!
    • Now properly gives rewards to off-host players.

  • Temple of Water
    • Removed the Wyvern spawner directly above the north Crystal and placed the Wyverns in the north-most spawner instead.

  • Temple of Love
    • Weapon drops are no longer targetable.

  • Assault Challenge Pack: Part 1
    • Part 1 is now required (in addition to Parts 2 and 3) to get the end-of-challenge Unicorn reward.


    Item Balance

    • Zamira helm, chest, and boots now spawn identically to match gloves; go-negative has been increased to avoid overcentralization.
    • Unicorn Staff and Glaive of Unicorn projectiles no longer slow enemies (they were never intended to).
    • Mega Chicken, Harpoon, and Deadly Striker pets now roll fixed Supreme with 250 upgrades on Ascension.
    • Owls are now capable of reaching and exceeding the size of Mr. Crackers.
    • The Mini Dragon pet now rolls with more upgrades on average.
    • The damage radius of the Mini Goblin Mech’s projectiles has been increased.
    • The Genie’s Scimitar has gained enhanced homing, with up to 5 total hits on enemies (but the same enemy cannot be hit more than once per projectile). Its damage has been reduced by 60% as a result of its vastly increased ease-of-use.
    • Ember Crescent now shoots three phoenixes in a tight spread that explode on contact with enemies. Additionally, Crescents will now be guaranteed to spawn with an Additional Projectiles stat.
    • Mini Wasp Queen melee attack has been removed. Players rarely utilized its melee attack, and it was often outright detrimental when it overrode the much stronger ranged attack when in melee distance.
    • Trident has been renamed to Spear of Atlantis, and now drops from Temple of Water; it is no longer included in the special item pool (with Plane Gun, Heartbringer, Devil’s Pitchfork, etc.). The former Spear of Atlantis is now a core drop.
    • Mini Kraken pet melee range has been increased by 8% (1250 to 1350).
    • Christmas Elephant melee range has been increased by 50% (450 to 675).
    • Mischief Maker ranged damage has been increased by 7%.
    • Kraken Kannon damage per upgrade has been increased by 57%, and now gives a 1.10x ground speed multiplier.
    • Ember Flame damage has been increased by 100%.
    • Winter’s Flame damage-over-time has been increased by 100%.
    • Moby’s Mobile Missile Launcher damage has been increased by 50%.
    • Ascension Honey Gun damage per upgrade has been increased by 25.7%.
    • Scarab Bow damage has been increased by 7%.
    • Enchanted Bishop damage has been increased by 40%.
    • Honey Staff damage has been increased by 25%.
    • Emerald Staff damage has been increased by 35%.
    • Spear of Atlantis (formerly Trident) ranged damage has been reduced by 18%.
    • Airplane pet damage has been reduced by 7%.
    • Demonic Heirloom and Spinal Column damage have been reduced by 25%.

    Bug Fixes

    • Re-added Tiki Mask to the game.
    • Fixed ultimate-quality Gargoyle masks only being upgradable to 500.
    • Fixed Harbingers getting stuck on Crystal Cave.
    • Fixed Divine Crystals not being randomly awarded from True Boss Rush checkpoints 1 through 4.
    • Fixed the wave 33 Ogre mob count spike on Summit.
    • Fixed wall texture in Magus Citadel.
    • Fixed mob billboards displaying incorrect mob counts on Magus Citadel and other maps.
    • Added to the scalar requirement for the anti-cheat on PvP maps so players with high stats won’t be kicked.
    • Fixed The King’s Game Ascension Giraffe not rolling properly.
    • Fixed the unlock requirements for Barbarian’s Pirate Impostor skin.
    • Removed FPS cap on all 6-player and PvP maps.

    Social Defenders

    To get reliable updates on the Dungeon Defenders Universe make sure to follow us on all our social media platforms:

    For Etheria!
    Chromatic Games
    Logo for Dungeon Defenders
    Release:19.10.2011 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Trendy Entertainment Vertrieb: Reverb Publishing Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
    Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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