- Made raid threat not increase same day of the raid, increase by half the next day.
- Made killing bandits only contribute to main settlement's raid threat instead of closest outpost; threat for outposts is still generated by their value.
- Modified animal respawning and migration logic; now it should be easier to find them.
- Fixed Granite missing from order list in Pit.
- Added remapping Tech Tree button (default U).
- Rebalanced some of the prices in village trading; this change will come into effect on the next in-game day. Larger rebalance is planned.
- Fixed Canvas not being visible in storage rules of stockpiles.
- Fixed Cauldron locking recipes when using raw food of different spoilage time.
- Increased Wolf Fang drop rate to be in line with other trophies.
- Temporarily removed laundry meshes from Weaver Hut to prevent workers getting stuck.
- Fixed crash related to villagers harvesting resources for constructions in neutral villages.
News Liste Bellwright
Donkey Crew
Snail Games USA
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