A small client side update went out today and I'm sure you're itching to know what we've done!
Matchmaking Fix
In our ongoing efforts to create the perfect casual environment we've fixed a very important part of our matchmaking system. You and your friends will now be able to queue together whilst also remaining on the same team! No longer will the game pit you and your pals against one another which means you'll be able to frag happily into the night without the fear of being separated. Rejoice!Patchnotes
- Fixed Matchmaking.(see above)
- Corrected some issues with smokes that make them see through or rendered their shape in an opaque manner.
- Private Server maintenence to increase stability and reduce crashes.
- Disabled 'Surrender' option in the Invasion Wartide special event to prevent xp gain exploitation.
With that being said we would like to thank each and everyone of you that have supported us in a combined effort to help address any issues with our new iteration of features. Your ongoing presence and dedication really does make the difference.
Thank you
Bulkhead Interactive