With all of this in mind, we realise it may have been a bit overwhelming for those who have limited time or had other commitments during the holiday period, such as spending with friends and family. This is why we have decided to extend both Cruising Kansas & Christmas Winterland Events! You will now have until February 5th, 23:59 UTC to complete these events. We hope this creates a more a comfortable timeframe for you to enjoy both events and earn all the available rewards.

Both these events offer players some unique in-game rewards to decorate your truck & cab with! So far over 112,000,000 miles have been completed in our Cruising Kansas event. We are so close to the community goal of 125,000,000 miles, so we hope this extension can help you reach this! Want to take part? Read more here or watch our live-stream recording below which includes lots interesting info about the event and its creation.
The Christmas Winterland event community goal has already reached its maximum potential, with all reward tiers unlocked, however you will still need to complete your personal goal to earn them. Please Note, The only thing that is not going to be extended is the presence of our in-game #ChristmasWinterland themed Desktop Background, which will disappear on the 15th of January at 23:59 UTC.
You can find all the rules & details of the event here or watch our previous live-stream all about the event below!
We hope you enjoy both of these unique events to their fullest. Be sure to share your pictures with us on our Social Media channels using this dedicated hashtags (#ChristmasWinterland & #CruisingKansas). Until next time, keep on truckin'.