Near the city of El Dorado, players will come across the only bromine factory in the state. This area of Arkansas has unusually high levels of this chemical element making the state responsible for 40% of the world's bromine supply.

We could not leave out the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in the capital city of Little Rock. This depot was meticulously recreated by our map designers to match its real-world counterpart, as we usually do.

We also had some older depots that were used in our previous map expansions but these industries are so important for Arkansas that we made the decision to craft new models for them and give them a fresh look!
Truckers hauling in or out of the Natural State will encounter two sawmills on their journeys, one in El Dorado and the other one near Texarkana. With much of Arkansas covered in forests, the lumber industry plays a significant role in this state, which we wanted to reflect in the game.

Alongside this, the paper industry is also prominent. In this map expansion, you will deliver to two papermills: one near Texarkana and the other in El Dorado.

Another commodity that is really important for the Arkansas economy is steel. The Mississippi County in the Natural State is the USA's largest producer of this metal with the Mississippi River playing a big role in its distribution. That is why we have also made a brand new metal warehouse depot.

We believe you are already looking forward to driving in this upcoming map expansion. Until then make sure to add the Arkansas DLC to your Steam Wishlist! Remember to stay tuned for more updates on the development of this DLC and other ATS-related news by following us on our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.