Truckers delivering with their own grain hopper trailer will experience dynamic loading and unloading when transporting corn, soybean, grain, sugar beet, pelleted animal food, potatoes, or cotton seed not only in Nebraska but also in custom depots of Kansas and Arkansas as well as "prefab" depots across the whole USA.

But that is not all! This upcoming update will also include a new dynamic loading option for the chip van when hauling wood shavings or cotton seeds. Currently, this dynamic feature is available only for cargo loading and will appear in Arkansas' custom depots as well as "prefab" depots across the USA. We plan to extend this functionality to include other types of cargo haulable with a chip van as well as dynamic unloading in the future.

We hope you are excited for the 1.51 update to arrive! Until it is released, make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to catch all the latest ATS information. We will see you on the virtual roads!