Drivers will have to really explore Arkansas through and through to discover these amazing gems as they are located on unmarked roads that are not visible on the map until you find them! We don't want to spoil all the fun of exploring for you so we won't tell you where to look but only provide a preview so you know what lies uncovered in this upcoming map expansion.

We hope you are excited to dive deep into the map and see these beauties with your own eyes once the Arkansas DLC is released! And that is not all. With the release of this map expansion, we are also introducing some new cargoes that truckers will be able to haul there. We decided to add these types of cargo to make this map expansion more realistic and immersive while taking inspiration from the real world.

For example, in El Dorado, there is the only bromine container factory in North America. As bromine plays a big part in Arkansas' industry, truckers will be able to haul these containers in-game there. Players will also come across other new cargoes such as SUVs, clamshell buckets, mobile air compressors, packed lumber, rough terrain forklifts, and a wood chipper, which would also come in handy for the Natural State's huge lumber industry.

We believe you are already looking forward to exploring Arkansas' hidden gems and hauling new cargoes. Until this map expansion is released, make sure to add the Arkansas DLC to your Steam Wishlist! Remember to stay tuned for more updates on the development of this DLC and other ATS-related news by following us on our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Drive safe!