These depots are not the usual prefabricated ones made by our asset makers, which truckers often encounter in various locations. Each depot is individually designed and assembled by our map designers, making them completely unique. Every time truckers enter a new depot, they will need to explore it anew.

As in our last DLC, the custom-made depots consist of farms and grain elevators. On top of that, we are adding two new types of depots - river ports and timber harvests which are both typical for Arkansas. There will be a total of eleven custom depots in this upcoming map expansion. All of them will have specific loading and unloading spots for each cargo you will deliver there for greater realism.

In the US, river ports primarily function as transshipment hubs where cargo from ships, trucks, and trains converge. As a result, they feature a wide variety of different types of cargo which will help us boost the in-game economy. In Arkansas, truckers will encounter them mostly on the Arkansas River.

Logging is an important industry in Arkansas and we wanted to reflect that. Players will deliver in and out of the timber harvest depots near the cities of Hot Springs, El Dorado, and Harrison. Each of those is modeled to fit into the surrounding area and will be completely different, so truckers driving there will come across various demanding terrains and roads.

We hope you have enjoyed this preview of the hubs where you will deliver cargo in Arkansas. Looking forward to exploring them yourself? Then be sure to add the Arkansas DLC to your Steam Wishlist. Until then, follow us on our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, so you won't miss out on any ATS news!