Nebraska DLC for American Truck Simulator will be released on May 16th, 2024!

We're just as excited as you are, and to keep the anticipation going, we've released the official trailer for the Nebraska DLC on our official YouTube channel! Created by our talented Video Team, this trailer will give you a preview into the beautiful landscapes, rolling hills, cities & towns, landmarks, and industries that await you in this map expansion. Take a watch of it below!
We cannot wait for you to embark on your first journey into Nebraska. Our team has been working hard to ensure everything is running smoothly for its release. From bug smashing to putting in additional polish on the map, we're on the final stretch!

From cities large and small to the handcrafted unique agricultural industries found across the region, Nebraska has something new to explore around every corner.

Are you ready? If so, be sure to add Nebraska to your Steam Wishlist! It really helps support our work and notifies you of its release. We thank you for your support and we look forward to welcoming you across the state border very soon. Until then, keep on Truckin'!