A new update was released today, introducing the Altar of Enchantment and the Recipe Book.

Using the Altar of Enchantment, you can add up to 3 enchantment effects to a weapon: each element has a different effect, and the amount of each element you put in the enchant is the amount of charges the effect will have.
Additionally, you can rename your weapon.

Please note that the Anvil is now the only way to create a weapon. Previously, the Anvil was used to repair weapons, which can now be done using a repair enchantment.
Recipe Book
The Inventory now has a "Recipe Book" tab which helps you learn how to craft blocks, weapons, potions and other items.

- several bug fixes
- you can now sneak to approach a mob or animal from behind without being detected. It's useful to tame a horse for example.
Thanks again for your support! Please use the Steam discussion forums to report any bugs you might encounter.