A new update was released today, introducing some new content.

New mobs
Two new types of enemies can now be encountered in the world. They are still being tweaked and appear rarely.

Both can come with various weapons, including some enchanted weapons and bows. When you defeat them, you can pick up their weapon.
New spell
A new spell can now be casted: the Lava Stone Tempest. Combine Fire, Wind and Stone to launch some incandescent lava stone on enemies.

Changes in the Recipe Book
From now on, the Recipe Book only display the recipes of block and item that you already crafted or destroyed at least once. Other items are shown as "unknown" and you need to discover them in the world or find manually their recipe.

- the map and compass now display the location of your latest death. This is useful to retrieve lost resources
- you can now spawn mobs in creative mode using the inventory
- several bug fixes
Thanks again for your support! Please use the Steam discussion forums to report any bugs you might encounter.