A small patch was released today, here is the changelog:
- fixed a bug where the altars where you must place Orbs could be accidentally destroyed. If for some reason, you can't complete the main quest because of issues with the six orbs, please report it on the forum.
- small quantities of metal blocks can now be found on the ground in every biomes. For greater quantities, visit Desert or Mesa biomes. Note: the new metal blocks only spawn in new worlds or areas you didn't already visited.

- completed French translation
- improved German translation (thanks to Seelenschwarz)
- told the lion to give you a little more space when mining or building
- windmill and rod produces more wind and electricity
- the hotbar is no longer masked so frequently
- anvil can now be built with any type of metal block
- fullscreen mode is replaced by "windowed fullscreen" by default
- rotors can now be destroyed with tools
- various bug fixes
Thank again for your support.