A new update was released today, bringing some new features suggested by the community.

New XP and Level system
When you beat a monster, discover a new place or complete a quest, you'll now gain some XP. If you get enough XP you'll level up, and each new level gives you 10% more health and 10% more stamina.

Keep inventory on death
This was suggested by several players through the community hub. When you die, you'll no longer have to go back to the place you died to pick up your inventory items. Now, the only thing you drop is 20% of your Metal and 10% of your Crystal. You keep everything else in your inventory.

Running no longer uses stamina
You can now keep running without using your stamina. This should prevent you from running out of stamina when you need it to cast a fireball...
Because of this, the key bind which was used previously to run is now use to walk slowly, and default is now to run.
Other changes include some bug fixes and Improved 3rd person view.
All these changes aim at making the game more fun to play according to user suggestions through the community forums. Please keep giving ideas and suggestions to make the game even better!
Thank you again for your support!