Here's the latest updates with v1.3.20.
Some of these are quality of life changes while others affect the game itself in both difficulty and gameplay mechanics.
These are based on the fantastic feedback from players through the last year or so. I'm not done yet, there will be more making it into the game soon.
- Spectate Only mode added to Game Start for increased difficulty
- Added age status (Developing, Prime, Declining) to gladiator screen
- Gladiator morale decreases daily now, making it more important to share purses and build up your ludus
- Text changes (removed reference to armor and weapon techs and called them smiths instead)
- Fixed bug where gladiators training weapons would not age on birthday
- Adjusted rewards and losses (both decreased) from Ludus Raid random events
- Stat/Grading Key added to Recruit Screen
- Sliding Notification added when Building is upgraded
- Decreased text size of Sliding Notifications to prevent cropping
- Missions now reward either a legendary weapon or legendary armor - not just a weapon
Thanks everyone for continued suggestions and comments so far!