- Combat - Unspent AP at the end of each turn gets turned into a counter-attack buff. So for example, if a gladiator has 5 unused AP, this will contribute 10% to their counter-attack chance during their defensive turn and reset once it is their attack turn again. This should add an additional element of thought when fighting.
- Combat - Lowered the AP bonus of Inspiration from 5 AP to 3 AP.
- Combat - Inspiration no longer used any AP.
- Combat - Reduced glancing blow damage from 30% regular damage down to 20% regular damage.
- Combat - Counter-attack now triggering during glancing blows.
- Weapons - Lowered slightly the damage range of Sica and increased slightly the damage range of Spatha. Will only apply for new weapons on the market.
- Game - Donate button costs 3,000 gold now instead of 2,000.
- Combat - Fixed bug where counter-attack attempts were sometimes tallying incorrectly.
- Special Items - Fixed bug where special items were sometimes taking away from Block or Dodge stats.
- Combat - Fixed bug where Dodge and Block heals were assigned incorrectly.
- Armory Capacity - Fixed bug with armory capacity reverting back to 10 on second new games.
- Gladiators - Fixed bug where they still were not getting hall of fame votes when released.
Thanks again for all of your amazing support thus far!