• Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.
  • Age of Gladiators II: Rome: Screen zum Spiel Age of Gladiators II: Rome.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 21.08.2018
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Preis Update 17.05.24

Über das Spiel

Age of Gladiators II: Rome is a single-player strategy game set in the twilight of the ancient Roman Republic; a violent and unpredictable time when gladiatorial games were nearing the height of their popularity.

Hire scouts to scour the continent for potential prospects – once you have recruited your gladiators, you will need to manage their morale and personality while equipping them for battle. Recruit support staff, upgrade your gladiator school, collect bounties, research technologies, partake in side missions, and manage the wealth and reputation of your ludus as it grows each day.

As your fighters win battles and increase in level, it will be up to you to decide how to focus their abilities by spending attribute, weapons, and expertise points. Compete, trade, and interact with other in-game owners as you advance through various cities of the empire before achieving enough fame to compete in the grand coliseum of Rome herself.

Build your story. Build your empire.

  • Control your gladiators with the new 3D isometric turn-based combat system, where fights can have hundreds of different outcomes. Utilize different combat styles and abilities – employ unique ethnic abilities, salves that increase physical stats, and special equipment such as bandages, stim salts, and more.
  • Construct a ludus to your exact specifications in order to maximize the efficiency of your operation. Hospitals, sparring mats, barracks, armories, workshops, and more.
  • Gladiators are born with their own dynamically generated physical attributes, classes, and personalities. It is up to you to shape your gladiator into the most proficient killing machine possible.
  • As your gladiators level up, they gain points to spend on their attributes, weapons training, and expertise. Expertise allows you to build and customize your fighter according to their appropriate strengths. Weapons training allows you to specialize your gladiator with a specific weapon. The physicality of your gladiators will increase or decrease with age, depending on if they are in their prime or declining.
  • Hire trainers to help your gladiators level faster, doctors to keep them healthy, scouts to find new fighters, and blacksmiths to improve weapons and armor.
  • Manage your gladiators carefully – their morale, greed, injuries, fatigue, weapons training, and more must be taken into account before sending them to battle.
  • As your gladiators gain glory from battle, they will become more widely recognized and adored by the crowds. Win enough battles and they may even get voted into the pantheon of heroes after they retire (or die).
  • Become a mogul outside of the arena. Purchase property for fame or businesses through which to further increase your fame across the empire.
  • Rob caravans, guard wealthy land owners, assassinate your debt holders and more with the proactive mission system. Increase the odds of success by sending reliable gladiators on the mission as well. Lawfully aligned gladiators will only partake lawful missions, while criminally-inclined gladiators will assist in unlawful activities.
  • Engage in five different branches of research: combat, medical, weapons, armor, and scouting.
  • Search for deals on weapons, armor, special equipment, and loans on the marketplace.
  • Strive to become the wealthiest individual in the Roman empire. There are quick and underhanded ways to make money, but your reputation and fighter’s morale may suffer as a result.
  • Receive taunting messages from opposing bosses as well as various other messages from your fighters, staff members, and different characters as you progress through the game.
  • Rename your gladiators in order to increase your attachment toward them.
  • Bet for or against your gladiator based on the odds generated by bookmakers in-game.
  • Fight purses and betting is based on the hype associated with each match. The greater the hype, the more lucrative the fight purse and betting market will be.
  • Each game is dynamically generated and different each time.


  • CPU: Dual-core 1.8GHz or equivalent processor
  • GFX: Hardware Accelerated Graphics with dedicated memory
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
  • HD: 760 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

100 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 08:14
Das Spiel fühlt sich etwas spröde an. Eher wie ein Vereinsmanager, als ein Actionspiel. Mehr Sachbuch als Blockbuster.
Die UI ist recht übersichtlich.

Mir persönlich hätte ein anschaulicheres Einstiegstutorial vermutlich etwas geholfen (dann wäre ich nicht bei meinem ersten Kampf direkt draufgegangen).
126 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
2646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.18 19:42
im großen und ganzen genau das was ich mir unter einem gladiator manager vorstelle.

jeder der die serie Spartacus kennt und auch mal einen ludus leiten will ist hier gut aufgehoben, man trifft sogar auf einige gladiatoren aus der serie. ich bin sehr zu frieden mit dem kauf. ich möchte jetzt aber mal über ein paar punkte sprechen die verbesserungswürdig sind.
- ich würde mir wünschen wenn es auch tuniere geben würde .
- ich würde mich freuen wenn es mehr gladiatoren klassen geben würde.
- ich würde es gut finden wenn man gladiatoren wie auf einen transfermarkt handeln könnte.

der entwickler bringt jeden tag neue patches raus, die meist zwar auf balancing basieren aber vieleicht kommt ja noch mal ein content patch ... im großen und ganzen gibt es von mir eine kaufempfehlung !!!
382 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.18 12:33
Eins von den Spielen, über die man plötzlich stolpert und denkt, klingt so, als könnte mir das vielleicht gefallen - ich kauf's mal, denn ich kann's ja zurückgeben. Und dann geht die Suchterei los. Noch einen Kampf! Noch ein Gebäude-Upgrade! Noch ein Jahr überstehen und in eine größere Stadt umziehen! Noch einen Gladiatoren zum Superstar hochleveln!

Der Manager-Teil ist übersichtlich aufgebaut und nicht überladen. Ich habe es persönlich nicht so gern, wenn tief verschachtelte Menüs Tausende von Optionen ermöglichen. Das ist hier sehr schön dosiert. Nach ein paar Monaten hat man fast alles gesehen, aber es macht immer noch Spaß, seine Kämpfer zu managen. Denn die kämpfen entweder selbsttätig, sodass man zuschauen kann, oder man lässt sie per Maus laufen und kämpfen, was die langsamste Spielvariante, aber auch die befriedigendste ist. Alternativ schaut man dem Kampfverlauf in Form von Statusmeldungen zu oder lässt sich - wenn man es eilig hat - einfach das berechnete Ergebnis direkt anzeigen. Was da in der Arena passiert, ist stark abhängig vom Entwicklungsstand der kämpfenden Gladiatoren. Prinzip: Gut schlägt Schlecht. Man fühlt sich nie von irgendeinem unfairen Würfelmechanismus betrogen, wie ich es beispielsweise bei Blood Bowl II empfand.

Für den Preis (20 Euro, derzeit sogar leicht reduziert) ein Pflichtkauf für Freunde von Singleplayer-Spielen, einfachen Managern und dem historischen Szenario.
190 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
5761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 14:25
An excellent follow up to the previous version. More or less the same game but now, also contains 3D animation of the fights. The only criticism is that the types of gladiators are only 3 and still not enough photographs for the characters. Otherwise, highly recommended.
389 Produkte im Account
271 Reviews
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 23:42
The game is perfectly fine. It's a mirror image of the other Age of Gladiators 2 game, just swapped out in a different setting, which is not a great practice. It's a fun concept to play around in, though outwitting the AI in battle is laughably easy. Get it on heavy sale.
348 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
7946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 10:27
Amazing game, but perhaps not for everyone. The combat system is quite good, although it gets a bit ridiculous with experienced top-level gladiators (one of my gladiators one-shot a level 12 bear with his fists). The career and team management aspects are some of the best I've ever seen in sports management-type games.

Beginners beware: The start of this game is absolutely brutal. Even on the easiest settings, maintaining a healthy roster can be overwhelming until you upgrade your barracks. Then, even when you start upgrading your barracks, you'll no doubt run into countless other challenges. 15 armory slots is fine for 5 gladiators, but not for 10-15 of them, so you'll want an armory. But you'll also probably want a hospital and a kitchen or entertainment area, You'll also want security buildings in case your rivals attack your base, or your gladiators become disgruntled. Oh, and you can only build three of the buildings I mentioned for the first year (or two).

The costs of getting to this point are way more than your initial capital (even if you start as a merchant, which you absolutely shouldn't do), and more than you can make from fight purses early on, so what's the solution? I like to take out a loan or two. Look for long term (2+ year) loans with low principal and interest payments (200-300 total gold per day is good). Then I hire up to three good scouts, recruit the best gladiator available, and four other decent ones to fill out the initial roster. A gladiator rated in the A range should be able to beat almost anyone in the first city right off the bat, but check your opponent's roster before sending your best guy in. It's also okay to forfeit some matches.

Good combat system.
Great team management system.
Reasonably easy to learn.
Fairly historically-accurate ancient Roman theme.

Extremely frustrating to get started.
Frustrating random events, almost constantly.
Wolf portraits look more like prehistoric felids than wolves. Also, don't kill wolves. They rule.
Plebeians for the Ethical Treatment of Animals does not approve of venatio fights.
210 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 17:08
This might have potential but its quite possibly the worst game I've ever played. If Xcom style RNG has ever frustrated you, this is worse, much worse. Often you will lose your best gladiators to BS RNG, and the economy is so bad you struggle to make money even when winning, especially since you end up having to give it all to gladiators to keep them happy if you get unlucky RNG and roll a greedy one.

Even past that the game play is so boring. Glancing blow after glancing blow means you stand there doing often less than 100 damage (at the start) for enemies with 2000+ Hp. Then randomly an attack wont be a glancing blow and do 7x the damage and practically win the fight alone. Its very unclear to see things such as your chance to actually hit an enemy, and how much damage you do. (The gladiators have these stats but they don't remotely translate to the game play). This means you have to sit there clicking hoping to get lucky while your opponent doesn't, all for less than the gladiator will cost you before the next fight (which he will be too injured and tired to even fight in). Early on if you lose one good guy, you've just lost the game, there's no coming back from that, and if you sim battles, you will just lose.
354 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 01:22
Horribly balanced. Too expensive to get Gladiators up and running. Healing times far too long.
198 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 07:11
I played it, and absoloutly hated it! This is worse then the 1st one. I didn't find it fun. Was very complex and it didn't explain anything that well and all the writing was way to small. The on game Hud was to comples with everything on top of each other in my personal opinon. The 1st game was way better, it was actrully fun. This on the other hand is a whole different set of words I just can not say. Don't waste your money
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 00:09
It is simple but still complex enough to be immersive. I find myself lost for hours in this world and care a surprising amount about my gladiators.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 17:04
Total waste of time playing this game, not enough variations, you might as well just press any attack, no benefit to using light to heavy with any of the classes, progression is pathetically slow, played it for a few hours and will never play it again.
456 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
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477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 06:39
I enjoyed the first one...did NOT enjoy this one.

Stupidly difficult and most of the time I am just throwing matches. Get killed by a guy with a bounty and I lose 48k? WTF?

Also max number of gladiators i can have at the start is 5, but enemies have huge rosters full of gladiators of MUCH higher level.

Come on bro, let the game at least be fair.

215 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 17:59
160 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 09:14
A good game ,but i wish to have more types of gladiators.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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13281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 14:23
I love both Ancient Rome and management sims so this is right up my alley. I gave this game a good review initially but the same issues with save slots which have plagued other gamers got me too...
116 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 19:33
The game is unplayable due to a save game bug. Played for 12 hours only to lose all progress. This bug is mentioned to the devs but no fix has been found so far.
187 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 18:25
Loved the first game, this one seems like a better game.

Problem is the saves don't work! The load game or resume game buttons don't even show up on the main menu! So basically saves are useless. Fix your game!

EDIT: The save/load issue has been fixed.
121 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 02:49
Quite disappointed. It is not much of an upgrade compare to version 1.
408 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 06:06
A great gladiatorial sim. I have just scratched the surface. It has that one more turn feel so far.
162 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 22:00
This game is pretty hollow with little to no effort put into it. Not to mention that the dev switches between games and gives up. Don't buy this game if you value your money.
1456 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
2655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 21:37
This is one of those games that for me is a hidden gem.

I had a battle where I fought a Lion, Tiger and Bear, oh my!

9/10 Would kill pixel animals again!
197 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.20 06:07
Good concept, but unnecessarily hard and grindy.
287 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 21:52
ranging from very meh to frustrating. Has nothing really to offer but a bad experience.
18 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 13:54
I'll give it a thumbs up but I have mixed feelings. The game seems the only or one of few that gives this gladiator development + turn based combat experience. It has a great potential which seems unused at this point. Key observations from first few hours gameplay:
- graphics & animation very basic - almost no animal attack animation, the blood splattering after critical kill is ridiculous
- fighting system super basic - all attacks looks and feel the same, should be more varied, different animation and different fight styles, body parts, show hit% and damage range - please check Age of Decadence where the battle system is much more rewarding and enjoyable
- One thing I can't complain about is stats - every gladiator has a tonne of them and they impact other abilities, I'd limit them or find a way to connect them more to actual battle tactics
155 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 19:09
Much like the original, I just could not get into this one.
258 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 06:07
Not recommended because it freezes when trying to load a save game, making it useless.
93 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
10422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 13:51
Stat heavy game, great if you are into these types of games and I am a bit. It's a bit of a tough going at first and it takes time to advance to higher level cities if you play other than the easy mode. Overall, not bad, but it could be much better. If it's on sale, grab it and give it a go.
102 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 07:42
Im 30 hours in to this game and its a fun management game that is well made and easy to play.
You can see from the pictures what its about so i wont try explain the game.
It is fairly easy on standard settings but i enjoyed that as it let me in to the game and there`s enough options to make it harder and if that`s not enough you can add you own restrictions to really test yourself.
I picked this up in the sale and i couldnt be happier although i do have a few suggestions i might make on the boards once ive tested it further but so far so good.
288 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 20:11
the game has a learning curve like a brick wall. but the battles are fun and the the game as a whole is enjoyable. would have liked to see more classes and weapons for the fighters. but all in all the game is worth the money. would also suggest the other games in the series as well.
78 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.19 00:26
great concept, terrible execution.

combat is straight up boring as hell with no tactical options and no depth to it whatsoever
the UI is questionable to say the least

at least the dev is adding skins!

refunded after trying it out for a few fights, certainly not worth 15 bucks.
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
12650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.19 00:37
Really love this game... my only wish is that it was even more in depth. Dream come true would be if it was in depth as Football Manager or if it had modding community such as Motosport Manager (fire mod is awesome) but I fear it will be hard for one-man-studio to achieve that. Hopefully this game will have a sequel or more updates as it's a true gem in my book.
74 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.19 02:17
I've put a couple of hours into the game and managed to inadvertently break it fairly easily. In a couple of years I had over 300 million +. Mostly by finding a couple key gladiators training them to max as fast as possible and then stacking the odds greatly against them.

The premise of the game initially is cool, but it scales very very poorly in my opinion. It's highly repetitive and there isn't much to do.

The worst part of all is that I don't know if there is an ending. I presume there is, but I've been in Rome for over a year and with 300+ million and everything maxed out. I eventually just stopped playing. I hope the devs polish up on their other line of games more.
495 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.19 22:02
Don't let the mixed/negative reviews fool you out of buying this game as it nearly did with me, this is a £15 game and super addictive, people that seem to be leaving negative reviews are 100 hours deep in a £15 game only to leave a negative review over the tiniest of bugs! most AAA games don't have that level of replayability to warrant that many hours.

Regardless read the features of the game and make your own mind up, as for me i know i will have a lot of hours in this game
73 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.19 12:23
It's a simulator and it's ok. The only thing, if you find a good build, you have nothing do to anymore. Just skip some time, autofight, heal, skip, autofight. I got simply bored. Would be good for mobiles, though...
1825 Produkte im Account
740 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.19 20:55
an entertaining game which is based on the strategy of combat and resources, nice to see the game back in Rome era. Death League is alright but lacked a lot it seemed. This is certainly a step up from the original.
886 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.18 01:07

Age of Gladiators II: Rome

Age of Gladiators II: Rome is a single-player strategy/management sim set at the height of the bloody gladiatorial games in ancient Rome. As your fighters increase in level, it will be up to you to decide how to forge their attributes and abilities. Build your story. Build your empire.

Positive Points
•A good sound environment, more than everything highlighting the part of music on sound.
•The starting / character customization is very extensive, being a very strong point in the game. We will have the possibility to choose the origin of our character (Africa, Gaul or Rome), the portrait we will use to represent the character, the class of our character where each of these options will have a different impact on the development of the game (Merchant , gladiator, scout, showman or recruiter). In addition to which within these options we can choose many preferences about our game (Game length, economy, enemy training, matchups, lethality, show enemy equipment and enemy equipement quality).
•When we find a new function in the game, they will send a message to our mailbox explaining what it is, what it is for and how it is used.
•At the time of happening an important event, or something that is relevant to us, we will see a small icon on the right side which if we move the cursor over it will expand and tell us what we have to deal with.
•Something that may seem insignificant but what is really important, if in the day you have a fight you give the button to pass by day, you will get a message that will lead you to the arena for what you fight or declines the fight. This is a very good function what to avoid mistakes or mistakes.
•At the time of fighting there are 5 actions that we can perform, they will have a different outcome to each of them, these are: Forfeit (We reject the fight, counts as lost), Sim Instant (Simulates the fight instantly, giving a winner to press the button) Sim real-time (Simulate the fight with data that you can see in a log), Spectate (See the fight in the flesh) and Fight (Perform the fight manually)
•Very good illustrations by the developers, they really seem to represent what the Roman era is, both in the loading screens and in the menus.
•From time to time there are different events which we will have, regularly, two options for them (Accept or Reject), what we choose will positively or negatively influence the rest of our game.
•We can hire staff for our gladiators, which will take care of 5 different areas (Scouts, Trainers, Doctors, Weapons and Armor).
•The Investigate option is available in which we can develop even more once we are advanced in our campaign.
•We have a screen called '' Empire '' in which we will have many facts and options to see, among which stand out the options to see the following fights, what fights happened and who won in each of them , a table where the best gladiators are found, statistics by city or empire, news, among others.
•You can exchange your gladiators with other owners.
•At certain times we can fight against animals, both tigers and lions.
•The fight you have is something simple but has its different touches that make it stand out from others in its genre, the fight it has is in turns.
•During our fights we can find out what are some opponents that have a reward above their head, this means that if we kill him we will obtain the money for which he is wanted.
•We will have a tab called '' Office '' in which we can see all the interesting data about our person and their '' company ''.
•There are automatic saves every certain period of time (approximately 1 week).
•There are a lot of possibilities to customize our gladiators, in the sense of their skills and statistics, and what will we have different types of classes for them and different varieties of weapons they can use.
•Each game is generated dynamically so all the games will be different from each other.
•You can play on almost any computer, your requirements are minimal.
•Best of all and most important: It's a game that's fun and you like to spend your time in it.

Neutral Points
•The tutorial is very simple and is not guided, they are windows that come out once you enter a section that you have never seen before, but in any case the game is interactive, so the basics what they teach you at the beginning is more than enough.
•The HUD is simple but at the same time it sticks perfectly with the dark colors that predominate in this title.
•At the time of fighting we can give a portion of the fight's profits to our gladiators, depending on how much we give them affects their morale in one way or another. So far so good, what does not have logic is how a slave is going to get in a bad mood why they do not pay him, literally he is a slave, he has no right to receive anything.
•We will have the possibility to improve our buildings or buy new land but both of these are too expensive, so it will be too expensive to reach them.
•Action points during combat are very unbalanced, where certain characters can have up to 10 while others only have 3 or 4 of them. Although this point is realistic because in real life not all have the same physical characteristics or equipment.
•At the end of a battle there is the possibility of a gladiator being saved or killed by another depending on what the public chooses, this is fine but something that I do not think is good is the fact that this does not depend on us at all, it depends simply percentages and luck.
•In the current state of the game I think what the price is very high, obviously this is a proper opinion.

Negative Points
•It is a game which is based almost entirely on text, which is an incredible disadvantage and discomfort for those who do not speak the only language in which the game is found, English. Although English is the most spoken language in the world, this does not take away the fact that it is something negative.
•There is no story or something that makes you want to keep playing to see what happens.
•The use of '' amulets '' that heal more than 500 points of life in the middle of the battle I think is something totally ridiculous as well as unreal and what does not make sense, making these same the most difficult game without any need.
•The times of injuries and breaks at the beginning of the game are very unbalanced for someone who is just starting, I can not wait 30 days until I am healed by a gladiator if I have a fight every 4 days.
•The fight scenarios are always the same, although this is obvious since they only take place in the arenas but do not change literally in anything. (They could change the public or decorations or stations).
•There are almost no preferences that we can modify in the options menu.
•There are only 3 types of weapons and 3 types of armor available to buy, or at least that I have seen with what I have played.
•They always updated the game frequently but little by little they were reducing the amount of updates they were doing, which resulted in what they did not update a month ago.

It is an entertaining game which is based on the strategy of combat and resources, has a great opportunity to stand out among all the other games but still lacks that touch. I recommend that you buy it right now if you find it very interesting but if you are still not sure it is better to wait for some offer.


117 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.18 07:38
Its the same game as Death league. A few more popups, same tedium assigning and reassigning training/eq. Training speed is broken, 'donate' $1000 per 100 happyness is superior to giving a $2000 cut of the purse to not lose morale. So everyones estatic. Every rival accepts any 1:1 trade, so snipe their best guys for random scrubs. No rookie league, everyone is melee, every gladiator builds optimally in one way.

Constant effect items could be cool for building something other than max ap/hit chance gladiators.

If you like gladiator management games you should get this. If you already own death league, theres nothing new here.
106 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.18 23:34
Well a few hours into this and so far it's enjoyable, is does have it's flaws and a few bugs here and there but hopefully the developer can work on these and iron them out.

It can be difficult in part's but once you figure out how to skill up your fighters and where to invest money on certain armor, weapons and items, also taking out a loan to help you get up and running seems a must if you want to stay competative in most the calender fights to come.

The biggest flaw I've found happens to be within the arena itself and being able to easily manipulate the AI, personally I'm a fan of management games so was hoping to use the SIM battles side of the game a lot and sit back and watch my fighters. The problem there is... if you Sim and watch battles then AI will make both parties go straight for each other and the crucial thing there is who ever moves first most of the time wastes all there move points getting to the feet of the other team and the flaw I see is that it just leaves the other team with them on a plate ready to use all your move points bashing their skulls in.

Hence to me it seems a bit of a shame but controlling every match myself and just sitting back and waiting for the enemy to come at me looks like the only viable option and so far has got me 12-0 fights.

The other problem I personally struggled with is not being able to ALT TAB between my enemies as was indicated in the battle, doesn't seem a way to switch between your targets when you're standing next to 2 or more enemies and if there is then I certainly couldn't tell.

But like I said, hopefully the developer can work on some of these issues and minor niggles as I can only see the game becoming more enjoyable if he does.


Slight little update on the Alt to select targets, you have to select your attack so it flashes first then you press ALT to switch through targets so I can forget that as 1 of my issues now.

Also a handy tip for controlling arena combat in 2v2 or 3v3 is try and create a few tanky fighters to taunt and a few with high hit % / damage, use tanky taunters to keep agro while you sneak the damage dealer around to back stab them for evil damage.


Final edit and that is to say most if not all of the above issues I had have already been rectified which just goes to show how determined the developer is to listen to us and put things right, can only take my hat off to him for that.

Certainly feels to me like he's put all his eggs in 1 basket for this project and is eager to make sure we have an enjoyable gaming experience, personally I'm very happy with my purchase so far and keeping in mind that when this game gets opened up to the modding community it will only get a hell of a lot deeper and more complex.
174 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.18 21:08
So far it's alright. If you're a fan of gladiatoral simulation you should enjoy this.

I do have some recommendations though.

Weapon + Armor degredation is a bit extreme, it should be halved because I can't even make a profit without my sword and armour breaking.
Poor economy should be game wide from lesser wages to lesser betting. Not just less betting and less money being earnt from fighting. It's basically a masochist mode.
Another recommendation would be viewing greed before purchasing. It kinda ruins a game finding out the best gladiator you hired wants 100% purse cut or else his moral lowers.

Overall I do like the game I'm a fan of most simulation games though so I am a bit biased. But if those 3 things get fixed I'd be a very happy chappy.
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Release:21.08.2018 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Creative Storm Entertainment Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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