- Start Game Bug - This is finally fixed. Players can start new games now whenever they like without locking up the game.
- Recruits - Added class label to recruits screen.
- Classic Combat - Added equipped weapon and armor icons beneath portraits.
- Settings - Changed most default settings on start screen to easy.
- Trading - Fixed bug with wounded gladiators remaining in hospital despite trading them away.
- Trading - Fixed bug showing wrong roster of gladiators on trade screen.
- Trading - Fixed bug where wounded gladiators that were traded for were not being added to injured list.
- Hall Of Fame - Fixed bug where gladiators that were released were not being voted into Hall Of Fame.
- Retirement - City requirement info no longer shown when retiring.
- Combat - New sounds for special and ethnic abilities.
- Weapons Training - Increased weapon damage per specialty level from 10 to 20.
- Weapons - Fixed bug with weapon damage on assignment.
Thanks again for all of your amazing support thus far!