- Combat - Fixed a bug where Dodge and Block rolls were stacking. These now roll independently.
- Game - Fights are only 1v1 and 2v2 for first 30 days of first year.
- Morale - Gladiators in training and being treated for injuries now lose morale if another gladiator is executed.
- Workshop - Can no longer assign a weapon or piece of armor to a smith already working.
- Classic Combat - Fixed a bug where a white square would appear when a gladiator without a weapon blocked an attack.
- Classic Combat - Unarmed attacks and beast attacks cost the proper 2 AP instead of 3 AP.
- Achievement - Gladiator kills now triggering properly. Will need one more kill to trigger the achievement if already of 20 kills currently.
- Gladiator View - The kills stat on the main page now indicates this is for humans only
- Missions - Fixed bug where loans were not being properly forgiven from either assassination or negotiation missions.
- Missions - Fixed bug where legendary weapons were not always being delivered.
- Random Events - Fixed bug where coin was not being deducted for staff training events.
- Random Event - Staff member that has already maxed out their levels will not be selected again (note will only work moving forward, not retroactively for staff members leveled up in the past.
- Random Event - Fixed bug with gladiator selected for training by legend and not coming back again if quitting game before he returned.
Thanks again for all your amazing support thus far!