If you can, I would recommend playing through at least Chapter 6 one more time to set yourself up properly for the emotional finale. This last piece of content works better as an epilogue rather than a full, standalone chapter... and as such is quite a bit shorter and more streamlined than the others. I hope the (unintentionally) staggered release schedule doesn't lead to disappointment around this more compact ending, since the game was always meant to be played in full as one continuous journey.
The game is going to stay in early access for the moment, just to work out any final bugs players may come across, but I'm aiming for final release in early May. Please report any issues you come across! Every little bit of feedback helps as I gear up for the full public launch.

Thank you for playing A Story Beside and for coming along on this journey with me and Lyric. Thank you for your patience over an agonizingly long development cycle. Thank you for your support, your encouragement, and your incredible understanding as I went through some of the hardest challenges I've ever had to face these last few years.
I hope you enjoy the final chapter, and I'll be back with more updates soon.

All my very best,
David Grund