• A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.
  • A Story Beside: Screen zum Spiel A Story Beside.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.09.2019
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Preis Update 05.07.24

Über das Spiel

Imagine that for every epic adventure, there was A Story Beside.
A Story Beside is a narrative-driven fantasy adventure game experienced through the eyes of an ordinary girl. Step into the shoes of Lyric, the humble innkeeper in a quiet mountain village, as she reflects upon a lifetime of poignant memories, heartwarming friendships, and bittersweet choices — proving along the way that you don't have to slay dragons to be the hero of your own story.

Expect gameplay full of meaningful choices, charming characters, sweeping romance, and emotional storytelling inspired by games like Life is Strange and To the Moon.

  • A LIFETIME OF CHOICES Shape your story over the course of Lyric's lifetime, making decisions that will impact everything from modest details in her appearance and personality to lasting friendships and romantic endeavors. As the years go by, the fate of her village and the people who live there will change based on your choices.
  • Spend decades getting to know the town of Pyreside in all its cozy charm. The quaint apothecary shop next door, the creaky old windmill on the hill, the cottage beyond the wooded path... these are the humble but cherished places that are dear to Lyric's heart.
  • Build friendships and seek romance among the farmers, smiths, and shopkeepers who call Pyreside home. In the epic hero tales, these ordinary folk are the ones living on the fringes of the story, watching self-absorbed adventurers drop by the local inn looking for a warm meal and a soft bed.


  • CPU: 2.0 GHz equivalent
  • GFX:
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, 10
  • HD: 500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • Peripherie:
  • MISC: Runs at 960x544
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

913 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 15:17
Ich verfolge Lyrics Geschichte nun seitdem A Story Beside damals im Early Access erschienen ist. Doch auch WPs Geschichte, welcher ich noch länger folge, hat mich berührt. Unglaublich was der Mann trotz der Krankheit und DAS ALLES ALLEINE!! hier abliefert. Dieses unglaubliche Spiel verdient definitiv mehr Aufmerksamkeit.

Diese wunderschöne und liebevolle Umsetzung der Geschichte sowie der Atmosphäre, zusammen mit den Entscheidungen, dessen Auswirkungen sich oft erst mehrere Kapitel später zeigen, habe ich bisher in keinem vergleichbaren Spiel gesehen. Wobei hier der Punkt ist, das es einfach auch nichts vergleichbares in der Richtung gibt. Der Ansatz, dass man diesmal nicht dem großen Helden der Story folgt, sondern einem kleinen Mädchen namens Lyric, welche sich mit der Story entwickelt und heranwächst. Dies ist so in der Form echt einzigartig.

Die genannten Auswirkungen fallen hier auch spürbar und nicht gerade zimperlich aus [spoiler] Bis hin zum Verschwinden bzw. Tod von Personen[/spoiler]. Dies ist keines dieser Friede-Freude-Eierkuchen-Spiele. Hier wird man oft mit der harten Realität und deren Konsequenzen konfrontiert, was nicht heißt, dass es hier kein Happy Ending geben kann. Dazu kann und werde ich aber erst nach erscheinen des letzten Kapitels etwas sagen (auch möglichst spoilerfrei).
Das Storytelling ist auf Grund der genannten Punkte auch die große Stärke des Spieles. Die Musik ist ebenfalls sehr schön und passend zu den einzelnen Szenen. Die gesprochenen Zusammenfassungen am Ende jedes Kapitels waren auch ein überraschend schönes Feature. Danke an die Sprecherin für diese schönen Momente.
Der Grafikstil ist ebenfalls wunderschön und falls ihr World´s Dawn gespielt habt, wird euch einiges bekannt vorkommen, da A Story Beside im selben Universum spielt.

Ich freue mich auf die letzten Kapitel und bin gespannt, wie Lyrics Geschichte weitergeht. Ich werde mein Review nach dem Erscheinen der letzten Episode nochmal aktualisieren, aber eines kann ich jetzt schon sagen:

Dieses Spiel ist jetzt schon eines meiner absoluten Favoriten und wird immer ein Platz in meinem Herzen haben. Danke WP!
333 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 19:57
Like with World's Dawn, this game is a proof what marvelous results can be achieved with storytelling alone, without cutting-edge graphics or advanced engine.

This review is spoiler-heavy, although I guess it's less a proper review and more of a thank-you message to the Wayward Prophet, for a story that was indeed heart-wrenching, bittersweet and deeply emotional.


I thought I did everything right.
My Lyric was a kind, shy girl, always honest. Loving her family dearly and believing in their vision, their mission they saw in the Inn. Willing to honour their lives by continuing the family legacy and trying her best to keep it all together despite the hardship that befell the village.

And then Isla left and never came back. Villagers were forced to abandon their homes and flee the winter. Like the character portrayed, I wished them best knowing they will be safer away, but hoped to see them again.

But when winter passed, they never came back. And these last two chapters hit the hardest.

Somehow, I was still hoping for a happy ending. That village folk will be back, as they promised they would once life returns to the mountains. But they didn't. Both Graham and Kelsi disappeared from Pyreside. Despite trying my best and staying true to the character, they fell out the Lyric's life forever. Somehow, somewhere I missed the choices to keep their bonds stronger.

And Thomas. Literally to the very last scene in the final chapter I was hoping that Thomas, to whom Lyric was married, would be back. If only for a moment. A passing visit from a travelling merchant once passage was fixed. Anything. Whether it was helping new neighbours settle in, or during travel to the capital, my thoughts went to him. I wished so much I could end the game watching the pyrelights together, if only to honour former bonds.

And thus, although my Lyric was happy on her last solitary walk through the village, my ending felt both sad and incomplete. That's why I will be going back for yet another game, but at the same time I'm afraid that the harder I'll try to do 'better', the more painful results will be. Because one of the main points of this game's story is to acknowledge that some dreams just don't come to pass, no matter how hard we wish them to do so.
164 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 16:37
An amazing RPG experience which readily proves that role-playing is more than combat mechanics and extensive equipment lists. The storytelling in this game is very well-written with many emotionally invested scenes and evocative moments. Without a single battle screen or combat mechanic needed, this game immerses you in the small world of the mountain village of Pyreside, dropping you into the role of the protagonist Lyric, a woman looking back on her long history in the community and the lives of it's inhabitants. Playing through chapters set throughout paradigm periods of her life, you weave a tapestry of memories through dialogue and actions which affects the flow of the story and the people who remain or leave Lyric's life as you relive her memories to create your version of her story.
536 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 19:18
I didn't expect such a heartwarming story let alone balling my eyes out at the end. This game will have you question how important relationships, friendships, pets in your life. A sweet yet mind opening journey.
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 21:10
This is perhaps, my favorite game ever. I don't say that lightly. I have been playing for the last 18 months and have anxiously awaited each update. I truly feel as if Lyric is a dear friend, and the epilogue was heartbreaking. Although I love that the story has an end, I do wish that I could stay in Pyreside for just a little longer.

I am curious to have seen what Lyric would have been like as a parent (as well as Claire!) and I treasure all of the game's little perfect moments.

I take my hat off to you, Wayward Prophet! You have created a beautiful masterpiece, and I am so thankful to have seen this project come alive. I look forward to anything else you create!
81 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 14:21
All I can say, is it is a beautiful story that captures not only the nostalgia of early childhood days gone by when everything seemed warmer and brighter, but also the slow rising tides of grief and uncertainty that come with the inevitable loss of people and times we fear will never come again. And yet there is still hope and light in the game's darkest moments. The magnitude of loss, uncertainty, and isolation the main character experiences is only heightened and made more real amidst the pandemic we players are living in.

This game has been an unexpected catalyst for accepting my own grief and loss I've felt about the last few years, and I hope it has done the same for others. This game has so many many parallels, from the pandemic to the health struggles of the developer that I've gleaned through comments and posts. So I hope the story and game development has also been a source of comfort and hope for him as he continues to fight.

20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 23:28
I really love this story, and I hate that it's not quite finished yet because I am desperate to see how this ends. Honestly, it's such a relaxing game, I sat here all day playing it. I'm still trying to go through all the paths you
can take in this story. I can't believe there isn't more hype about this game. It's reminiscent of Stardew Valley, though there's less action and more dire consequences to your decisions. In my second run through I discovered that some of the decisions I made in the first run had some sad outcomes that actually could have been prevented. I will say that there are some pretty annoying bugs in the game though. It's frozen up a few times, or it bugged and I had to start the chapter all over to get it to work again. But overall, I think the story is so well done that I can look past the bugs, even as annoying as they are sometimes.
26 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 02:53
If you are looking for any sort of gameplay, look elsewhere. There is little to nothing to do in this game besides walking and pointing.

If you are, however, looking to get your feelings wrecked, then well, this might be for you.

Although the story isn't finished yet, I can say for certain it was one of the most emotional and beautiful stories I have seen. It is filled with so much emotion, sadness, pain, hope... And it has such a small scope as well, which I think makes it more endearing. So little hours played and I still felt connected to those characters in the way that Lyric did, as if they were my own family and friends. This game is proof you don't need hours upon hours of dialogue and exploration to tell a good story, so I guess it spins the old rpgs tropes in more ways than one.

If you like rpgs then maybe you should try this one, not for the gameplay, but simply for the different point of view of the legendary stories that they usually tell.
37 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 06:25
Words can't describe how much I love this game, It's absolutely amazing. Whoever is hesitating to buy it, b u y it. The art is breathtaking, the music is astonishing and the story line is hands down so beautifully well-written. What a wonderful journey I had with the protagonist Lyric as she takes us through each chapter of her life starting with her precious childhood. The first chapter really captures what it's like being a child with knowing nothing of what's going on about the world and just having fun and playing with friends and living a care-free life. It truly makes you think of how much things can change throughout the years and playing through this game was bittersweet. It also makes you appreciate more of the little things and how events of now can turn into bittersweet memories. I can't say anymore due to spoilers but it really is a wonderful adventure and I recommend this game to anyone who stumbles upon it.
135 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 15:48
*Game still in development*

A heartfelt and emotional story with good pacing about an NPC. 10/10
There's not much to say about this game due to it still having content coming out besides it has a wonderful story with tons of potential, it takes a lot of turns while filling you in things you've missed. Many lovable characters and great dialogue

I've only had Isla for four hours but if anything happens to her, I would kill everyone and then myself.
30 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 12:16
I started playing late last night...all I have to say is it is now 5:13am, I have finished the fifth chapter, and I have cried into my keyboard no less than four times, the last of which, in chapter five, was full on had-to-stop-playing-for-a-bit level tears. This has been the best $10 I've spent during this lockdown. I might be a marshmallow, but I am a marshmallow waiting with baited breath for the next update. Just...WOW.
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 00:00
Amazing story , and very immersive . Worth getting, and supporting, who knew such an adventure could take place without leaving where you grew up. Its got the pixel RPG look, every decision and discovery counts and at the end of each chapter you are shown the options you took , ones you didnt find and ones you couldve taken. I REALLY love the story. The art is okay, could be better, but the story ,atmosphere and characters certainly make up for it. I especially love the scenes near the exit of the town in game where the bridge is, if you stand there things happen in the sky ,you wouldnt normally see because in the story there really isnt a need to go there because everything takes place in the town and its outskirts.I hope there are more chapters in the future, I really loved this game so much and reached the end of it despite there going to be a story update later on. Its a game that is very difficult to put down.
70 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 23:55
The story in this game is very well done but is still early access. I have finished the first few chapters and it is very emotional for sure. I love it so far and awaiting the completion of the story!!
141 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 20:19
So wholesome ♥
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.19 08:13
This game is utterly gorgeous in graphics and in story line. I played the first three chapters straight through, and I am so sad the next chapters aren't released. The choices I am given feel real and grounded, and I am immersed in the world. I look forward to the expanding story line with eager anticipation.
146 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.19 00:03
Great art. ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ
Great music. ( ̄▽ ̄)/♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪
Great story. ( ╥ω╥ )


Truly worth the wait. (^.~)☆
682 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.19 10:30
Have you played Wayward Prophet previous game, World's Dawn?

If you already did, you can skip this paragraph.
World's Dawn was a little Harvest Moon-esque game where you played as the new owner of a farm, in a little secluded rural town. Pretty standard stuff, right? While the game pales in comparison of the farming and building aspect of Stardew Valley, the game truly shines in it heart.
The little village of Sugar Blossom not only is beautiful, with lots of lovely places to visit, but feels alive. All the villager are wonderfully done, each one with their own stories to tell. Lots of different dialog depending of the time and what's happening. And lovely portraits to accompany them.
The game has lots of hearts. And it's feels like truly living in the lovely and cozy Sugar Blossom village.

And now, after the lovely and cozy World's Dawn, Wayward Prophet bring us A Story Beside.

This new game takes the best of World's Dawn, the lovely and well developed characters, the nice portraits, the lovely scenery and the cozy feeling of living in a secluded rural town, full of life.
But not only take these elements, but improve on them. The scenery is just breath-taking, a truly pleasure to watch. The portraits are lovely. The characters are very well written. And the whole town feels alive. Finally the story, following our protagonist, Lyric, it's much more focused and personal than in World's Dawn. It's a very personal and emotional experience.

You play as Lyric, the second daughter of the couple running the local inn of a secluded mountain village. You start at her childhood, playing with her friends, making little decisions along the way, knowing the people and watching your story unfold.
The second chapter gives a time skip and shows the aftermath of everything that happened in the first chapter.
It does a wonderful job making you feel attached to the little towns, their residents and our protagonist, Lyric and how she deals with everything that happens to her and the town.

Yes, this isn't an RPG. Isn't about an hero fighting evil to save the world. No. It's about just one person, living her life the best she can in one of those worlds. The NPC who see the bands of hero pass in their way to vanquish evil. The ones who see them return victorious, or not return at all.
But not for the lack of combat and heroics quests this story is boring. Not at all. It's just different. More personal. More relatable even.

Having playing the two first chapters, I can just say that I'm incredibly eager to play the next ones. To see how the life of Lyric and her people continues. And to be able to cry and laugh with her.

This is a wonderful story, very personal and emotional, in a wonderful and beautiful package.

If you're a bit tired of being the invincible hero, and for once want to try something different just hop in. And live with Lyric the simple but not uneventful life of a villager, not the chosen one who slays the monster, but the ones living and struggling with their lives in the background.

It will be a great trip. Trust me.
Myself, can't wait for the next chapters and see how Lyric life progress.
364 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.19 02:58
This is such a wonderful journey through Lyric's world, especially since we're used to games where we're the adventurer, rather than the one who stays in the quaint village that they always pass through.
There's a comfort of Lyric speaking from a point towards the end of her life.. and a joy in playing through the first chapter as a child (with all the delightful naivety and curiosity)

+ narration is melodic
+ the story is so rich, and even in this short chapter, wonderful characters have been setup
+ artwork is beautiful, deep & warm
+ when you enter a building, it superlays it over the surrounding map in a really cool way that lets you feel connected to the environment

There are some choices you make that will obviously affect the story later on, and it's really exciting to imagine how! Can't wait for more chapters ^_^
397 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.19 19:39
I've been looking forward to this game since the day it was announced and so far it had lived up to the hype. Love the setting, characters and music! Hopefully the chapters later on will be a bit longer, though!:)

The updates that have been added since release have been a great help to replaying the game with different choices!
46 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.19 16:44
So far only the first Chapter of the story is out. But for me it's a must-have for me.
It got everything I like:

-Great Storytelling
- Beautiful Scenery
- Nice voice for the female protagonist, it's really beautifully spoken
- I felt a bit melancholic while playing it
- Feeling all warm and fuzzy as well
- Choices that you make have different consequences
- You don't play the hero but an ordinary girl

I love that you are an ordinary person and not the hero. Because if we are honest, everyone loves to play the hero in games but most of us would never be it in real life. This game makes you feel and wraps you up in a beautiful story. It pulls you in with great storytelling and a beautiful scenery.
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.19 09:18
A Story Beside ended up being something completely different from what I expected, but what a pleasant surprise I had. The story will wrap you in to the point you forget it's Lyric's story, and it'll become yours. The possibilities are endless, what will happen if I do this, or if I don't do that... You can feel the weight of your actions even in the silliest choice.

It has the same warm vibe World's Dawn had, but being a whole new story, with it's whole new feelings to it. You can see the growth of the developer in every detail, and getting inside Pyreside it's stepping into a new magical adventure.

Such an amazing job, I can't wait to see through Lyric's life!
138 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.19 00:44
The game so far is amazing, just one chapter in and I felt so many emotions playing it. The writing of the characters is very well done, you can get a grasp of who they are with just a few lines of dialog and the music complements the environment of the world. It's quite a different experience from World's Dawn (previous game of the dev) since the themes of this one are darker but still, it's been really good so far. Totally recommend buying it!
71 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.19 00:10
the concept for this game seemed incredibly up my alley, and i'm happy to say it's lived up to my expectations! this game is incredibly charming and atmospheric, and i can already feel myself falling in love with the characters and the village. it made me involuntarily grin a few times, which is a glowing review in itself.

this first chapter was short, but it certainly sets things up in a way that makes me curious how the rest of the story is going to go. i don't regret jumping in on early access, but i can tell that i AM going to hate waiting for the rest of the chapters! i can already tell i'm going to love this game, so i highly recommend hopping in on it while you can.
324 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.19 00:05
I've always been a little curious what a hero-centric world would look like from the eyes of a bystander. In theory it doesn't sound like a particularly exciting idea but there's a million and a half games where you are that hero, and I've never seen one where you aren't. As of the first chapter, I'm pretty interested in seeing how WP is going to take this story after having seen some adventurers through the eyes of a child that doesn't understand their way of life.

I really enjoyed World's Dawn and I'm very glad to see that he's not getting complacent with that and continuing to improve his skills. I've waited a long time for this game to come out, and so far I'm not disappointed; and I doubt I will be.

Also, I'm happy to hear that WP's cancer is in remission and that he still wanted to go back to making games once he was feeling better. I hope he continues to produce these relaxing little escape-type games for a long time. Not every game needs a polished combat system and super high budget cg cut scenes to be fun.
82 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.19 23:17
Finished the first part of the story just now. I have to say the writing of this game is on point and absolutely nailed the feeling of being a kid going on pretend adventures and playing with your friends. It definitely brought back some old memories for me. (My poor, poor neighbors) The characters have no lack of charm and the ones that I maybe didn't like as much were written to be were you really weren't supposed to, again, the writing doing what it's intended.

The music and visuals are also so pretty. There are a lot of quiet moments and the style almost reminds of a Studio Ghibli film at times. The piano pieces just sound so absolutely gorgeous and accompany the world this story takes place in beautifully.

One of the features I think I liked the most though was an overview of all the significant choices you made while playing. It was a good way of showing what all I missed (I thought I did a decent job of exploring, I didn't) and immediately made me want to play again.

All in all, if this is what this game can give me in about 40 minutes of play time, then I'm really excited to see the rest of what this game can give me!
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
99.07% 106 1
Release:27.09.2019 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Wayward Prophet Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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