I've been waiting to post an update until I had good news to share... and today I do! I'm happy to announce the final chapter of A Story Beside is releasing this Wednesday, April 27.
The game will remain in early access for a short amount of time, with a full release planned for early May. The exact release date will depend on your feedback and response to this final chapter — so please continue to share your thoughts, suggestions, and any technical issues you encounter! I'll be reading over every review and following every comment thread to polish the game as much as possible before its official public launch.

As always, I need to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been supportive and patient throughout this rocky development process. I have a lot more to say on the subject, but I'm going to save my emotional word salad for full release.
In the meantime, please look forward to the final chapter and the long-awaited conclusion to Lyric's story!

All my best,
David Grund