I wanted to apologize for the delays of Chapters 4 and 5 and ask for your patience as I polish them up before release. As you might expect, this has been a busy time of year in my personal life (holiday happenings, a new nephew, and more than a little seasonal anxiety around the one-year anniversary of my lymphoma diagnosis) and things have taken longer than planned. I'm sure it's been frustrating for everyone awaiting the next part of the story, so I am truly sorry.

I think once you get to play these next couple chapters you'll understand why they've been such a hurtle for me. Not only are we approaching the emotional apex of Lyric's story, but as the game goes on, more and more of your personal choices will branch off and offer different outcomes... which of course adds to the development time of even the simplest scenes. I sincerely hope the full story is as meaningful and satisfying as everyone is expecting and certainly don't want to rush to the finish line.
So! I am pushing back Chapters 4 and 5 once again, and this time I won't make the mistake of promising a release date. It will most likely be early January and sincerely hope the wait will be worth it. This community means so much to be and I don't want to let you down.
More updates to come very soon!
Happy holidays to all!

All my best,
David Grund