I have some rather unfortunate news to share today. I've always tried to be open and honest as a developer, and in that spirit I'm going to delve a little deeper into my personal life than I have in the past.
Over the last several months I've been struggling with a variety of health issues that have kept me from being as focused and creative as my usual self... things like constant fatigue, swelling, soreness, and chest pain. These symptoms are the reason A Story Beside was taking longer to complete than I'd originally hoped, and I was dealing with a lot of frustration trying to figure out what was causing them. I would sit down at the computer to work and just be overwhelmed by all kinds of stabbing pains and discomfort. I couldn't focus.

After several trips to the doctor, in December I was officially diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, a very treatable — but still scary — form of cancer. In a way it's been a relief to finally know what's been going on, and why my physical health dropped off so quickly, but it also means there's a long road to recovery ahead.
So. What does this mean for Wayward Prophet and A Story Beside?
First of all, know that I'm still fully committed to completing this project. But as things are now, I simply can't make any release date promises... I have to make the physical and emotional health of myself and my family top priority. I understand how disappointing this news must be for everyone who's been waiting to play A Story Beside. Please know that I'm planning to spend every moment I'm mentally and physically able working towards release. It's become a challenge I'm eager to tackle and I'm hoping it will give me a lot of strength and motivation to get through the difficult times ahead.
Thank you for your understanding and support in the meantime! This humble community means the world to me and I'm certainly not going anywhere.

(bonus pic of my two fuzziest fans)
I appreciate everyone taking the time to read this update and apologize that I don't have better news. Rest assured there are still plenty of exciting things ahead for Wayward Prophet, and I can't wait to share them with you.
Thank you, truly. More updates to come!

All my best,
David Grund