It's been a long, long, LONG time coming, so I'm absolutely thrilled to announce a new chapter of A Story Beside is available to play right now!
There are several reasons why writing this chapter proved to be such a unique challenge. The symbolism of Lyric remaining trapped in a cursed winter since March 2020 is not lost on me... but on top of real-world struggles and anxieties, Chapter 6 contains by far the most branching paths and variables that depend on your choices thus far. Entire scenes and characters may or may not appear in your particular path, and I hope you'll find the story satisfying however yours plays out.
Please share your thoughts in the discussion forums and help the game continue to improve!

So what's next...?
There is one more chapter left to go, which will be shorter in length (think of it more as an epilogue than a full-blown chapter) but should still pack an emotional punch as Lyric finally reaches the end of her journey. I'm hoping to have development wrapped up very soon, though I hesitate to promise anything too concrete. I will say you can expect to see updates in a matter of weeks, not months.
Thank you to everyone who has waited so patiently and continued to support the game all this time. Words honestly can't express my gratitude.

All my best,
David Grund