News Liste Wildermyth

Wildermyth: Omenroad is Available NOW!!!
16.05.24 19:03 Community Announcements


Wildermyth: Omenroad is now available for purchase! Alternatively, we have a bundle with the base game, Armors and Skins DLC, and Omenroad available at 15% off.

To our Spanish and French speaking Players, due to bad planning on our part, you will notice many untranslated UI elements in the build. We are working to get those cleaned up and patched out as soon as we can. (French players may also encounter some untranslated comics towards the end of the new story campaign)

A little bonus- we're on sale for Steam's Endless Replayability Fest! You can get Wildermyth for 30% off until May 20th. It's the perfect time to pick up the main game and our DLCs if you haven't already!

Wildermyth: Omenroad

The Omenroad DLC gives you a new way to play Wildermyth. For the fighters, we have a roguelike ​​tactical challenge mode with progression across runs. And for the lovers, we have A Walk in the Unlight, a huge new story campaign that uses the Omenroad format to take your heroes past the edge of the Yondering Lands and into worlds beyond.

Challenge Modes

Legacy Heroes and Greenhorns alike run a gauntlet of battles, each increasing in difficulty. A node map replaces the Overland map and your party chooses a path by following your appetite for risk and reward.

Transformations, pets, and other rewards are present within the fights themselves, making it a tactical choice which ones to pick up. As a challenge mode, Omenroad runs don’t take place within a larger story and you won’t encounter random story events.

At the end of a run, promote your favorite heroes and bring them back into the base game. In between runs, increase Peril for more of a challenge and equip Odes to make your party stronger.

You’ll get:
  • 20 new boss fights
  • 20 new unlockable artifacts and augments
  • New Shadow spirit and Shadow weapons to discover in both Omenroad and the base game
  • 75 new battle maps with new objectives
  • A “Wall of Fame” with twelve challenge-based titles for heroes to earn
  • And for those hungry for another Wildermyth campaign…

You Are Invited to the Neverbefore Ball!

Our new campaign uses the Omenroad format to tell a Wildermyth story, following two adventurers into Netherflare, the land of the lost. There they encounter faces both fresh and familiar, crossing the phantom-lands of a thousand Yonderings to arrive at a mystical ballroom in a dragon’s castle.

As in the challenge modes, a node map will replace the Overland map and no random story events will occur. Instead, all the stories you’ll encounter have been written specifically for this campaign, making it our most extensively written campaign, by far.

Expect to find:
  • A sprawling story that touches on the lore of all our previous campaigns
  • A new biome: Netherflare!
  • More than 25 new battle maps!

Come see what weird wonders will upend you, and who might wander at your side, as you take A Walk in the Unlight.

1.16+533 Omenroad

Added sfx for bird legs, volley of arrows, drauvenBirdMarkPrey,
Adjusted tile range feedback for barrage and stunning barrage
Drauven Wingbeat and Bird Debuff now deal Physical Damage instead of True Damage
Adjusted Ulstryx chapter 1 objective text to clarify that other
sites must be cleared before doing the capstone fight
Double-hyphens replaced with em-dashes
Screen edge pan no longer happens while in controller mode
(fixes issue where sometimes the screen would scroll to the
top-left if the mouse position was there)
Legacy saving now happens less often in certain cases, resulting in
less hitches during gameplay
Save file note dialog is now a single-line text input
Shred sound no longer plays when shredding warding
Various translation fixes
Fix a bug where dreamsOfIcarus could happen multiple times per campaign
Fix a bug with ambient audio often being silent when it shouldn't be
(You may hear more nature noises now during battles than you used to)
Fix a bug where set pieces that were very close to the camera
would be visible, blocking the player's view
Fix a bug where loredump could happen through walls
Fix a bug where Stalwart+ prevented Crystal Chrysalis
Fix a bug where sometimes enemies would visually hover over their ending tile
Fixed issue with mysticF mythic vines theme skin
Fix a bug with burning arrow not being able to shoot at as
long a range with elemental bows
Fixed bug where scenery with >20 health couldn't be splinterblasted
Friendly Fire warning no longer shows damage dealt to scenery
"Refresh" editor button now does a better job of actually refreshing mods
Combat Lab can now show any mission plan, even without a scenario
Added "ignoreRestrictions" option to ApplyTheme Outcome
Added "ifChoiceNumLessThanOrEquals" and "sortByScore" fields to
AbilityTarget Options
Added NUM_ENEMIES expression variable, which will get the number
of enemies in the current mission
Added isMatchText expression, useful for checking parameter text
Added "particleNumData_V" particle function, which can be used to
get data from a given particle number
Can now match ONE_FURTHEST relative to a role with multiple matches
Added "CAN_ROMANCE_LOOSE" variable, which checks family and forbidden
romance (e.g. skeleton), but ignores existing relationships,
forbidRandomRomances, and attraction.
Particles: adjusted and e.time to not reset when done looping
Particles: added tileIsVisible variable, which returns 1 if the mission
tile is not in fog of war, and 0 otherwise
Particles: Added vx, vy, vz, and velocity particle vars
Added "useExistingEmitter" option to particle animation outcomes
Added alwaysShow and forbidMonsterDestroy options to CountScenery objective
Added animationCustom field for movement animations
Can now spawn a random card of a monster type via Spawn Outcome
Fixed bug where rigOverridePriority aspect was deleted
Added "For" outcome, which can be used to execute an outcome
a certain number of times
Added WAS_ATTACKED_DELAYED effect trigger
Added MISSION_VICTORY hero trigger
Added POSITION_X and POSITION_Y expression variables
Fixed bug where Loop Next Action checkbox in combat lab would
sometimes use a previous action
Added grant random gear cheat (Shift+Ctrl+G) that grants some gear
based on class and randomness
Added EQUAL_TO Test
Logo for Wildermyth
Release:13.11.2019 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Worldwalker Games LLC Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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