• Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.
  • Wildermyth: Screen zum Spiel Wildermyth.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 13.11.2019
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Preis Update 06.09.24

Über das Spiel

Wildermyth is a character-driven, procedurally-generated tactical RPG. Like the best tabletop roleplaying experiences, Wildermyth gives you choices and answers your every decision with consequences that drive your characters forward.

Lead a band of heroes as they grow from reluctant farmers into unique, legendary fighters. Combat unexpected threats and strange monsters across interactive battlefields. Unravel mysteries and share pensive moments in an ever-new fantasy setting that blends hard truths and sacrifice with humor and personal storytelling.

Where does your myth lead? Come help us uncover it!

  • Reminiscent of tabletop roleplaying, unique heroes are born in unique settings every game. They age, transform, fall in love, disagree, and make harrowing sacrifices.
  • Each hero brings their own organic history and personality with them, but your choices and combat skills are what decide their paths and outcomes.
  • All heroes die someday… but you get to hold on to your favorites. Reintroduce them in the next adventure, and over many lifetimes the myths you make will form your own legendary pantheon.

An Imaginative Papercraft World
The Yondering Lands, where the game is set, is a richly layered world populated with hand-painted 2D characters and scenery. We’ve paid loving attention to breaking molds and exploring new ideas: no orcs, elves, or goblins here—but watch out for the telepathic insect-dragons and the clockwork undead.

Extreme Character Depth
Each of your heroes has their own unique generated history, personality, and appearance, and will form relationships with your other heroes. All of these elements change and develop over the course of a playthrough, as characters age, encounter mysteries, and overcome challenges.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: i3 or better
  • GFX: Open GL 3.2
  • RAM: 3 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7+
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch, Chinesisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

147 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 04:08
ich war selten so überrascht von einem Spiel!
Natürlich kann dieser Titel nicht mit einem umfangreichen Titel wie Pathfinder oder Divinity mithalten. Das muss es auch gar nicht. Denn hier wurde ein sehr innovatives Spiel mit vielen neuen Ideen erschaffen, welches durch ein Legacy - System auch einen hohen Wiederholungswert hat.
Mich hat vor allem aber die Erzählweise gepackt: Große und kleine Geschichten, die einen zum Lachen und zum Nachdenken bringen.

Für alle zu empfehlen der neben taktischen Kämpfen Wert auf Geschichten legen
46 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 13:50
I don't get it, this is a pretty simplistic game. I skipped all the story dialogues because it was clear that it was just some random cutesy nonsense with no greater purpose or arc. Not sure why this gets so many good reviews, I played through the campaign in 3h and now I feel like that probably wasn't worth the 15€. Well whatever.
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 18:16
Artwork und Soundtrack des Spiels sind sehr angenehm und die idee hinter dem Spiel verspricht Episches. Nun ja, Heldenverwaltung von den Anfängen bis hin in's hohe Alter - wie einst bei FABLE. Das Spiel musste ich also haben und habe es, nach dem Ende des ersten Kapitels, nicht bereut. Für den Preis wird schon Schönes geboten: Viel Dungeongemetzel gegen stetig stärker werdende Gegner und simple, aber effektive, Charakterentwicklung. Die Story scheint eher zufällig generiert und es bedarf schon etwas mehr als Schulenglisch, wenn man sich auf die Geschichte seiner (aktuellen) Heldengruppe einlassen möchte. Atmosphärisch ist hier alles stimmig und nach dem Tutorial hat man noch einiges an learning-by-doing vor sich, aber das ist okay. Speichern kann man alle paar Minuten, aber wenn man das Spiel einmal im Storytelling Mode (leicht) angefangen hat, ist dies kaum nötig. Für das Geld bekommt man hier ein schönes Spiel, genau passend zur Winterzeit.
267 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 19:24
Habe dieses Spiel rein zufällig entdeckt und bin unglaublich begeistert. Ja ich habe erst einen Run auf dem normalen Schwierigkeitsgrad absolviert und in knappen 5h den Endboss erledigt, dennoch gefällt mir das was ich bisher sehen konnte sehr! Der Artstyle, Sound, Interface, einfach alles zieht einen gleich komplett in den Bann. Es ist eine Pen & Paper Abenteuer, ein Rundenstrategiespiel, eine interaktive Geschichte und noch viels mehr. In den letzten Jahren kam viel Zeugs heraus das mich wenig bis garnicht interessiert hat doch dieses Spiel trifft mitten ins Schwarze.

Auch wenn ein direkter Verlgeich zu Divinity Original Sin weit hergeholt ist (alleine wegen dem Umfang und der Komplexität) muss ich sagen das mich Wildermyth nicht weniger begeistert. Wer Rundenstrategie mag, wer Fantasy mag, wer gerne interaktive Dialoge (ja man muss viel lesen) mit Humor und Spannung mag dem kann ich dieses Spiel wärmstens empfehlen. Ich freue mich schon auf viele weitere Stunden mit neuen Abenteuern! Seit den letzten zehn Jahren die wohl besten 15€ die ich je in ein Spiel investiert habe,
141 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 08:40
Ein absolut geniales Spiel mit hohem Wiederspielwert. Es ist so toll wie sich die Helden welche man frei gestalten kann immer weiter entwickeln, haben Beziehungen und altern auch. Am Ende einer Kampagne kann man dann wenn man möchte seine Helden in seine Legacy packen und mit ihnen weitere Abenteuer erleben.
Ich hab die Kämpfe jetzt auf den höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad gestellt was das Spiel ganz schön knackig macht und man muß sehr taktisch vorgehen (zum Glück kann man neu laden ;). Das Magiesystem macht auch riesen Spaß. Man nutzt seine Umgebung, interagiert damit und haut sie dem Gegner um die Ohren.

Leider bisher alles auf englischer Sprache. Mir macht das allerdings nix aus und es ist ja noch in der Entwicklung. Vom Preis her hätten sie auch mehr verlangen können für so ein tolles Spiel.
Klare Kaufempfehlung für Taktiker.
1120 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 15:20
Spielt sich wie eine gelungene Mischung aus den Brettspielen: Gloomhaven, Kingdom Death: Monster, 7th Continent, D&D Pen and Paper und den Computerspielen Darkest Dungeon und Divinity.

Nicht überkomplex, dennoch viele Möglichkeiten. Tolles Magiesystem, das mit der Umgebung interagiert. Find hinter einem Baum in Deckung? Einfach den Baum nehmen und damit Flächenschaden anrichten. Schon steht der Feind ohne Deckung da. :) Viele interessante Zufallsereignisse, die Charaktere teils stark verändern können.

Viele kleine Details, wie etwa ein dumpfer Sound beim Raustabben aus dem Spiel. Steuerung ist sehr gelungen und rein mit der Maus möglich. Absolute Empfehlung für den schmalen Taler! :)

Von Early Access merke ich aktuell (8.3.2020) nichts, das ist für mich ein fertiges Spiel.
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.22 14:59
Wyldermyth entirely changed the way I look at games, and that’s coming from someone who has played them for the last 35+ years. I raised my kids in a video game environment, and it’s been a staple of my life.

All of that being said, this game showed me that I was missing something I didn’t even realize I was missing for these last three decades.

Wyldermyth changed the roguelike/turn based RPG to something personal. I fell in love with these characters because they are so alive. They are snarky, sarcastic, funny, sweet, and personal. When they got injured, I felt it. When they’d die, I had to fight through the emotions. These little hand drawn people quickly become FRIENDS, with their own personalities and quirks. Their stories take endless turns, sometimes you get them through the one of dozens of story modes alive, where they can retire. Others come through horribly scarred and changed through tragedy, and some die early.

But the thing that I was not prepared for was when you log back in the next day, you are faced with the friends who fell in battle, or have otherwise crossed the rainbow bridge, waiting for you on the loading screen, where they are resting around a fire. The level of emotional connection you feel is unreal. Nothing has ever touched me to the point I consider whether I can emotionally handle losing more little paper people.

But then the game is so much fun that I can’t resist and I throw caution to the winds. Playing this game feels like hanging out with friends, and I love it, even if it can leave you a little emotionally scarred.
49 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 00:17
Went to play with a friend.. she cannot purchase. Did yall run out of keys???
30 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 16:44
I've only had Wildermyth for 4 hours but if anything happened to my adventuring party I will kill every Gorgon on this planet and then myself
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 22:50
I have obviously put way too many hours into this game to not recommend it wholeheartedly. I can sit and play this game for hours and still enjoy it and I doubt I'll stop playing anytime soon. I've grown attached to so many of the heroes made and the stories they can build with other heroes. The family aspect is also a really cute touch, and it makes legacy playthroughs so much more fun. I am about to load up the game as I finish this, genuinely recommend!
456 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
3808 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 12:54
Lately I've really gone off procedural gaming as it seems to result in an infinite amount of bland content. Somehow Wildermyth seems to be a rare exception. The family trees you build up through gameplay become part of a growing legend within your own personal mythology. I really find myself caring about these characters and their connections. I can't recall playing any other procedural games that hide their procedural nature so effectively. The gamplay itself is good, the combat and character systems have depth and are enjoyable and there are enough unique meaningful events within the game that each character's journey is unlikely to be exactly the same as another.

Well worth the price. 10/10
356 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
39286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 21:08
Easily in the top 5 best video games I've ever played
1841 Produkte im Account
984 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1680 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 19:25
A tactical RPG that attempts to give you the feeling of playing a crafted narrative where the characters change and grow, but with randomly generated characters. There's a lot of neat stuff here, and the game's ambition is praiseworthy. It has that Dwarf Fortress-esque quality where you find yourself telling stories about the different characters in your game - the gruff warrior who had visions of cosmic tortoises, the sarcastic hunter who transformed into a crow. All of that stuff, and the writing itself, is fantastic. The problem is the tactical game. It becomes repetitive and tedious, and I feel as though I am grinding through it to get the next snippet of story. And it's what eventually did me in. On my third campaign, an incursion triggered, and I just felt tired of going on. Incursions are periodic events where a horde of monsters starts stomping through your territory, so you must stop what you're doing and assemble your adventurers to stop them. You'll fight a horde of monsters, and eventually the battles become trivial, and it just slows down your momentum and sucks up time. On top of that there are five story campaigns, and by the time you hit the third you are repeating events constantly and it begins to lose its freshness. The writing and what feels like the core innovations of the game are so cool, but the game itself eventually becomes tiresome, which makes the game so much more disappointing.
97 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 01:01
my only hope is that they add more because i never want it to end
169 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
12365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 00:19
this game isn't very fast paced, so if you're expecting something like that from it, best to move on.

that said, this game is an absolute joy. cute artstyle made to emulate the DnD experience, often funny stories which will make you connect to the character(s) you created, very replayable (especially if you're going after achievements, like I am) and last but far from least, fantastic multiplayer.

seriously, play this game with friends if you have any.
not to mention mods, regular updates, etc. etc.

it's not flawless, since I did encounter a few bugs while playing. trying to hunt down a specific event to fire can be a pain as well. those are mostly nitpicks though, since it wasn't anything gamebreaking. my biggest complaint is that combat can be quite simple and formulaic. it's not the most engaging thing, especially while playing singleplayer.

definitely give this one a shot if you got the bucks. even over a hundred hours in I encounter something new every now and again.
1333 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
5851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 05:51
We play this streaming where everyone gets a character named after themselves, and one person drives directed by each character's player. The strategy and concepts are a tad simplistic but offer enough complexity combined with the writing, RNG and humor to be fun. RPing our characters and dialogue during the scenes is good game night fun. The $25 price is MORE than reasonable. The continued updates and developments have made this fun to come back to. Moddable? Check. Solid 7-8/10 and well worth having in your library.

If you are looking for a tactics/rpg-lite story-centric RPG that's approachable, and easy to get into give Wildermyth a try, you won't be disappointed.
216 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 04:45
I really enjoy the graphics and design of the game. I like how its X-COM but with fantasy elements. I enjoy the stories and character customization. I've played it enough that I see a lot of the same side stories but that's okay because its fun to pick different options this time around.
96 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 00:09
Overall WIldermyth is like a great book........the opening is a good place setting and once you get beyond the graphics the story is intriguing, the adventures are like Dungeon and Dragons table top, the writing definitely lures you in based on great story telling. We thoroughly have enjoyed the online coop which has been seamless. A definite THUMBS UP!
72 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 20:47
It's like playing D&D all by myself!
647 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 11:11
Phenomenal writing and story-generation potential, with surprisingly deep combat mechanics. Players who love tactical games (e.g. XCOM, Darkest Dungeon), definitely give this game a shot! Just start on Tragic Hero instead of the default difficulty, it'll make for a much more balanced challenge.
20 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
9154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 19:44
I like a game that offers challenges, humor, achievements, and is just downright quirky. This one never lets me down. I love the character customization, the achievements (which offer more goals for people like me), and the humor threaded in the events that happen between battle scenes. The battle itself is fun and I absolutely love the art style! It's unique and beautiful. And it's nice that the developers are constantly updating, so we can continually expect new, fresh in-game stuff, from events to artifacts (I'm a collector so I like collecting every artifact just to see what it can do), to revamping stats. I'm a huge fan!

Overall rating on a 5-star scale: 5/5. It hits every mark for me. I always enjoy it and will keep coming back for more fun. I definitely recommend this game.
192 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 21:56
If you like DnD type games and making characters based on people you know, its a fun time. Some of the stories are really really good too. Eluna and the Moth? My favorite so far. Hoping they keep making more stories to add to the game.
204 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 13:08
I bought the game because of all these reviews talking about amazing stories and so forth... I love me a great story that engages me on every level. Now, I wasn't expecting Detroit: Become Human levels of narrative excellence, but I do love DnD and a story doesn't have to be AAA quality to be amazing.

Having said that, this is not what I experienced in this game. Sure, I may have only played for one hour, but whilst this game looks good on paper, the implementation of it was just awful in my eyes. The procedurally generated story that everyone is lauding about is just a bunch of random sentences and scenes that have nothing to do with each other, get thrown together. I was more confused at the end of the one hour I played then at the start, and not in a 'ooh I'm confused but invested I want to see more of this' way. When starting out, the game plays through introductory scenes for each member of your party - these are so random and without point that I immediately felt all the built up investment in my party that I accumulated through character creation, simply evaporate. And I modelled my party after my own DnD group so to make me lose interest in my own party is quite a feat.

The combat is so simplistic that once you've finished a fight, the rest are basically the same. Having looked up late game combat scenarios on Let's Plays, my point still stands even with only 1 hour of playtime.

Look, search up the game and watch the story and gameplay for a while - that's the best way of deciding for yourself whether you should buy this or not. Don't do what I did, don't read the Steam reviews then buy based off that. With that £20 you can buy your other half or your mama something nice instead and make their day. This will probably become an unpopular review but hey it is what it is. Either way, have fun =]
76 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
43013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 01:58
I turned 50 this year. I am an old-school D&D player from the 80s. This game is the first time since the 80s that I've truly felt that same rush, holding your breath as you make your choice and hope the dice fall your way. Mainly because, as you play with your characters and develop them and their superhero powers through multiple stories, it feels like playing with IRL friends.

If you love the story and not just the combat, if holding your breath because you're sincerely worried you're about to kill your favorite character sounds like fun, do the thing. Buy the game.
317 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 03:03
Going into this game I was expecting to not really enjoy it. Initially I had kinda just casually read through, and cheekily made my Archer, Jainward, fall in love with our Warrior, Darvere. As time went on I sunk all my resources into our Hotheaded Leader, watching her tank every hit and keep the team in check. Eventually we had sailed through each and every fight, chapter after chapter scraping our teeth on the edge of death. When the finale had arrived, one of our expert Lancers, Graylee Salt, had taken one too many hits and was at Death's door.

Despite her being a selfish snark, probably more keen on keeping her skin in tact, in a fit of blood-curdling rage she drew her final breath and exhaled fury onto the enemy. Fallen now, adrenaline rushed through the veins of all her comrades. Each and every member gave it their all but in their fixation on vengeance, Jainward had been caught. He too had been struck with a blow, but this time I had three options. Two were to increase his lover's stats, and the other was to live another day. That's when the feeling had hit me in the fight- that when one of your party is gone, they won't come back.

Darvere made a plea for him to live another day, so they can share moonlit kisses for another night; that he wasn't done with this world yet. As he crawled from the battle, Darvere had taken her Icebreaker and cracked it down onto the Gorgon boss, splitting him in two with a critical hit that practically had taken half his health in a single blow.

Afterwards, they cleaned their wounds and called it upon themselves to end the story there. Whilst they all may live another day in another chapter, I can't bring back our enthusiastic Lancer. And even in spite of her being the greediest, most snarkiest rat of the pack, I'm sure they all wished she was there at the end, patching up with them.

You'll be remembered.
67 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 03:52
I was quite surprised by how impressed I was by this game. I absolutely love the variety in how the characters and the world grows from campaign to campaign. The magic system's fun and a bit different. It's very much like playing a TTRPG game in many regards.
The art style is interesting, took me a moment to get used to but knowing the premise of the game makes the art style make sense. You're playing through a storybook and writing the tales as you go.
76 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 22:25
My mage had a crush on someone who tried to sell them into slavery to underfolk. Ten out of Ten.
139 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 16:59
Took me a little while to get into it and appreciate it for what it is, a good, well-made fucking game.

Better with friends.
24 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 18:53
This is genuinely one of the best games I've played in a while. The combat system- particularly the magic- is a breath of fresh air and the story and personality system keeps the game interesting. Also there are lots of customization options, including nonbinary characters! All of the monsters are super creative and well designed and the multiplayer is great. If you're a lover of fantasy or D&D, this game won't disappoint.
501 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 01:47
Well, this was another tossup of a game for me to review. I decided to go with the negative because the game feels just so.... Unfinished. There is so much more potential, and some of the design decisions just don't make sense to me. Perhaps I am comparing this game too harshly against other games in the same vein, like Thea, or even roguelikes, like TOME.

So just things I think that could improve.... Let's say you have two adventurers. And they have a kid (that's pretty cool you can do that) Let's say mom has an incredible ring that gives her unique abilities. Mom retires. Does she give it to the kid? Nah. She keeps it. Screw that kid. Makes no sense in a world like this that is struggling.

The city building aspect is... empty. Build a base, build defenses, you're pretty much done.

Generations don't seem to matter.

Great story telling, I love the page based comic style
Great artwork
Characters have tons of visible emotions
Lots of replayability
Transformations are really cool, add a lot of uniqueness to your characters

Gear and levelling gear feels irrelevant. There is barely any difference between one piece or another.
Not enough transformations
Definitely not enough events in the game, I have run into the same ones a couple of times already and I havent even repeated a story
Combat is very one dimensional
Not enough to do in cities
Not enough story tied together. Yes, you write your own, but is there ever a true victory for any of your characters? Or is it just existing in this oppressive world against the darkness until you die

Overall, I think the game shows incredible potential. And the developers are still actively developing it and putting out updates, which is amazing! I just feel as if they wanted to get it out to the world, get feedback, and implement more things later. I guess that's OK... Except if the developer gets bored and decides to start on other projects or pursuits. To me, it feels like it is still in early access. It's working, just not fully completed.

For now, I am going to shelve this game and check it out again later as more content gets added. Hopefully it will continue to be updated with new events, campaigns, items and more!
3252 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
20338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 13:16
This game won Edge magazine's PC Game of the Year award for 2021, along with the runner-up award for Best Story. That's really all you need to know about this game, just buy it.
438 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 16:07
This is the PINNACLE for Remote-Play Together. It's utterly seamless to play with multiple folks, each popcorn-reading 'their' characters and taking turns within combat to move and attack. I absolutely love the nights I can spend with friends playing this together, planning, deliberating, and just hanging out like a traditional tabletop game in this current pandemic world.

I see folks mentioning the buggy multiplayer, but honestly using a single host and Remote-Play Together is THE way to go. Share that screen, hot-seat switch controls on-the-fly and make choices together without any issues!

We are on chapter 3 of the first campaign, but ALREADY there has been so much player agency and meaningful choice provided I can't even fathom that there are MORE campaigns, LEGACY CHARACTER campaigns for those that have left/fallen in previous campaigns.... AND the workshop support for near endless mods and content and campaigns provided by the community.

I have nothing but glowing things to say about this!
836 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
1614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 16:15
This game is a gem and in a very short play time I can see that I'm very pleased with my purchase. I had this wishlisted and I was holding off for a bigger discount. I didn't think I'd like the cute graphics and I thought that would also mean that it probably had simplistic play. I read a review by a friend of mine Aurumlamina followed by a recent article in the latest PCGamer magazine and I decided to go ahead and give it a try.

My play time is short, much less than the amount that I usually play before a positive review, but I can see right out of the gate that this is truly a gem. It's refreshing to find it after playing a few let downs during this holiday sale event. I wanted to post it now in case any friends want to grab it while it's still on sale.

The pros and cons, as I see them.

Cute, whimsical graphics will appeal to some but some may not care for them. I thought that I wouldn't like them but I found them to be refreshing.

Character customization - endless possibilities. You could be a great knight, wizard, etc. or turn into a werewolf or maybe a mutant of some kind.

Tactics - Very tactical game play. Choices 100% change game play, every choice changes in some way the tactics that you'll use going forward.

Replay - I haven't seen a game with so many choices to change how things play out since Battle Brothers (Which I LOVE). Everything will be different every time except the main questline. Arcs are generated based on many factors like your background, relationships, skills, etc. It'd be impossible to have 2 games that mirror each other. Even after you succeed and your character retire they can still return to alter future campaigns and assist your future characters. Tremendous replay value for those that like it.

Story - I'm not big on reading in games and this game has a ton of it. The reading is mostly able to be skipped for those that don't like it. I find myself reading all of it though. The story is written and modified by your actions and choices and the outcomes from those. I found it to be great, truly awesome writing that keeps me clicking to see where the story will go from here. I meant to play about 15 minutes last night just to see if it was a keeper or a refund request and I put in 3 hours + and bought it right before midnight and had to get up early today.

I don't know yet if the main campaign will be 20 hours or 100 but even if it's less I'm happy with my purchase. It's fun and I'm very curious to see how it plays out. I'll be looking forward to any dlc's too as the story just seems to get better and better as it goes.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments.
173 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 22:51
I don't think it is adequate to call this a dungeon crawler. While the battles have a bit of a dungeon crawler type feel to them, in that their tactical like Gloomhaven and X-Com, giving you this explore as you go to the point where you're trying to unravel the map, locate the enemies but doing so cautiously and with hopefully a strategy, the core of Wildermyth is in the story. No I don't mean the Bioware kind of stories, which, by the way I did like their older RPGs. It's more likely a story weaver on top of a tactical battle with some stategic map thrown in. A closer, but imperfect comparison would be Massive Chalice.

Now I will say that there is a lot of reading to this game which will probably turn off a few and challenge young children, but even with a few repeats I didn't mind the stories that are often based on character traits, because the characters felt a lot more like mine than Massive Chalice ever did. Sure, I cared about my characters in that game, and especially getting great children and therefore future characters to play with, but this one hits a little closer to the heart/emotional core. I let my characters make questionable choices to fit their traits and it felt... good to do that.

The problem with a number of RPGs, the older ones and the mixed genres like this one is they say you have choices, they claim you can get into the character set and then... promptly, and sometimes harshly punish you for doing exactly that with hidden mathematical schemes for end game content or providing you with clear this is the right choice and this was the bad choice... based on outcomes. I am only two campaigns in now, and will do the rest, but I have yet to feel that disappointment with this game. When given a choice, I feel I got something... either way. I don't HAVE to try and have my weird character do the logical thing in order to not have her completely under-powered for later battles. I can enjoy the relationships or the rivalries in the story without shackling myself in the battles. And this does NOT mean these relationships and choices don't have an affect... they actually do. Romance, children, rivals can all get bonuses in the battles, and they're worthwhile too, if you use them properly... and if you don't you still might be okay.

So where I am going with this if you don't mind reading events and character interactions as some light reading, and you like the tactical battles that you see in games like X-Com, Gloomhaven and Massive Chalice, and you enjoy some nice instrumental music (love that too), and like to feel like the characters you are playing with are yours... this might be for you.

Difficulty can be scaled; the overhead map has a bit more right and wrong to it but it's not too complicated and the world/theme is just neat. So if you are on the fence, wait for a sale and give it a go. It's a wonderfully delightful game to play, that you can also do in one hour sittings or just marathon your day off and love it equally that way.
19 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 11:44
It's like if Fire Emblem was customizable, and the story wasn't set in stone. It's good, I like it.
197 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 18:37
Wildermyth is an OK game, but it's not the in-depth narrative-driven RPG experience that you would expect from the glowing reviews. Rather Wildermyth is a light and breezy fun DND-lite romp through a charming pastoral landscape that that trades heavily on randomised events to propel a sense of meaningful progression but offers very little actual depth outside of them.

Your first playthrough will be amazing, your second, less so, but still enjoyable, and by your third this is when you start to realise you've already seen everything the game has to offer and begin to understand that nothing that happens outside of a character’s death matters.

Did you trigger an ancient magical artefact and begin transforming into a lightning spirit?
That's cool but don't expect the game (or your character) to bring it up again.

Did you uncover an ancient sword of unparalleled power?
Awesome - expect the game to forget about it on the next page.

Are you turning into a bird?
Great! it doesn't impact a single thing in regard to the actual narrative.

There in is the main issue with Wildemyth - on one hand the procedural generation is extremely impressive, but also a massively disappointing when you realise that is doesn't go any further in shaping the narrative around the events that unfold. Nothing that happens to your characters outside of dying has any real impact on the game world or your characters relationships with each other. It's all superficially engaging but not much else.

Of course your mileage may vary based on your experience with RPG's and DND but I just ended up feeling frustrated by the lack of depth and the repetitive combat.
177 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 14:37
Mechanics are solid, art style is beautiful, that alone is worth the price tag. However I strongly do not recommend due to the following reasons that have left me deeply conflicted about the Wildermyth.

As someone who played AI Dungeon religiously for the past 2 years, observing as the technology of NLP models progressed in scale and complexity, the 'writing' here sounds sounds as if took an old GTP-2 6b parameter model like AI Dungeon's old Griffin model or Clover, kept pressing enter, saved the output, and called it a day. The vignettes & campaigns by Douglas Austin suffer from this particularly as the output saved doesn't even appear to be cleaned. The other writers at least attempt to tidy it up to sound like human writing. I could be wrong of course, as this is purely anecdotal and I've not read any other reivews that state the same. But it really seems like the majority of the dialogue & scenarios have all the makings of machine generated language. Lovingly and beautifully illustrated, but devoid of coherency, logic, and tone apart from GTP-2 chaos.

I understand this was made by a small team and if they did indeed use a GTP-2 NLP model to help create the huge number of scenarios, that's fair enough. The fact that it passes for 'great writing' by 98% of Steam reviewers, is also fair enough. I'm not a gatekeeper of fantasy writing. But the fact that it feels simultaneously lazy and high effort at the same time is what tears at me. I want to love this game. But I'm extremely disappointed by what was promised & reviewed to be a well written character-driven game with extreme character depth & choices that matter. Instead I feel like I bought an Interactive AI Dungeon / Novel AI Artbook.

Which I guess is great if that's what you're looking for or haven't tried either of them before.
701 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
1246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 18:44
An amazingly varied and versatile story generator. A party drama and barter engine to rival giant RPGS. A confident, but a bit basic tactics game. Depending on chosen difficulty, a beginner friendly or a bloody brutal roguelite. Wildermyth packs a surprisingly hefty amount of content. But what strikes me particularly deeply about Wildermyth is how effortlessly its generated narrative evokes an almost forgotten feeling of magic. And does it without overwriting the setting of its adventures. A subtle feeling of enchantment, of mystery lurking in the forests and burrows, of days long gone. and faraway lands permeates the game, making it a truly lovely experience with a spark of childlike wonder.

I mean, we played it in co-op (supports up to 5 people) with my spouse. But even that didn't kill the charming mood. And trust me, if there's anything our marriage excels at, it's killing the magic. Along the way our characters fluidly bonded, married, had kids, grew old, transformed into astral beings capable of summoning orbital bombardments, and into magical crow people capable of summoning smol furry dudes. Pretty much all the things that happened with our real marriage, sans kids.

Wildermyth isn't perfect, combat could've been more complex, but it's a special game, an effort of love. It's ace.
278 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 23:08
Wow! Just Wow. This game is like a dream come true, and I doubt that anything is quite like it. If you like divergent and interesting story telling, unique/Random encounters that change a character forever, solid isometric game play and like 20 more things that will just blow your mind! Then buy this game. Easiest recommendation since FTL, one of my few 10/10 experiences, you would have to be soulless to not enjoy this wonderful game.
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
13237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 01:17
Wildermyth is D&D lite. It's amazing. When I am needing to go gather loot and become OP, this is where I look. So fun!
254 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
2445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 03:06
I've had this game for 24 hours
1373 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 05:01

I took a closer look ... ... and this is what there is to say about it.
Story To make a long story short: there is none. At least not in the classic sense, as you know it from other role-playing games. Because the story unfolds dynamically during the actual game. There are countless interactions between the individual members of the group; sometimes two companions fall in love, rivalries develop and sometimes a beloved member leaves the group.

It's amazing how consistent all the decisions and story segments are throughout the game. Serious injuries leave visible scars, characters remember you, and even years later, bonds of friendship still exist between former adventurers.

Even after hours of playing, you'll always discover something new and it doesn't get boring that quickly.
Gameplay You know XCOM? Then you know Wildermyth. Each character has a limited number of action points that can be used for movement, attacks or special attacks. Of course, abilities like riposte and hunkering down can't be missing. The mechanics of defense are interesting. As soon as heroes stand together, they support each other and thus withstand more damage or boost each other. All in all: traditional turn-based gameplay.

You know what you're getting. And if you're reasonably clever, you can also create hilarious chain reactions, such as two warriors standing in a narrow corridor in an automatic defensive position and a mage pulling the enemies one by one into range. Of course, through the previously laid traps. It's fun to see when a plan works.

In addition to the turn-based battles, you're largely on a randomly created world map that needs to be explored. There you can hire new adventurers, defend already cleared areas, buy weapons and equipment, and farm resources. Here the game plays more like Bannerlord. Which is not a bad thing.
Graphics If you remember the long evenings with friends when you first laboriously built up a game board with countless little pieces in hours of painstaking work - then I feel sorry for you. Because that doesn't have to be the case anymore: here you get a beautiful, pen & paper trimmed look, which even shows details like amulets and belts correctly on your character. Of course, weapons and armor are also visible and the characters themselves are very diverse with a variety of hair and faces and can even be customized.

In conclusion, I can say that this little game is truly something special. Lovingly crafted dialogue, tight combat, and the fact that I can play it while I'm eating or playing with the cat, which has laid across my chest - rarely have I been so intrigued by a game for so long at a single sitting.
1056 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 20:12
An absolutely remarkable procedural story-telling engine bolted to a pretty solid tactical RPG that suffers a bit for lack of class variety. Customization is strong, the tactical map is well-handled, and all the choices feel meaningful. Highly recommended.
1615 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 21:24
Welcome to the D&D Simulator.
1099 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
1806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 20:34
A really cool interesting game. I love the way events shape the characters as they grow. Although sometimes it does feel a bit too much like a heap of random things happen to everyone.

Playing this game made me think a lot about the kind of video game I want to make, and I think it's worth recommending just for that reason. But also it's pretty neat, and fun.
285 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
25027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 18:39
This game has interfered with my work schedule so badly that i can highly recommend it.?
69 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 05:23
I've beaten the first campaign twice, and I feel that I've gathered enough of the game to give a fair review.

Simple, but very in depth with what you CAN do in combat.
Small game so it runs smooth without any sorts of issues or major bugs that I've seen; mind you, the game is still in alpha.
True to how DnD games should feel with story telling and character building. It feels brutally hard when it should, but also give way for the clever minded to solve problems with much easier methods.
Fun narrative with plenty of chances to make choices or change the course of your team. the random events and opportunities you come across add unique and different elements to the story while also making the characters feel more individual.

Cons: (take these with a grain of salt)
Graphics and some of the visuals are a little shoddy at best. They aren't going for a visual master piece, which is fine, but they've got some work to do on a few of the effect visuals, and really landscape overall.
Limited on weapons and spells, but that's expected. Right now it doesn't really take long for character builds to mimic each other. (with updates and time I expect they'll add more abilites and what not)

Overall, the game is $25 and has delivered a better DnD experience than what most triple A game companies could. If you're looking for a new flavor of game, new or experienced to the genre, this game is worth the try.
I've done coop and solo play and it's ran smoothly.

8/10 but with updates this can only go up!
19 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 16:46
Great concept and build. But the combat itself gets repetitive.
Campaigns are too short to have character growths. Plus you lose growth for every campaign as you start fresh.
121 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 16:37
Very fun and addicting game. Also has amazing mod support. The updates also bring a lot of new fun to the game each time.
215 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
10953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 18:47
final fantasy tactics but with the compelling character development moved from the cast of named heroes to the charming generic mooks you roll up at the beginning of each game.
xcom, but if the the narratives for the individual tense procedurally generated missions were well-written and clever.
fire emblem, but if the two heroes you play matchmaker for in order to play as their child were a skeleton woman with giant crow wings and someone's awful fursona they came up with in ninth grade.

best game of 2021 by a long shot.

51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 03:09
This game is absolutely fantastic. I just spent the last 7.4 hours playing it with a group of 4 friends, and easily could've played for longer.
The procedural generation is insane, with new stories and developments happening constantly. The game creates personas for each character to the point where you find yourself attached to characters at the end of a chapter. If my friends and I die, or have to retire from this current campaign, I will genuinely have a hole in my heart.
It has some glitches with the UI when playing online with friends, but they are updating the game consistently, patching bugs, and adding more scenarios.
I feel like I have barely even scraped the surfaces of what this game has to offer, and I've already made so many memories. I will have dreams about this game tonight.
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 20:22
Mom and I play together. It is fun with us together. I really like my heros
83 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 06:21
This game is phenomenal! It masterfully captures the feeling of iterative storytelling with each new campaign and each character, making your decisions feel impactful toward the narrative development of each and every character.

In essence, the developers have managed to merge the feeling of running a DnD campaign with tactical combat (like XCOM or Fire Emblem) in a way I've never quite experienced it before. 10/10
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 01:01
I have an immortal skeleton wielding a cursed knife. I've got The Thing made of amethyst. I've got a wolf lady and a raven lady. I've got a vine limbed huntress. All of this in an X-Com RPG.
205 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 20:15
The game is full of style and atmosphere and charme.
it has good writing, solid turnbased combat (i am in love with the Infuse mechanic!) and even in multiple playthroughs of the same book or chapter some surprises.
205 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 05:08
With an overwhelmingly positive review percentage in mind; I'm not trying to bash this game, and obviously there are people that love this game, but it has many problems in my eyes. To dissuade those who might be in the same boat I'm just going to list some of the problems I have with it:

- Very clunky simultaneous multiplayer UI - don't play with people who don't like to take their time to read a little.
- the combat is superficial, non-strategic, and boring, even for (video)board-game standards
- Limited classes/class expression and thus play styles
- No story progression. People talk about how much they love the story development but characters come and go like nothing. Maybe there's a better overarching story but it's not interesting enough or skillful enough to have caught my attention.

In short, every element of this game is either flawed or paper thin, and I'm a little sad I wasn't able to return it within the window of opportunity. That being said, play it for under 2hours and figure out if it's for you, if it's not then return it.
205 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 15:20
This is basically a fantasy RPG in a mythic style, without the need for a GM. A clever magic system and simple combat that gets increasingly complex as you add in options makes for a very good experience there, while the overland and building aspects of the campaigns make everything feel consequential on a grander scale. I especially enjoy the way portraits change for equipment and the (many) transformations that can happen to characters; it makes the 2D comic panels and 'standee' figures on the combat maps feel really individual. The writing ranges from amusing to ornate, in a pleasing sort of way.

I hope they release some expansions, too; I would love to keep buying more campaigns and storylets, to keep things varied. But even when stories repeat, there's enough variation in them, and different choices to be made, that it doesn't get old. I've gotten more than my money's worth from this already, and expect to keep playing for some time yet.

The multiplayer is a bit wonky--you really need voice chat and a clearly defined Primary Player to avoid working at cross purposes or just accidentally causing problems--but it does work if you're careful about communication.
883 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
2799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 16:02




WHAT TO EXPECT: Untraditional fantasy themed RPG. With roguelike structure. Has strategy elements & turn-based tactical battles. Party-based assignments with selectable characters. Great character customisation. Numerous multi-chapter campaigns. Seed generated world maps. Personalised character driven; scripted and randomly occurring story-rich events in a comic book format. Very polished artisanal level production values. Papercraft stylised combat locations. Card-based enemy generating roster. Environment-based, infusion-geared magic system. Restrictive perma-assigned inventory. Multi-generational adventuring. Bona-filed legacy system allows recruitment across campaigns. Physical transformations for character. Growing Steam workshop support. Single-player & multiplayer coop.

More info below....



Wildermyth delivers its own highly stylised take on the fantasy-themed strategy RPG genre. Among it core aims is to impart a real sense of party-based, table-top roleplaying. Producing an intimate experience, across several multi-chapter campaigns. One that is very replayable due to its design philosophy. It attempts to achieve this by incorporating a host of elegantly crafted features with party-based mechanics. Wrapped within elements of a roguelike structure. All infused with artisanal quality, hand-drawn artwork and a soundtrack that provides adds to the general ambience.

Players take on a small but highly customisable, party of characters. Helping them rise from humble beginnings. To aspire and become authentic legends. Along their journeys, characters will take part in scripted adventures crammed with a mix of colourfully represented stories, triggered by scripted and random events. Requiring important choices to be made. Resulting in a range of bonuses or penalties; boosting combat factors, strategic rewards, or deliverying a range of setbacks. Even death.

Wildermyth is a world of occupied lands, on a procedurally seed-generated map. Full of provinces in need of liberation. So they can be upgraded when freed, with limited infrastructure to protect them from incursions while also generating valuable resources. The collection of which will allow the crafting or upgrading of perma-assigned inventory. Boosting character stats, essential when fighting a host of tactical turn-based battles against a growing roster of five unique enemy species. Fought upon a selection of pre-generated combat encounter maps.

Where victory can only be achieved by using a combination of weapon attacks, character abilities, environment dependent magic and a handful of tactical factors to overcome the current crop of dynamically assigned foes. To level characters and ready them to face and defeat an end of level boss. In order to progress to the next chapter in the campaign. Enabling them to reach the end of their current journey and propel them towards inimitable legacies of their own. Eventually joining a heroes pantheon. Thus reaching the accolade of true legends and becoming recruit-able in future campaigns.

The game currently contains a sizeable amount of content to play and replay. Given a design philosophy geared towards randomisation and the use of RNG, it has good replayable qualities. Comprehensive workshop support, already provides a good number of player made mods. Resulting in a game with good longevity ahead of it.

Key features explored in greater detail below:



+ Delivers a very strong pen & paper/tabletop roleplaying experience. Especially through the superimposition of characters into the story elements.
+ Personal and purposeful story-telling in a detail-filled comic book style. Told from character viewpoints.
+ Eminently customisable characters with an intimate quality that live 'lives' and can be used in future adventures.
+ Robust turn-based tactical combat battles with an emphasis on character abilities.
+ Distinct magic system relying on infusing with the environment to allow different spells to be cast.
+ Five distinct enemy races with an encounter determining roster that includes upgrades to stats and model types.
+ Lots of beautifully crafted artisanal quality artwork. In all aspects of its visual aesthetics.
+ Supporting instrumental soundtrack. Adds to the overall ambience.
+ Strong replayable qualities embedded throughout its design.
+ Hands death, near-death and retirement in a refreshing and fair way.


- Stories can take a lot of time to read slowing progress down.
- The personal and intimate nature of inventory and looting may prove to be overly restrictive.
- Missing complete dungeon master and character voice-overs. To give that extra special aesthetic.
- Cannot craft upgrades for equipped accessories.
- Campaigns played are somewhat different but the potential for feeling samey if played for long enough is real.
- No other interaction within tactical combat, except for movement, combat and abilities.
- Would love to have seen the ability to choose the company flag/banner.


* Uncomplicated overland strategy elements. Research sites to generate resources to craft items.
* Variety in battle is provided by some compact tactical factors; positioning, flanking & stealth, cover providing scenery, limited overwatch. Can undo actions 2x per encounter.
* Simplified looting and inventory management.
* Post chapter utilisation of resources and legacy points to craft and upgrade inventory.
* 5x distinct enemy species with a number of sub-classes. A good start.
* Periodic incursion keep a player on the toes as it does keep the world map relevant.
* Character transformations are a neat touch.
* Magic spells are basic but varied.



Wildermyth's biggest aim looks to have been to provide an RPG experience as akin to pen & paper/table-top roleplaying, as could be achieved in a video game. With that in mind a close inspection of its features and gameplay indicated many successes. Even if some of these were lukewarm in their delivery. From the very beginning it was impossible to ignore just how wonderful the visuals in this game were. The hand-drawn nature of the comic book storyboards, the detailed character sheets, strategic maps, papercraft looking combat locations and the heroes pantheon; everything produced appeared polished and crafted to an artisanal level. All complemented by a suitably fable-esque aesthetic generated by some similarly artisanal quality sounding audio.


Wildermyth proved to be very enjoyable. Bewitching with it hand-crafted visuals, which were great to look at. The papercraft battle maps invoked a sense of theatre. While gameplay was straightforward to get into. It was fun to play and very addictive at the start. It surpassed its aim of delivering a bon-a-fide pen and paper/table-top experience with aplomb.


For the full review (All 5,000 words of it) in all its glorious details, go off-Steam to:

Thank you for reading. | Find my reviews here. | Key provided by Turnbased Lovers
246 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 00:05
I started playing the game with a couple of friends on discord where everyone would have their own character and I'd read the storys and comics while everytime a character would have to make a decision, the person that resembled said character got to decide and also decide what directions to take in combat. We're just past the first chapter and I can already tell that this is my current favorite game. I can almost guarantee that if you buy this game that you will get get more than just your money's worth out of it especially if you play it with friends.
5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 12:35
While there's a lot to like about this game (see any positive review about it), Three aspects about this game hurt my experience enough that I'm rating it in the negative.
1> the overworld map mechanics involve juggling various opaque systems in a constant negotiation with the difficulty . It's not fun or interesting and feels like you having to be the dungeon master for your own characters. It mainly involves trading one resource that you have a hazy idea how important it is for another resource you have hazy idea about how important it is. Which, sure , there's a lot of game mechanics that you are basically doing that , the problem here is that the resources feel too disconnected from the game environment and your immediate play experience to feel like you are making meaningful informed decisions. Eventually enough playtime will give a better feel for how significant these are, yet even then it's still not fun.
2> The aging mechanic means you barely have time to start feeling connection to your characters before having them retire on you. You will need to be aggressively recruiting and dragging your new recruits with you to as many fights as you can so you don't get punished when your best characters retire and their replacements aren't up to scratch.
The enemies are constantly ratcheting up so falling behind becomes very painful. Having a b team or breaking your party into smaller easier to manage groups seems to be a mistake , because then your new recruits don't get enough experience points.
3> You'll have seen 90% of what you can get from levelling up in the first campaign. Without having new mechanics and abilities to try out , fights start feeling increasingly repetitive. Then as the difficulty increases and battles start having more and more enemies with new abilities (they get them at least), they start feeling like something to be endured rather than something to be engaged by.

I still think this game is worth getting if you are okay with getting 6 hours of interesting content. It's magic system is elegant , innovative and worth playing the game just for that. It simplifies grid based turn by turn battles into something that feels elegant yet deep. The writing is pretty good at times, and I have an extremely low opinion of writing in video games so that says a lot.
But ultimately I feel the mechanics around the overmap and aging were too ambitious and omnipresent and hurt the play experience, and there needs to be more character abilities to obtain as the game goes on.

(I know there's a dozen or so that you get from random events , these aren't interesting enough (both the mechanic and the event) for me to want to endure any more of the game. )
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 04:53
This is my first time I've ever written a review on Steam. That's because this game is everything I've ever looked for in a story focused RPG. Scratch that, this is everything I've looked for in a game, period. An amazing, ever changing world filled with unique characters that you'll actually care about. Amazing battles that, If you increase the difficulty, become glorious brawls that require careful planning and precision. Good luck putting this game down. I sunk five hours in one sitting because the game kept me hooked. Your heroes grow and evolve. You get to see them go from puny little farmhands armed with frying pans and spoons to decked out legends. Even if they die or retire, their legend persists. Their children can take up the fight after they leave, or you can see them pop up again in later games. I won't spoil any of the story or event content, it's better to play on your own and discover all the insane shenanigans your heroes can get up to (each event is shaped by your characters' personalities so even if you run across the same event, it'll never truly be the same). Play this game. You won't regret it. Best 20ish bucks I spent on Steam.
177 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
6090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 06:58
This is such a great story driven game, I can't recommend it enough.

It's basically a fresh look at a wonderful category of gaming that reminds me deeply of the experience my family had playing through the gloomhaven board game.

It was engaging enough to get my son to play with me instead of playing minecraft for his computer time.
Nothing else has done that to date. Four Thumbs up from us.
478 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 07:41
This game is praised by other for its randomly-generated storytelling, but the problem is you can’t tell a GOOD story with procedurally-generated sentences that are randomly strung together.

A good story involves continuity. If a theme or element is introduced, it should be reinforced and expanded upon later. For example, if a character is a talented musician, it’s a part of their backstory; it’s part of how they cope with adventuring; it affects how other people see them. And over the course of the story, there should be times where that unique trait can be used to solve problems or get them into trouble.

That’s DnD roleplaying 101. (I only bring this other because other people praise Wildermyth for being like DnD roleplaying.)

Instead, the game generates random elements and then forgets them. In the epilogue, one of my characters “helped So-and-so design cloaks reminiscent of Cape Hook.” This character at no point in the entire game was ever shown to have an interest in fashion, have any connection to random location “Cape Hook”, or have any connection to the person she was helping. It was just madlib where three random nouns were inserted into a pre-written sentence.

Unfortunately, that’s how all the story events play out. There are character parameters that guide the madlib selection—a “brash” character will pull madlibs from the “brash” bucket—but they still end up with a series of unrelated scenes. There’s no sense of continuity or climactic progression.

On the gameplay front, the tactics-style battles are simple but enjoyable. After 5 hours, they’re starting to feel repetitive, but people have different tastes in terms of complexity.

The overworld map gameplay, on the other hand, is paper-thin. There’s just…nothing there. Because of the way “work” towards scouting/building is calculated, the best strategy is simply to group your main squad together and march to the goal, scouting, building, and fighting as a group everything in your path.
259 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
3725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 09:31
I cannot recommend this game enough. If you love whimsical and melancholy fantasy this is already perfect. But the real winner for me is how you take a group of fairly generic starting heroes and watch them genuinely evolve, age and take on scars and changes from the decisions you make. Many of the adventures even end up being multi-generational, with the offspring of your surviving heroes from each act sometimes joining the adventuring party later on.

If you like story-led RPGs with a strong tactical component, you owe it to yourself to get this.
81 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 01:33
Let me tell you something about this game. It starts off slow. It seems simple. It seems like it dosnt have much to offer. But hold fast young adventurer. I have just finished the first campaign and I am honestly blown away. On the surface this game dosnt seem like much. But the character progression is amazing! It feels like you are playing and DM'ing your very own DnD story. Seriously, try this game. Play through, at least, the first campaign and try and tell me you dont want to continue and see where your adventurers end up.

I have never heard of Worldwalker Games LLC but they are forever on my radar for any games they create. Great stuff guys and gals! This is a must play!
221 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 22:27
I don't play games like this. Incredibly unique. Usually I don't find myself into story heavy games if they lack other characteristics. The combat in this is okay, it is repetitive, but I like a lot of elements in it and I actually enjoy the spellcasting class quite a bit.

What I really enjoy is how it feels like a story crafted around your characters and choices. You are watching this group develop over the course of time and it is easy to get into. It's like participating in a comic book and it just appeals to this part of me that I haven't experienced in awhile. I thoroughly enjoy this for it.
220 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
1267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 19:27
I didn't think I'd find some of my best role-playing experiences ever in a pop-up book, of all places.
But here I am. Loving every second of it.
131 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 20:49
I love this game. Some encounters do repeat themselves after a while time but, 3 playthroughs and over 30 hours(offline-mode) later, I still get a lot of new ones. It's very easily moddable too as a result of how the stories are designed. Can't wait to see what the developers and the community add to this game in the future.
186 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 09:26
This is a labor of love
159 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 12:06
A fantastic game with characters that become more memorable than most AAA titles. I will never forget you, Durgar, my cowardly casanova!
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1589 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 02:56
This game is delightful. Full of surprises, endlessly replayable, funny, and really well put together. I'm so excited to discover what comes next!
132 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 12:48
For a game that uses procedural generation and comic-book panels to create its story, Wildermyth is a game with a surprising amount of heart. The events are written with depth and subtlety; the setting is gently mythical, with folklore, rather than fantasy, as the clear inspiration; and the game mechanics mesh well with the setting and storytelling to create a living, breathing story.

When the story is left behind momentarily for turn-based combat, Wildermyth maintains its quality. The combat is simple at its core, but there's a lot of depth to be explored. A wide variety of builds are possible within the three main classes - you've got a fighter-type and rogue-type, as well as the Mystic, who 'interfuses' with scenery to cast their spells. You can build any of these classes to be deadly or durable, melee or ranged, etc. The game also has an extensive set of mutations, that add extra depth to character building when they come crashing randomly into your carefully prepared plans.
27 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
16698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 14:48
The aspect of it being a story telling game as opposed to just a grindy level up fest is amazing and some of the stories are just....Heartbreakingly beautiful. It's simple Fun and infinitely replayable. The road goes ever ever on
70 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 17:34
Words can't describe how impressed I was with this title. The trailer looked incredible but of course I entered with caution and was not disappointed in the slightest. It's hard to believe this is Early Access and I'm extremely excited to see where this goes in the future. It's so rare to find an RPG where you can create your own characters and see them interacting and come to life on the screen and this game does this beautifully. I didn't want to risk messing up with characters I cared about so I simply let the characters be generated at random and wound up caring for them anyway and watching them age and have their appearances change based on what happens to them in the story is just a wonderful feeling. The randomly generated (I assume) events that occur between the characters and throughout the story really add a sense of excitement and not knowing what will happen next and I love that you are often given choices on how to handle situations, with varying degrees of success depending on the characters themselves. The combat feels great and (at least on the difficulty I played on) the overworld management didn't feel too brain-taxing and overwhelming like in other games that try similar mechanics. Overall just extremely satisfied so far and I cannot recommend this game enough :)
357 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 09:25
Wildermyth is an RPG where you guide a group a nobodies to fight back against a monstrous horde and become legendary heroes.

Each campaign is split into multiple chapters. Most chapters involve your group scouting new areas, fighting monsters, and helping to rebuild towns that were destroyed. Along the way you encounter stories presented in comic book format that allow you to make choices that affect your heroes in different ways.

The combat is grid based and presented in a tabletop tactics style. Heroes can gain defense by standing adjacent to each other, fire can spread, line of sight and light radius matters, etc. If your hero falls in battle they may retreat once at the cost of losing a limb, after that death is permanent.

Rebuilding takes time but provides defenses against invasions and crafting materials for forging items as well as finding extra items in the rubble. Heroes age over the course of the campaign and retire when they get too old. They can also fall in love, have children, make friends and become rivals, which will affect their stories.

After every battle the monsters of the group you fought will get stronger. There are currently 5 monster groups, though not every group will be present in every campaign. Over the course of time monsters will fight back and attempt to recapture lands that you have previously liberated, forcing the player to stay on their toes and think defensively in addition to completing the campaigns objective.

I have only played two campaigns so far but I have enjoyed the game. Since it is in Early Access I can only assume that the game will get better with time, but in its current state I would recommend Wildermyth to a fan of RPGs who wants more freedom in their choices rather than a set narrative.
199 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 21:45
I was ten hours in to Wildermyth before I had my first repeated narrative event, which is a testament to the quantity of writing that went into this game.
It is not just the quantity that is impressive, but also the quality. The story-based campaigns are especially good; thoughtful and emotive, dramatic and funny. I will shamelessly be stealing several of the ideas for future D&D campaigns.
The art style is charming, the music fits the game very well, and I would recommend this game to anyone with a fondness for fantasy, or stories, or character creation. There's something truly wonderful about watching your first characters grow from teenagers with pitchforks and sticks to legendary but aged warriors with ancient and powerful weapons.
The developers have been diligent in updating and improving the game regularly, too, but it's already very good.
46 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 20:39
146 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 16:34
This game is great! I can't stop playing, even with the relatively simple graphics and game play it completely draws you in. I highly suggest giving this game a try and supporting the creators so they can continue making an amazing game.
641 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 07:37
Everyone's is raving on about how cute and uplifting this game is with story and romance and combat

I'd get my heroes to clap about it, but none of them have enough arms to do so

This is a limb donation simulator
189 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
3157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 23:34
If you are looking for a single-player game while you wait for AAA games to come out, this is the one! If you don't like the battle animations, don't even bother.

As in 3/24/21, I just finished 3 playthroughs (30.5hrs) and I gotta say, as an x-com fan, this game is a decent squad-based rpg which reminds me of battle brothers, banner saga and massive chalice (characters getting old), yet it surpasses them with their character development and the different stories each character may have/develop. The 'story-making' is unique and gives the game decent replayability. The legacy system creates the opportunity to bring back heroes from other playthroughs to new ones, etc. I didn't encounter any crashes nor glitches so far, which makes the game pretty polished for an early access game.
450 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
2273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 12:18
I have 517 hours in xcom, most of which have blurred into a meta-game devoid of immersion and story. Wildermyth, in a mere 7 hours, gave me a memorable story with heroes I will never forget.


Tru Longlove began as a romantic warrior girl with a pitchfork, who kept her teammates alive by drawing aggro - losing multiple limbs as a result. She never stopped being a romantic, even after becoming old and gray.

Maddoc and Valdeve, the hunters with more control and AOE than my mystics thanks to poison and traps. Only Maddoc survived.

My first mystic, who I forget, died early. He was replaced by Elm, who loved using fire despite having none of the skills for it. I planned to use him to kill the boss, but he wound up sacrificing himself to keep everyone else alive instead.

Rave, the promising wielder of a legendary spear who sadly lost both arms - making him only slightly less badass.

Lesef, and Ansia, second rate mystic and warrior, who didn't make the cut to join the final battle but instead protected settlements from multiple armies, all by themselves, before dying mere days before the war was won.

Countless peasents who lost their lives defending their homes - but not as many as you would expect, thanks to the skill of Lesef and Ansia.


I suspect that if I played the same campaign 10+ times, they would start to blur together and lose their memorability. I don't recommend doing that. Instead, play each campaign only once (per victory on each difficulty), space out your gametime, and take the time to enjoy the story. At first glance the story and art might seem tacky, but it has a way of growing on you the same way old fairy tales do.

This is not a game meant to be binged.
96 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 21:31
Playing this with my 8 year old. He loves it. I love it. Nuff said.
965 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 00:23
Great game, well worth the $20 I spent on it. I was hesitant to buy this game at first because I didn't feel like they could deliver on the promise of what they describe but I'm glad I did and I'm thrilled at the way they have delivered.

Pros: Character stories feel genuine to the descriptions of each character type, such as compassionate loner, bookish poet, etc. Legacy system allows for you to bring in characters from old games.

Cons: I think eventually the new will wear off, because some stories/comics do repeat through the campaigns. That said, still worth $20 bucks for everything that's offered here.
112 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 15:26
It is a very exciting concept full of potential and I sincerely think this can be a big hit. I don't wanna spoil the game so I'm gonna wait for the main release.

You should buy this one, enjoy the lovely job done which is apparently the fruit of a laboursome handcraftsmanship, support the developer and help this masterpiece-to-be happen.
108 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 01:49
6.2 hours in, and I just finished the first story. 3 chapters, about 2 hours each. This is the perfect game for a relatively chill 1-3-hour afternoon session. The tactical strategy is interesting enough and consequential enough to keep you on your toes, and the little tales the game spins for your heroes (based on their personality traits and/or profession) constantly surprise and delight.

For this 6 hours alone, I consider my $20 well-spent. The fact that there's a half dozen other stories to explore, and the development team has a steady and well-demonstrated release program to keep fleshing it out even further, makes this a no-brainer recommendation for me.

A sweet little gem that grows into something magical as you play.
182 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 23:34
I was surprised by how much I love this game. There is so many differences in the dialogue depending on the personality of your character, that the events don't feel like they get old. There is also a wide variety of events, and character customization in the form of limb modifications. You can also change up the characters personality, and I may, or may not have made an entire team based off my group of friends, just so I could yell at them for all the terrible decisions they made throughout their adventures.

While there are only 3 available classes right now, the feats that can be chosen make it feel like there are more options then it first appears. The limb modifications can also change your characters abilities, so you aren't just stuck with three boring archetypes.
468 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 01:40
beautiful storybook artwork/design.
excellent choices matter story line.
22 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 06:14
If you have an urge to play some DnD but everyone else is busy, this game will do it for you
269 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 12:17
Pretty solid game in the sense of you can sink hours into it and still keep finding new things. Though the broken english can make it hard to understand at times the overall narrative is great and cant wait to keep playing it.
62 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 11:18
So fun! A choose your own adventure comic book, with a solid turn based strategy game, with the unique play through aspects of a deck building game, This feels ambitious and unique, and is pulling it off well.
45 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 00:41
Wonderful experience!
Wildermyth has all the trappings of a very nice tactical RPG, in a pen and paper RPG sort of way - and a knack for telling stories. Events are numerous, battles are fun, characters quickly become full of life, and due to large random factors and the theoretical combinations of events, replayability is a given - and even if you get to know some events pretty well, robbing them of their magic, there's always a few surprises here and there to keep you interested! I've given it 70 hours so far, and intend to give a lot more!
267 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 20:20


Let me start off by saying I don't usually review games. I just don't take the time to write anything about them. On my profile I'd guess I reviewed under 10 games. But this game is worth a review.

Now if you're like me you are a very skeptic buyer. I read lots of reviews, watch gameplay, ask friends. And HONESTLY the videos and screenshots of this game did not sell me. But the gameplay and mechanics of it got me to buy it. It feels very unique, I described it to my friends as paper Mario meets BannerSaga.

- Your heroes age
- Choices you make can change your heroes (possessed by a fire spirit and now you can control fire)
-Heroes can die or be maimed
- Heroes can become lovers or rivals
- Heroes children can join the party (haven't had two heroes in loves child join yet)
-Each new story has the possibility of your heroes from your last story to join as their younger self. (I wish they alluded to your hero slightly remembering their past life)
- Surprisingly, the feels I get for the choices I make for my heroes
- The retirement system, your heroes have an age they retire but choices and classes can raise the retirement age. When they retire sometimes they relax or sometimes they die

- The music, all original music (I know they are putting out more the last patch)
- The regular updates, seems like I'm always seeing updates fixing things or adding new content
- The price for the amount of fun I had, I'd definitely pay more
-The combat, it can be very rewarding or totally screw you over. You have to be careful on what you do
-The art, it's so unique and beautiful but I wish there was a little bit more to it. Like if characters looked tired or wounded at low health
- You can pick your characters personality traits and that reflects in the games dialog

- The classes and skills, there are technically only 3 classes and some of their abilities overlap
-More weapons and armor or more trinkets more often. My heroes don't get diverse enough equipment to stand out from each other. My warrior in each story starts looking like all my other warriors from before
-Customizing looks, I'd like more facial hair, heads, faces and all that. There is a lot already but some of them just look really silly and I end up using the same 6 or 7
-Surprisingly I was disappointed you couldn't duel wield
- More campaigns and longer campaigns. I know the game is in early access but I hope they add more. I think there is a total of 7. And I can easily finish one a day. But if you take your time it can last you a few days
-Now I didn't experiment enough with this to know if it really doesn't but I'd like branching campaigns. As in I can have things happen differently if I pick other choices in the story
-The writing, while it is fun and interesting I feel like we can use a little more depth and improvement. This game would benefit from EVEN MORE story richness

I really have been having a lot of fun with this game. It's very easy to get attached to heroes and be heartbroken when they die. Everything about this game feels very unique. I feel like I really get to see my heroes grow. The game gives you nice epilogues and gives you scenes from the very start of your journey to really make you feel like you came a long way. This game is defiantly worth the buy in its current state and I'm very excited to watch it grow into something even more. The devs are on top of things and work very hard. I'm so happy I stumbled on this game
155 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 06:49
It plays like storybook and a turn-based board game but the story is interesting. Worth it.
50 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 08:55
I just love this game. The story is immersive and different every time, the little bits of background you get on your characters are amazing. The gameplay is simple at its core but there are little twists and things you have to figure out to get good at it, and then there are different difficulty settings for the masochists among us. The art style is simple but beautiful and not a distraction from the story. If you like story-driven turn-based games with rich stories, do get Wildermyth.
293 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 20:42
one of the best games in my library. no other game makes me feel this warm inside.
175 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 23:45
Not gonna lie, this game's first story/tutorial moved me in ways i wasn't prepared for. Watching characters grow, and develop. for such a simple game its executed in such a wonderful way, the music adding to the over all atmosphere.

Honestly felt like i was watching/playing a story like lord of the rings, where you see old heroes go from wide eyed farmers, filled with wonder-lust, to these old and tired legends, and the legacy left behind in the later games. (still finding it strange how what looks like cardboard cutouts on a board game can mean so much more than half the dynamically designed characters from big games.)

10/10 would buy again.
215 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
3431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 23:25
Recommend this? Yes... it's it's own unique blend of turn based strategy with a strategic map... calling it fantasy xcom might be a stretch, but that is essentially the best way to quickly describe it.

Firstly, the world. It's one of the more unique fantasy worlds I've seen. No elves, dwarfs or orcs here. This world has mechanical zombies, psionic insect dragons, underground fungus infested cultists and tribal reptiles. And eldritch horrors that seem determined to corrupt the world.

Mechanically you have your 3 classes, the warrior, the hunter and the mystic. Yet there's a lot of overlap between the classes in the role they can fulfil, for example, the warrior can make an excellent tank or damage dealer, whilst the hunter can be ranged or melee... damage dealer, with some support abilities. The mystic class covers damage dealing or support and can even branch into tank with a few abilities that allows them to spread damage to the terrain. While there are optimal builds, it's fun seeing just what craziness you can pull off using the transformation themes as well.

The stategic map offers a lot of activity, though you will get bored of clearing and scouting new areas, as you look for items to give to your characters and earn the resources so desperately needed for gear upgrades. There's some variance here, but the strategic map is not the highlight of the game.

The characters are wear it's gets fun. They have their gear, random items and transformations. Transformations can carry over between campaigns and usually result in a limb being changed, giving some unique abilities or just a stat increase/decrease. Items are found as you explore the map and give stat upgrades, but do allow for characters to build their stats to support a specific build (like getting evade so high to reliably avoid getting hit, then combining it with a perk to allow counterattacks in those circumstances). And their gear, which is armour and weapons and can be upgraded between chapters and occasionally replaced mid chapter. There is a lot of variety in character builds and the ability to bring characters from past campaigns to new ones eventually means you'll end up with a roster of legacy heroes, all with their own unique story.
109 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
3856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 05:13
Wildermyth is the best game I have played and it is worth the price, I actually think they are underpricing this game. The devs are still updating the game and fixing bugs. I wish this game gets more recognition because it really is an amazing game that you can invest so many hours into. The stories and side missions are also good and I like how it is like a comic book format.
497 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 00:23
Wildermyth is a delight. In its tone and feel it's the closest that you'll get to playing a tabletop RPG, with enough tactical crunch to its fighting to offer a challenge and meaningful options, but not so much that speccing characters or deciding who gets what loot ever gets in the way of the game and the writing, which is top notch (even in its emergent/procedural side). The presentation is clean and clear, the mechanics sound - particularly the magic system, interfusing into scenery for fun and frolics. It's just really, really *nice* as an experience. Relentlessly pleasant, even when things go bad and someone loses an arm. This is 2020, and it's not like we don't all need more of that.
108 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 10:17
Really enjoying it so far. My only gripe - the story is written very clunkily. I'd love to get into the story. This game made me want to play Disco Elysium and Shadowrun, if only to read a well-written story again. Please fix your script.
320 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 14:51
I bought this game some time ago but only now had a chance to play it for a few hours.
This is one of the most phoetic game I've ever played, the stories are so good they could have been a graphic novel. Also the gameplay is really fun and well made, in every aspect.
Just one warning: I've played only the first campaign, but at the end of it I had this strange reaction to my eyes, I think its some kind of allergic rush, and I had to pretend I was yawning or I should have to explain to my kids why it looked like I was in tears. Please be aware, you might have the same reaction.
A masterpiece for me, even if still on beta.
469 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 05:17
A friend mentioned this game, and it sounded pretty good. It is worlds above 'pretty good'.

It is beautifully written, the variation in the way the stories and characters can go is breathtaking, the music is wonderful, you get attached to your characters and watch them develop relationships and grow old (if you're lucky) or sacrifice themselves to save their friends (if you're not).

I think this is the best game of 2020, and I like my AAA games. This is not a AAA game, and yet it achieves what almost none of them do. It's packed with emotion and character and the mechanics both on the strategic layer and the turn based combat are interesting and original. The art style is charming and arresting.

TL;DR - If you even remotely like party based RPGs and great story-telling get this game. It's a treat.
165 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 05:21
XCOM meets choose your own adventure book.
615 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 00:23
entertained me for a bit and has potential but right now I just cant force my self to pretend im interested in it.

I loved me some FFT in my day boy let me tell ya but this game has very little customization that doesnt come in random forms and there is very little even in what you can control and as a result the combat just isnt very deep.

While it is fun and yay i have my favorite guys battling the bad guys again.. It mostly falls short in the fact that the only thing i pick is (maybe) their class of which there is 3. and then subsequently i get to pick a talent for them when they level which is fun but random as you just get a few random ones to pick from. and then of course there armor and equipment which is very basic and they can only be upgraded at the end of a chapter. for perspective super long games are like 3-5 chapters I believe and basically your people will die of old age so you cant even keep using said characters for very long which is probably for the best as its hard to care about any of the game to begin with let alone a character that you know is going to die soon that you managed to RNG(random number generator) into a decent setup. also keep in mind the complaints are mostly towards the fact the game isnt very hard and its probably a good thing because if i had to rely on getting cool rng shit to happen to proceed it would also suck. just too bad i cant kind of guide ita bit

not to say the game is bad from this as i think there could be fixes made to counter most of my complaints as there is definitely some good in the game too. Some of the RNG is fun as your characters explore you would get pop up choose your adventure style events where more RNG would happen and sometimes your characters would come out cooler. Like getting a flaming eye which allows some sort of fire attack or something.

unfortunately the randomness and the short lived of adventurers makes the game feel pretty boring for me.

i waited to review for several updates but it seems like so many of the updates are just cosmetic or minor new story rng situations for your characters to discover and as a result i just lost interest and finally uninstalled. maybe ill hear about it again someday but for now this game is a thumbs down from this guy who doesnt like to use grammar or capitalization.
207 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
5186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 13:21
This games really good.
Check out my workshop for cool faces, like Joels head and Gene as joker.
156 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 18:56
The concept is fun, you create your own story/characters through randomly generated encounters with a more structured arch that progresses through different campaigns.

It's fun in the first campaign but becomes very repetitive very quickly. It can also be quite unforgiving especially on harder difficulties where a random encounter will just badly match your team and will mean an almost certain death
27 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 09:14
Wildermyth could easily be considered the RPG sleeper hit of 2020. In a sea of rogue-likes and DnD rehash, Wildermyth stands out with a true character driven story where decisions matter; some of them absolutely heart breaking. Instead of NPCs with canned dialogue and throwaway presence, you get feeling and interaction. You get lovers and rivals. You get friends for life and heroic sacrifices. You walk away caring about your party in a way few other games could even hope to accomplish. By the end of my first campaign, the party leader had lost a leg, an arm and had what I could only describe as a Tiberium infection spreading across half her face based on the decisions I made. I about lost it when I realized her graphics model now featured an honest to God peg leg.

The paper cutout art only lends to the atmosphere, while allowing some amazing customization based on gear, decisions and battle performance. One party member fused with a fire spirit, her limbs slowly engulfing in flames as the campaign progressed. It's simplistic, but manages a dynamic creativity few RPGs are capable of. Combat is reminiscent of X-Com, but avoids the turtling reaction shot strategy with mobs that will take shots from range and pull you out of cover. Stats are handled more or less automatically, but you can make broad stroke decisions and skill choices in many cases. The inital campaign feels a tad rushed, but it is the introduction, after all... An amazing introduction.

Everything about this game's development screams 'love' and I can't wait for more features and content. $20 is a goddamn steal IMO.
189 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 15:33
I've been looking for something like this since Double Fine let me down on Massive Chalice. Wildermyth is XCOM combined with the D&D campaign you were DMing that got canceled due to COVID with just a dash of the aforementioned Massive Chalice thrown in thanks to the actual functional generational play.

You take control of a small party of adventurers on whatever mission (the three campaigns in the game so far are rather good and do buck some of the stereotypes of high fantasy that we see games ingrained in), guiding them in battle, while they figure out their own lives. You'll see them fall in battle or grow old and retire and see some of their kids pick up the torch and continue on. And at the end, once the BBEG has fallen, you can make them folk heroes and have them show up for other adventures.

I didn't expect to get attached to randomly generated roguelike characters, but I really did. When the lovers Fazad and Glen each lost a limb, only by a twist of fate for them to be restored I was overjoyed. When Laivm lost her son on his first mission protecting his mother and her dearest friend, I nearly cried. These little people really came to life for me.

I'm not usually into early access games and I NEVER leave reviews for them unless they blow me out of the water. Wildermyth did. I'm so excited to see what else is in store.
247 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 20:19
I'm on my first playthrough and it's been enjoyable. I feel the game is bound to be more interesting as more of these randomized events get introduced. Some comments:
- Don't worry about how the randomized character you get looks like. If the only thing holding you back is the looks, you can change these at any time by going to 'customize'
- I've tried to hook up two different groups of people in one campaign to no avail. Seems like I can't incentivize them to get together in any real way outside of hoping some background mechanic decides they will end up together. It's a shame because I LIKE the idea of parents growing old, children taking their place and campaigns being multigenerational. The problem stems from the current system just not working very effectively as time passes by way faster than these people are growing close together.

Besides the above, I still have more to play and it's been a fun time, so hopefully any hiccups/issues or bugs are ironed out in a later update or 1.0.
77 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 23:48
Beautiful artwork and really immersive gameplay. Finishing a game feels like finishing a favourite novel. Even plotlines and sidequests you have played through before feel new when you play them in a new character's life, with dialogue tweaked to individual personalities and different friendships, and the context of a whole life story that is built up from the different challenges that your heroes encounter. It is a game that really encourages the imagination. Top recommendation.
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 19:30
Nice turn-based combat with fun role-playing opportunities make the campaigns fun. Great way to get that fantasy combat itch scratched.
109 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 13:37
I appear to be in the minority here but this game just did not do it for me. The UI would fairly often not be friendly to me despite me clicking the correct characters in the correct spots. The game also is a bit repetitive although the stories are a nice break in between.
122 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 21:06
Honestly one of the best games I've ever played. Because of how much love went into crafting the story and dialogue, it only took my 5 minutes to start caring about the characters, even though they were randomly generated. Because of the art and music, I also immediately fell in love with the world this game takes place in... which is also randomly generated. Wildermyth is so SO charming, and I will be playing it for dozens more hours. Very replayable.
197 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 13:30
Great Casual Game! Be sure to play on higher difficulties if you have played turn based RPG's before!
50 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 07:55
I just played through the tutorial story straight through the evening and into this morning (Steam says I have 11 hours played). I had to stop and re-load mission starts a few times when I was overzealous on throwing my people forward in mission maps, but otherwise it went splendidly. The story was engaging, and I was interested to see what was going on with my characters. I want to play another game, but I should really sleep. Anyway, do yourself a favour and play this game if you like strategy RPGs. Think FFTactics (kinda) but with a more individualized story. Beautiful music and artwork too. :)
293 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 21:35
I bought this game as I do many others: I'm bored and hoping it will be good.

Wildermyth was like striking gold. This game is amazing, and I'm nowhere near done playing. There is so much to do and I haven't even started checking out the community mods for the game. I've gone through the story campaigns and a few random ones. The premise of the game is fantastic, it's not too complicated, it's rewarding, and can be challenging. The Devs are constantly working and communicating with the player base (their Discord channel is great!).

10/10 would buy this game again.
830 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 23:52
I would wholeheartedly recommend this game. Every scenario I've played so far has been fantastic, I love the random events, and I love the lasting consequences of said events. The first campaign was long, and a good example of how an entire custom campaign could be written. The ending had me almost shedding a single manly tear.
881 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
2889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 22:44
I'm really really loving this game. Not only are the combat mechanics engaging and varied, the writing, aesthetics, music are all so pleasant. The stories committed, while tongue-in-cheek self-aware. The imagery is lovingly scribed, and the deviations from convention in their wordplay is delightful.

Every decision and battle builds upon the story. Every hero who falls has a fate rolled, and you live and move with it. My 56 year old archer lost her arm and had to swap to a crossbow. But she still lives to fight side by side with her son, who was introduced this chapter, and they get a perk for that. I adore all of this.

If a hero falls, or retires, you can raise a monument, and have them be a part of your legacy, available for future play throughs.

I can't speak well enough of this. It takes a special kind of game to pull me from my multiplayer ambitions, and this is that game. Weaving a beautiful world for me to guide and witness stories in.

If you love narrative turn-based tactical games, and like the sound of driving that narrative and watching it take shape with your choices, creating legacies and characters as you do so...

Worth supporting this project. You'll get your money's worth for sure.
641 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 17:47
Code Written By Hidden Gems Review : https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38624426/

Wildermyth it's a great roleplay with rpg elements where the choices you do matter a lot in the game.

The characters are really customizables and you can be whatever you want, after create your first 3 characters, they interact and you have to decide their fates. Each choice matter in the video for example was wondering if put the hand in the fire and me... sure why not! well the result was interesting XD

Beside that it's a turn based strategy with a lot of strategy even can use the enviroment for fight; you can also hire new heroes in your travel where you manage the cities for gathering resources and defend them againts enemies.

You can see my Gameplay here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5tVJwI9Tq0&ab
37 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 05:13
Honestly Wildermyth took over my life the moment I began to play it. This game is highly addicting and just a lot of fun. I didn't expect it to be so funny, but I love that it is. I grew severely attached to the very first character I was given, and really appreciated the legacy system for my attachment reasons. I was able to bring Cowster Buck into all of the stories I played, and watched his legacy grow.

The games combat is really interesting and fun, also challenging at times. I liked the challenge though, for it made me look at the bored differently so I could form a strategy to win.

I've already recommend this game to friends. One of which bought it and fell in love to. I wish there were more chapters to play through. I would love to see old Cowster Buck continue his legacy forever.
275 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 18:08
Increible game! Well written and thought out dialogue.

Fun turn based combat that flows quickly and doesn't drag on. Combat plays out like a puzzle and generally feels balanced.

My only concern is that the game and spike in difficulty if you don't know what you are doing and can really ruin the flow. This is early access so I assume this will be dealt with as it goes forward. It also seems like you can add your own mods and stories going forward as well.
41 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 19:22
Artwork is great, writing is alright and has massive potential. But needs work.

It tricks you into thinking it has a lot a replayability with all the coded randomness, but in the end everything comes out kinda the same.
The aging and offspring system isnt very engaging. Unique items are bland and disappear with the character as do the rest of the items.
The themes atm are honestly a mess with some not applying because of 1 hook line and others dumped on top of each other leaving the character a mess and not in the good way.
The stuff happening in the overworld isnt very relevant and me personally am missing the option to have a proper bad egg in the party.

It is one of those games whose idea makes me want to play it until I think about what's actually there.
136 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 20:00
Great fantasy style XCOM-ish game. Very little time investment required. Art is well done and for an early access game it is remarkably complete. You start to have an idea of what each character's personality is and you begin to roleplay them through your choices and what they do (or don't).
126 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 14:21
Very involved Devs, especially given the situation. Regular updates, already deep levels of gameplay, well put together storylines. The only thing I wish is that there was a glossary of some kind to help explain some of the more abstract pieces of gameplay.
93 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 02:15

As you can see by the hours I have already invested, I actually really like this game. Especially the first two times I played it. BUT (like many before me have already said) it gets repetitive fast. I'm now at a point where I only play it once a month, if that, with the hope that I'll find it a bit more interesting than the last time I played it.
The art is great, the writing is somewhat decent, the mechanics are nice, and the devs are very active with updates and fixes. But it's still not a finished game, and if, after reading some of the more positive reviews, you're still on the fence, I would advise you to wait for it to be completed before you buy it.
429 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 01:17
If you're a fan of creating original stories or characters, this is the game for you. One of the best roleplaying games I've ever played, and rivals AAA studios in how connected you get with your characters. A steal for $17.99
72 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 15:26
This game is fantastic and there is so much potential for more content. The world is so unique and I'm really hoping the devs continue updates and the workshop continues to grow. It's incredibly fun to see your heroes interact, age, look back on past events, and pass the torch to the next generation of heroes. Would love to see (through official updates or the workshop) more events and interactions added, an expansion of the weapons and armor system, more facial customization, and possibly an in-world market or store to trade supplies and/or buy gear, but in it's current state this game is still a gem and worth every penny.
68 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 02:27
I've decided to give this game a chance since the game's idea was so different, I was without high expectations since it's open beta, and then it was like holy shit this game is awesome.
Probably the best open beta game I've played, this game is smooth and different from any game I've previously played, a truly gem of strategical RPG games.
Many games fail to give you the experience of procedural and randomized things, this game is one of a kind that manages to do that while giving you an amazing tabletop RPG experience.
Of course this game is still in beta so I trust the developer to polish and add more things, like the combat balance needs more work. For me this game already offer in beta things that many released games can't deliver even with millions of DLCs.
61 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 16:02
This game is extremely well rated, and I understand why, but people should know it's not for everyone (nothing is). In short, this game seems to cater to more casual players rather than hardcore turn-based tactical players that love games like XCOM and Battle Brothers. I recommend it for the prior type of player and not the latter type of player, and since I'm of the latter category, I gave it a thumbs down.

I enjoy the art and the comic / tabletop themes and the customized character development. There are definitely some fresh ideas in this game which I like but I just don't see a lot of depth to either the tactical or strategic layers of this game and it just wasn't able to hold on to my attention. Some abilities are busted (e.g. double attacks / counter ranged attacks / stuns / guaranteed dodges), others are borderline worthless, and the skills you get access to are based on RNG. Medium difficulty is pathetically easy, the jump to hard was significant because I think it's balanced around the utilization of 'legacy' heroes, which requires a bit of grinding ...grinding I don't care to do.

Maybe I'll pick up this game again later and give it another shot, but it just doesn't seem to be my thing.
300 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 05:55
Xcom, fantasy edition, featuring a bucketload of lore, a more forgiving character death system, and some truly decent writing.

Play this if you:
-Love isometric strategy
-Enjoy story heavy rpg's featuring custom characters
-Are interested in a storybook like aesthetic with beautiful art

Rough spots:
-Underdeveloped overworld map (including features that are more or less meaningless, like building defenses)
-Slightly frustrating character aging mechanic that feels inconsistent

I have already got my money's worth, I didn't know I needed a procedurally generated Xcom like fantasy game with more replayability, but here it is! Give it a shot
15 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 01:58
A must buy that will eventually get repetitive and boring, but this RPG somewhat RNG game is... something i've been looking for. I suggest not playing on normal/easy difficulty which is replaced with the names of authors of books. Meaning hard is = George R.R. Martin. It can be pretty challenging. Anytime one of my character dies I just leave because i'm annoyed but you have the option to continue playing that campaign. I haven't completed a campaign once because of mistakes I know I made.

One important thing about this game is that you can easily see your mistakes and why you made them and you will eventually learn how the mechanics work. I suggest googling certain ambigious abilities like elementalist and naturalist which you just won't really understand unless you google about it. I spent about 24hrs into this game and I love it.
383 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 01:20
Truly amazing game, one of a kind. Never played anything similar to it, it's like DnD but with no social aspects, truly single-player experience. Fun combat, great storytelling, amazing product all around. It's early access but it honestly has more than enough content already - it took me like 6 hours to complete beginners campaign. There are 3 preset campaings and then you can dive into procedural ones. 10/10 experience so far.
100 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
2439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 02:11
Needs a Thumbs Sideways rating, but I'll round up to yes.

It's a great concept that's well executed, but it needs a lot more variety and content, and better ways to pull it all together.

it starts off SUPER AMAZING for the first three or so campaigns, but then it becomes repetitive fast. My 5th campaign had me just blowing through most of the random events because I had seen them already.

I got a good quality 30 hours of it with the progress they have thus far in EA. I look forward to seeing it develop more.
312 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 14:30
I have only played for about an hour so far. But i can tell you this game is OOZING charm. I am a huge DND fan and this is honestly the closest thing ever to an actual DND campaign. You make so many decisions and the story unfolds based on those decisions. This game is a dream come true for me. I hope you will give it a chance. The best part is this does not feel like early access at all. HUGE game. Excited to see where to project ends up in a few years i have very high hopes.
144 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 12:35
Only played about 4 hours so far but loving the attention to story and character. I feel this game will only get better the more I play it.
1290 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 04:23
Would have preferred to review this once it was released(or buy it post early access since I have problem with playing games too much in EA and then not as much when they are released) but caved in and bought the game and really loved it :D

I think its best attempt at combining procedural gameplay with storytelling stuff I've seen. Like in lot of games random events feel like board game events, but this game actually makes them feel part of character's story really well.

Besides that, well I want to do review of this again when its released so not gonna get too detailed here
125 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 21:45
XCOM style tactics in a fantasy world, beautiful art rendered in Paper Mario 3D style, and a dash of procedural storytelling.

The content is slightly lacking, but that is what early access is for. It's charming, endearing, just generally uniquely indie and awesome.
537 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 05:27
It is fantasy XCOM and a storybook style storytelling thingy, and half my team are freaks now thanks to my terrible decision-making. 10/10.
134 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 16:40
XCom meets Calvin & Hobbes.
74 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 02:15
It's... okay. It doesn't live up to the expectations other reviews set up for it. There isn't much variety in how characters play so everyone feels the same after a few hours. It's also very immersion breaking when your new 30 year old adventurer has a 21 year old son show up (that was in my first campaign btw, no legacy heroes involved) or how folks who were lovers for 30 years don't remember their significant other if they die in battle. The fact that I started witnessing a substantial amount of duplicate events in my second campaign was also a big minus for me. It drastically reduces the replay value of this game. A game whose main selling point is storytelling should have a lot more events and more substantial relationships between the characters.

There's several other nitpicks to make, like how pointless building defenses are, the six-person limit for your brigade of heroes (at least I never had the opportunity to recruit more until I killed people off to test it) when most tasks want a party of 4-5, how 5 Chapter campaign maps become cumbersome to traverse with the small party size...

TL;DR: The first three chapter campaign will be fun but once you get past that you've pretty much seen all this game has to offer.
430 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
2622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 05:35
Every now and then a game comes out that redefines a genre. This is one of those games.

A new take on an old phormulae - the randomness of the events combined with the permanence of your actions blend perfectly into a story which feels alive. The game mechanic is interesting and challenging, from the combat to the overland maneuvering and management of resources to improve your gear. The developement is steady, with new chapters (arc stories) coming out regularly. Other than those, you can play the random 3 or 5 chapter games, with characters from previous games as possible recruits or legends in the events and stories you encounter. All in all, well worth your time and money.
892 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 11:08
Wow, about as close to a D&D experience as I've had on the computer without an actual GM. This game is a gem.
240 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 22:16
Very fun! Seems very polished, easy to play but hard to master. Refreshing mechanics and even better story.
Best game I've played in 2020 for sure, you wouldn't think this is still in beta as it's rich in content.
139 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 21:21
An utterly unique and wonderous living tactical turn-based rogue-lite procedural story-book of the highest order. I've never played anything quite like it and the price is criminally low even when not on sale. Even in early access there's a lot of content here. Beautiful pop-up book graphics, x-com-esque combat, a choices matter e-comic with randomized elements and great humour that belies the game's darker undertones with at present 3 storys to play that span decades and generations that never play out the same twice ( not to mention a build your own random game AND a campaign creator to boot). Robust and interesting character creation and progression and a cool world map that adds another strategic element as you take, fortify and sometimes lose various territories on your way through your own tailorable party-based saga. There's so much to see, so much to do and so much variety. A must play for anybody with a soul.
212 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 06:26
2nd Review I've ever felt compelled to make. Here goes:

Steady, meaningful updates. Enjoyable character and story progression. Turn based combat is engaging but not overly complex. The approaching calamities give urgency and meaning to your choices. Casual enough to be enjoyed when time is short. Deep enough to sit down and get lost for a number of hours. Really enjoying this so far. Worth the price to me. I'm certainly planning on sinking more hours into this and I look forward to seeing the developers mature an already entertaining game.
521 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 20:06
Very good game that keeps you wanting to play more .
174 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 15:55
This game is a lot of fun even in its current state. It reminds me of what Massive Chalice was trying to do, but I feel like this is a bit better executed.

The introductory 3 chapter campaign is a great taste of what this game has to offer, but I found that it was the 5 chapter campaign that really pulled me in. I had to start thinking about my choices long term instead of in the moment.

By about chapter 4 of the 5 chapter campaign I had three separate groups roaming the map. I built my groups off of character relationships instead of just character class. I also had to shift to investing in younger characters because a few of my originals were going to be retired at the end of the chapter. It all made for an interesting exercise in strategy and choice.

If there's one thing I know I want more of it's content. Clicking through an event you've already seen before is a tedious exercise. Fortunately, the game comes with a bunch of tools for players to create their own events. I have not worked with these tools yet. If I do, I will come back and update this review.

There are a lot worse things to spend your money on. If you like turn-based strategy and have a boring weekend coming up, I recommend giving this a romp.
148 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 00:31
game of the year 2020 early access be damned, this game is un freaking believable. Amazing art style and story. Love the detail put into customizing each character and how diverse each story and event can be no matter the number of play throughs.
281 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 23:38
Truly wonderful game.
I am hoping that the developers will continue to support the game with much added content and updates
208 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 20:40
Outstanding innovative turn based rpg!
204 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 20:59
Very fun game. As of right now, i've found just 2 bugs, a visual glitch where i couldn't see the interrior of a house during a fight, and and another where i couldnt goo trough a door. Other than that love the game.
44 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 05:10
Just to be blunt, this game isn't really as much as an RPG or a roguelike as much as it is a storyweaver that you can use to tell your own stories. There are plenty of things to like about it, in that it allows you to roll characters and let them go off to have a good story. The combat is simplistic fun, the events are somewhat interesting, and the enemies look cool. Now for the not so good parts that should be improved.

1. The combat is too simplistic: it isn't bad, but it is a bit too simplistic. I played a story on George R.R. Martin difficulty, but there wasn't that much of a difference in fighting Drauven, Morthagi, or Gorgons. The Thrixl are a bit more interesting to fight as they can interfuse, but there isn't too much of a difference. They tended to blend together as the only thing I needed to think about was just keep hitting them hard. I didn't pay attention to how much armor or warding they had or how I had to change my approach between fighting the Morthagi or the Thrixl. My feedback would be to highlight the differences in how they fight. Have the Thrixl overtime gain advanced interfusions to use, or the Morthagi have more manufacturers that gradually turn out more and more smaller units. This should be done along with giving us options to adapt to fighting them between fights such as maybe purchasing potions that we have to go to down between fights to get more of, or not being able to use them in ambushes.

2. There doesn't seem to be an intentional way to create an overarching storyline with a character: For example, I was trying to make a character storyline where the mystic gets chosen by the Wolf God to become his servant and protect the land from the Morthagi, but there is no intentional way to make sure the event only activates for him. There are hooks to increase the chances, but it is still mostly RNG. There also didn't seem to be any follow up events to him having accepting the Wolf God's blessing, which makes that event seem a lot less like a crucial event in his life, and more just a little power up/furry cosplay. There are gameplay implications, but not story implications. It could be for simplicity's sake as it is multiple events and interactions happening with each character, but it still sucks that there isn't a storyline.

3. There isn't enough intentionality in build customization: there is a metric ton of rng that comes with trying to build a character how you want gameplay wise. If you want a character to have certain skills on rank ups, it seems to be depending on rng, instead of on choosing which skills. Same thing with trying to make sure that you characters get the right gear for their roles from the start, given that I couldn't get my tank character a shield that he needed to not die. A way to fix this might be to have some kind of skill tree that each characters level up individually that you can plan out which skills that you get. An item shop in the town you start at or a full on stash where you can equip your characters with any bottom tier weapon would also give more freedom that players need.

P.S. Please add some kind of exotic, powerful items that can really change up how the characters can fight. For example, a mystic quarterstaff that doesn't give potency, but gives increased blocking and physical damage would be really cool, as well as an ability to use sentinel. There could even be a hard quest that the characters have to grow and change in order to survive. Maybe they even have to fight a monster or deal with past trauma to prove themselves worthy of using them. They don't necessarily have to be randomized, and would add intentionality with how we can build our characters. RNG is good when it is in the right places, but it shouldn't be getting in the way of us being able to tell a story.

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Rating auf Steam Äußerst positiv
95.41% 8373 403
Release:13.11.2019 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Worldwalker Games LLC Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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