News Liste Wildermyth

1.7 Kevkas Swordhand
22.04.22 17:03 Community Announcements
Wildermyth is now live and on sale on the Epic Games store! Crossplay is supported so you can play with your friends regardless of where you purchased Wildermyth. You don't need an Epic Account to play multiplayer, but if you have one, you can use it. This has been in the works for a while; we're very excited it's out for all you Epic Store connoisseurs!
Wildermyth is on the Epic Games Store here.

With this patch, we've added color customization options for colors used during combat. You'll be able to customize them if you're having trouble seeing any default colors! We hope this helps make Wildermyth more accessible. We've also updated an old event with fresh writing and dialogue as well as added new Tidings.

You'll also see some minor UI and sfx additions, balance changes, and a buncha bug fixes.

1.7+414 Kevkas Swordhand

Crossplay with Epic Games!
Family Business Revision!
New Tidings!
Increased the weight of Heirloom Spring event
Added Colorblind options!
Added view button to achievement popups
Added achievement button to Legacy menu
Mythweaver potency buff can be gained from ruins scenery
Rogue+ now causes heroes to enter grayplane on stunt
Bloodrage reworked:
* Old: Extra Damage per 2 HP missing = 1 + 1/3 Potency
* New: Linear based on % missing health,
up to 2 + 1/2 Potency + 1/4 Max HP
Also, only affects melee/ranged attacks
Broadswipes damage rework:
* Old: Bonus Damage + Potency
Upgrade grants +2 Damage
* New: 2 + 1/2(Bonus Damage+Potency)
Upgrade increases scaling to full
Added sfx for some abilities
Bloodrage now shows current damage bonus gained
Abilities now show if they're melee or ranged
Adjusted several incorrect references to "Physical Attacks"
Shieldshear no longer counts as a melee ability
Meteor Strike no longer counts as a ranged ability
Some wings are now folded in non-combat scenarios
Can now set custom hero turn order via Options > This Game
Empowered bone weapons revert to normal over legacy
Heroes without soulmates present won't have random kids
Engage "line of sight" being broken is now more predictable
Engage+ has clearer feedback now
Added particle and filter effects to fire and poison
Fire damage animation takes much less time
Multi: Control over a hero can be set in the recruit dialogue
Multi: Large pets are controlled by same player as their owner
Multi: Heroes you control are automatically selected first
Added icons for legacy hero ability choices
Added store button to main menu
Improved feedback for heroes with melee+range theme attacks
Theme aspects like fire immunity now show in character sheet
Controller invalid clicks no longer deselect current action
Controller improved navigation in several dialogs
Fix multiplayer bug with customizing heroes at the same time
Fix a bug with Loyal hook quest targeting
Fix a bug where Storied Bones improved multiple hero's weapons
Fix a bug where Ghost Town hook would spawn an extra town
Fix a bug where skeleton theme rivalry had weird interactions
Fix a bug with Untouchable preventing attacks on walling allies
Fix a bug where Chaos Whorl could be used on lone enemies
Fix a bug where non-QWERTY layouts showed bad hints
Fix a bug where Salvage wouldn't destroy certain scenery
Fix a bug where Connect to IP multiplayer didn't work
Fix a bug with scorpion tail formula
Fix a bug with Sharpshooter and theme ability feedback
Fix a bug where longreach improved new flight abilities
Fix a bug where sentinel and protector could ignore stasis
Fix some crashes
Fix some typos
Fix some backend text
Tools: "keepOverLegacy" option to keep augments over legacy
Tools: Added Theme editor!
Tools: Added "Create Branch Event" button to Branch Outcome
Tools: Single-line text fields expand when editing
Tools: Color-coding for comic actors of different types
Tools: Improvements to Comic Editor "Auto-Match"
Logo for Wildermyth
Release:13.11.2019 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Worldwalker Games LLC Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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